Member Picnic at Roaring Camp
July 19, 2022
Kris and crew pulled off an amazing Member Appreciation Picnic

LPR member receives Publisher Clearing House prize!
July 6, 2022
Who says that no one wins a Publisher Clearing House prize? Not long time LPR member Les Schreiber.

Bathing in the Redwoods Tour
June 30, 2022
Was there really bathing in the redwoods? John Reed gives us all the low down about this well received tour

Thirsty Thursday June 2 at NarrativeBrewing
June 3, 2022
Thirsty Thursday at NarrativeBrewing contributed by Kris Vanacore

The Drive to the Drive Tour
May 16, 2022
Hosts: John and Angie Reed, Hugh and Nancy Calvin Write up by Kat Hsueh On the cloudy morning of March 27, 2022, a group of twenty-one Porsches, with their people and pups, gathered in the Bernal