Tour de King City
May 27, 2023

article by Doris Britschgi (photos by Judi Jones)

Twenty-three people in twelve varied Porsches plus one other marque left Sandy’s Restaurant in Gilroy for a drive through the countryside on a pleasant Saturday morning. The goal of the drive was lunch in King City. Leaders John and Angie Reed led us while Russ and I brought up the rear. We drove on twisty, hilly roads past grasslands and farms, dodging the frequent potholes that unfortunately are currently commonplace in California. We skirted around a few small communities, stopping near Tres Pinos for a welcome rest break. After sufficient time to use restrooms and chat in the parking lot, twelve cars hit the road again while one headed home.

The rest of the drive had more twisty roads, grassy hills and valleys, yellow mustard and blue lupine, a variety of crops, cows and horses, occasional houses and barns, and interesting geologic formations. (We were quite near the area where the San Andreas Fault runs.) Suddenly the quiet countryside gave way to the town of King City where the tour was to end. John easily led us to a roomy parking lot and The Cork and Plough restaurant. Our multiple choice, pre- selected and pre-paid lunches were all delicious! Before, during and after lunch we enjoyed chatting with old friends and getting to know new people until it was time to go our separate ways. Thank you, John and Angie for another pleasant LPR tour.sw