LPR Board Meeting Minutes, October 2022

Present: President – Peter Ridgway; Vice President – Kris Vanacore; Secretary – Dana Drysdale; Membership – Iain McNeil; Member at Large – John Gould. Additionally, Activities Chairs – AX – Dave Dunwoodie, Hospitality Chair – Emilie Highley, Webmaster – James Turk, Safety and Tour – John Reed; Prieta Post – Donald Chaisson

Not Present, Submitted Report: Treasurer – Johnny Musser; Activities – Bob Morgan

October 4, 2022, 7:01 PM to 8:20PM

Call to Order

President Peter called the meeting to order at 7:01PM.

Board Member Reports:

President – Peter Ridgway

a) We need someone to lead the Nov. BOD meeting. I may not make it but will send the Agenda out. Since it’s on the 1st of Nov. , there’s a good chance we will NOT have the ballots counted yet. There is little doubt that there will be no surprises so we can probably do a email vote to approve next years Board. Kris offered to run the meeting, she will do so if Peter is not available.

b) It’s taking about a month to get awards from Alpine so we’ll need to figure out how to handle the Autocross Awards this year. Especially if the last AX is on Nov. 5th. I propose we use the same Award plaques as last year since Alpine no longer has a Santa Clara office for looking at awards.
Last year we spent $1767.63 for awards. They are running about 30% more expensive this year.

c) I need a volunteer or 2 to champion the Oct. 30th Concours at Fremont Porsche. This basically involves bringing coffee and donuts for early arrivals (say by 7:30 am), working with Gunter to make sure everything is going well and mostly, presenting the awards at the end. I will have the awards for whoever wins this opportunity! We’ll also need someone to direct parking cars. We already have 11 signed up but I don’t expect more the 25 – 30 cars. Jim Turk (parking and organizing), Dana Drysdale (coffee and stuff), with Honore D’Angelo as backup for Dana if Dana is not back from Texas.

September Board Minutes: President Peter asked the Board to approve the September Board minutes. Kris Vanacore Seconded.

Ayes: 5     Noes:  None    Motion Passed

Vice President – Kris Vanacore

GTG: Met with Peter, Bill Weir, the Dunwoodie, and a couple more people at Mr. Mojitos on Almaden Expressway for a potential Thirsty Thursday on the San Jose side of the hill.
Kris will contact Beer 30 to do a November 3rd Thirsty Thursday.

2022 Awards Event: Chris Dyer made up a Hilarious “Hilarious Hats Holiday Happening” save the date flyer. I need to set up the event on MSR before the November blast. Otherwise only details are needed to be done closer to the event.
The per person meal prices have gone up from $49 last year to $69 this year (although I haggled and got the price down to $59.99). We might want to begin looking for another venue for 2023.

2023 Picnic: Kris secured Saturday, July 15, 2023. Prices have risen from approx. $18 per person to approx. $25/27 per person. We may need to rethink this free to members event. Thoughts:

  1. Make this a BYOB picnic-this is my favorite! Much less hassle for the VP!
  2. Limit the number of attendees?
  3. Charge $10 per person? Discussion of various options for new members, coupons, etc. Don Chaisson mentioned PCA has a new member stipend for new members, Kris discussed possibly having this as a new member event.

There was discussion of the Inn to Inn

Secretary – Dana Drysdale

With Pres. Peter, tried out Jakes in Saratoga as a possible location for various – Cars / Coffee, Thirsty Thursday, others. Much upgraded during Covid, lots of parking. Got a pass from us. Great information meeting with Pres. Peter. Once again, thanks to all for info in advance of our meeting! Makes meetings go better.

Further discussion of Thirsty Thursday’s initial concept as being able to bring food, ideas of bringing food to another location in Santa Cruz. Pres. Peter summarized by saying we will discuss in Planning Meeting, November 20.

