2023 Member Picnic
July 20, 2023
Twenty three people sailed down from the San Francisco Bay, Rolled off of their autos and here’s what they had to say “We’re calling everyone to ride along” (apologies to Blues Image)

Tour de King City
June 4, 2023
Twenty three people sailed down from the San Francisco Bay, Rolled off of their autos and here’s what they had to say “We’re calling everyone to ride along” (apologies to Blues Image)

Brews and Blues
January 31, 2023
Brews and Blues at Mr. Mojitos with music by the Blues Rockers

2022 LPR Toys Abound for Tots
December 20, 2022
D’Angelos, Vanacores and Reeds deliver toys to Joey Childs’ toy drive

2022 Crazy Hats Christmas Party
December 14, 2022
The annual year end and awards party at Pasatiempo was an unbridled success. Article by Nancy Calvin. Photos by John Reed.