Treasurer – Johnny Musser

  • Recap: September Financials
    • Expenses: $ 979
    • Income: $ 4791
    • Net Income (Loss): $3812
  • Income was Autocross & Goodie Store
  • Expenses were Autocross, Membership
  • Recap YTD Financials
    • Expenses: $ 33,771
    • Income: $  39,065
    • Net Income (Loss): $ 5293

LPR-PCA Assets on September 30, 2022:

             Current E-checking account balance is:        $  2,725
             Current Main Checking balance is:                 $ 54,257
             Savings, CD and Petty Cash $:                         $ 20,518

LPR-PCA’s other financial asset is the Timing Trailer, on the balance sheet as an asset of $1,345.

Membership – Iain McNeil

New Members from PCA  2

Transfers in    0
Transfers out 0
Total Membership for the month of June:

Primary Members        342
Affiliate Members        216
Total Members            558

Test Drive Participants   0
PCA Juniors                      8

25 Years
Eric and Pat Lynch

10 Years
Bill and Tom Monroe

5 Years
Robert Orcutt

New Members and Transfers In

Matthew Koenig of Santa Cruz, Matthew drives a 2021 911 Carrera
Garrey Learmouth of Scotts Valley, Garrey also drives a 2021 911 Carrera

New member packages will be sent to all new members this week.

Proposal:  Iain proposes we accept the new members.  Second: Dana Drysdale  Ayes:  5  Noes:  None  Motion passes

Iain has been asked to run a tour for 993 registry for Rennsport Reunion, will be planning a long drive. Kris suggested working with John Dangelo; maybe John could approach all registries and clubs in the area to increase the number of model specific tours. Discussion of opening passenger seat up to Registry members who do not have cars with him, probably case by case basis.

Who else needs a badge – a badge request from Bill Weir, one other. Minimum order is 7, so, we may need to gather any badges that we anticipate. Email Peter and Iain if you would like to order a badge.

Activities – Bob Morgan

LPR Calendar

The LPR calendar is up to date. Let me know if there are changes and/or adds.


Cooking school Tour on 10/8/22, Certificate of Insurance (COI) received
Ole’ Amigos Tour II on 11/12/22
Toys 4 Tots Tour on 12/11/22


Cow Palace & Crows Landing dates insured (confirmed)
Let me know if anything changes

Concours, Rallye

Concours at Porsche of Fremont on 10/30/22 




Thirsty Thursday at Beer Thirty on 11/3/2022
2023 Planning Meeting on 11/20/22
2022 Awards Event on 12/3/22

Email your ideas for tours, GTG’s and other events to bobbo408@comcast.net

2022 and 2023 Calendar

Email your ideas for tours, GTGs and other events to bobbo408@comcast.net

Member-at-Large – John Gould

Ballots are released, no further update at this time.  Pres. Peter interjected: Propose to move the meeting to 11/3 @ Beer 30 at or near Thirsty Thursday.

Chairperson Reports:

Autocross – Dave Dunwoodie

Our August event at the Cow Palace went well but was poorly attended (46 drivers) partly due to car week in Monterey and prior family commitments with our frequent date changes not helping. GGR did well with 71 drivers so they offered to take over the portables payment ($600) to lessen our loss to about $700 for the event.

September 10th was our first event at Castle AFB in Atwater. The heat wave didn’t help attendance, but we ended up with 43 Saturday (LPR) and 48 on Sunday (GGR). When we arrived at the hotel Friday it was 109 degrees, we lucked out with 89 on Saturday and 91 on Sunday. The weekend went very well and I’m looking forward to more events there in the spring and fall if we can get people to make the drive.

Registration is open for Kill-a-Kone October 16th at Crows Landing

Proposal:  Fund 1) $2,000 for September for Crows Kill-a-Kone, plus $500 for Porta Potties 2) Same amount for last event of the year November 5 at Crows.   Moved: Iain McNeill     Second:  John Gould     Ayes: 5     Noes:  None   Motion passes

Charity and Hospitality – Kathy Musser, Kris Vanacore, Emilie Highley

Charity –

Kill-A-Cone Scheduled for Sunday, October 16th. Brad Boardman and two other members from Morgan Autism will attend.

Toys for Tots The D’Angelo’s are working on the flyer. Kris checked in with the Silicon Valley Moving & Storage (collection site for the last few years). They are hoping to beat last year’s toy collection numbers. Centerpieces from this year’s Awards Banquet will be raffled off with all proceeds going to the purchase of additional toys.

Jacob’s Heart The September 24th tour was very successful. . .13 cars and 25 participants. LPR members were very generous with their donations which total $3,280.00. Our thanks to the Eiskamps for their hospitality – the ‘Make Your Own Pizzas’ were, again, a BIG success! October 13th is scheduled for a presentation of checks to Jacob’s Heart, John Reed will be on hand to take pictures. For now, Jacob’s Heart will remain in Watsonville. They plan on a location change in April 2023, moving to the midtown area of Watsonville.

Hospitality – As reported earlier, Valerie Gould (John’s lovely wife), took a bit of a ‘spill’. . .fell and shattered her upper left arm. . .OUCH! Currently Val is in acute rehab (under the watchful eye of John) – per John, surgery will follow, no date has been set yet. Cards have been sent. Please keep Valerie in your thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery and less pain!

Prieta Post Editor – Don Chaisson

Don is working on executing on the proposal he made a couple meetings ago:

We did not get around to sending out the “survey”, so I’m proceeding on the notion that we have three arms of member communication:

  1. Email blasts.
  2. Website
  3. Prieta Post

And that each provide a different communication and are mutually supportive of each other.

Don worked on developing a “look” for the Prieta Post and have the first issue well on its way to be ready to proof and publish. See the attached copy forwarded before Board Meeting.

There are some needed items to finish:

  1. Finish the second “feature article” on WERKS
  2. President’s message (can be rather short Peter.. or if you are in a mood, please go on!!
  3. Editorial
  4. Get the rest of the advertisers placed.

The Jan Feb issue will feature “The Concours Edition”…. So watch out for requests from the concours leaning folks for stories…Also, there will be articles about Inn to Inn tour? Don believes this would be better with the Email blast, possibly. Kris brings up ideas about driving new membership interest – Don acknowledges, and believes that shorter, more frequent communication is a better idea. Don will steer some content into a more timely vehicle, maybe the bimonthly blast.

Public Relations – Open

We are looking for someone to take this position – basics are sending photos, possibly an article into Panorama.  John is happy to continue taking pictures, but anyone should feel free to take photos. 

Safety & Tour– John Reed


The Observer’s Report for the September 10th LPR Autocross and the 24th Tour was sent in a timely manner. The Observer’s Report for the October 2nd Tour was sent in a timely manner. The release form were received by the LPR Activities Director or are in transit. There were no incidents to report.

Tour – The Jacob’s Heart Charity tour and the Inn to Inn tour were well attended and well organized. Upcoming – the Yankee Hill Cooking School tour on October 8th, the deadline to sign up has passed. Sign ups for the Ole Amigos tour on November 12th are open, the publicity will be ready soon and sent with the LPR mid-month blast.

Social Media – Dana Ambrisko

  • October Blast Update was sent early on September 28th due to deadlines for upcoming events
  • Mid-month Blast will be sent around October 15th
  • Nothing else to Report.

Tech – Peter Ridgway

Nothing to report from our sponsors. Bill Weir and I now have excellent reports on RaceChip for anyone wanting to add 30 to 84HP to their cars with a really easy and CA smog way to chip them. Obviously, this was not needed but was testosterone fueled! Bill Weir is working on engaging BRR racing as a sponsor.

Discussion of a tech session at BRR and potentially Canepa, have not been there for some time.

Webmaster – Jim Turk 

Jim is busy making ballots work on the website and other balloting business. Jim will send reminders every Monday. He expects about 2 He is also making sure we are on latest release of WordPress to run our website. Jim added July minutes and tour information to the website.

Also, Jim thanked Kris and Kathy for guidance with Thirsty Thursday and Cars and Coffee.

Old Business:  None

New Business: None

Adjourn Meeting: Meeting adjourned by President Peter at 8:20PM

PCA's Good Time Region, since 1970.