Steve Mitchell


It was four years ago last month that long time active LPR member Steve Mitchell passed away. Steve was, for many years, the Editor of the Prieta POST.  Steve co-hosted with wife Jackie several good time gatherings at their home, most notably the Annual Academy Awards Party and the unforgettable Taco Night GTGs. But most notably, once again, Steve and Jackie were ultra-active in LPR. You name it and they were there, not only as participants but volunteers for whatever needed to be done. So, what brings Steve’s name to the forefront now? Glad you asked.

I recently called Jackie to see how she was doing during this COVID -19 pandemic, during our conversation she mentioned what has happened to her life since Steve’s passing – from selling their home in Gilroy and buying a place in Brentwood where her sister resides to beginning a new life without Steve which, she said, was quite an adjustment.

One prominent ‘family member’ was their 2002 996 Carrera 4s. The Porsche was ordered from the factory and once delivered became a valued family mainstay. After Steve’s passing the Porsche stayed in the family and became their son Matthew’s prized possession. During our conversation Jackie said that Matt and his wife had moved to Atlanta and became  members of Peachstate Region where Matt has since become quite active, as you can see from the article he wrote for  this month’s Prieta POST…real active, indeed!

Talking to Jackie brought back a flood of fond memories of our time with them, these come to mind because of the fun we had, I’ll start with – drum roll, please

Steve gets almost naked

…Our drive to the Porsche Parade in Keystone, Colorado started this adventure. During our week-long stay in a condo just up the road from the Parade headquarters, Steve was fully clothed most of the time, but watching Steve edit the Prieta POST sitting on a couch in his boxer shorts and T shirt was a real treat, especially for Angie. We got so used to this scene, mostly in the morning, that it became another day with Steve hovering over his laptop barely dressed doing his away editor thing. Steve didn’t spend all day every day doing this, he simply wanted to get articles or event publicity out of the way before going home. How’s that for dedication?

Going home wasn’t to be for a least another week after the Parade. We packed up, said goodbye to the condo and headed out to Jackson Hole, Wyoming. This is a Lovely town and the gateway to the Grand Tetons and Yellowstone National Park. Steve once again organized the drive, set up where we stayed and lead the ‘tour’ as well. I was waiting for the laptop to appear as he drove and seeing more POST articles being edited.

Driving into Yellowstone Park we found a stretch of road that was long, straight and free, we hoped, of police. Steve punched it, I punched it and before you could say “Hi yo, Silver” we were slightly above the legal limit – not for long, but long enough to get a feel of what a 911 Porsche could do. We were also in the land of where Bison roam free, seeing these massive creatures walk and trot next to the car was an unusual feeling, but we gave them a wide berth and they, in turn, ignored us. During our ‘spirited’ drive we saw nary a Bison in sight, maybe we weren’t looking to right or left, it’s always good to keep ones eyes on the road, especially when the ‘spirts’ call.

The next few days and the rest of the drive, organized by Steve, was spent sightseeing and enjoying the weather. The gorgeous scenery was worth the time spent getting there, you should take yourself to this part of America on a road trip sometime, it’s really worth it. This adventure with Steve and Jackie will always be remembered as one of our favorites – boxer shorts, T shirt, laptop and all!

Next – Up In the Air With Steve

…A few months after returning home Steve called and invited us to join them for the air show at the San Martin airport, I frankly didn’t know there was an air show but we were happy to accept.  What a production! Steve as our guide showed us the ins and outs of the show as well the air museum. I was impressed with his knowledge about all thing air, including the space between my ears which he pointed out as many times as possible. Later that afternoon we lunched at one of the Mitchells favorite Mexican restaurants in downtown Gilroy. This was a pleasant day with pleasant friends, one of many over the years, isn’t that what it’s all about?

We do miss Steve with his sense of humor and laugh, his dedication to LPR will be remembered by those whom he called a friend and who knew how much our PCA region meant to him. Time to say goodbye once again to Steve Mitchell; it’s been four years, you may be gone but not forgotten.


While musing about Steve Mitchell I mused to myself while travelling down LPR’s memory lane. I look back on all of the active members that have come and gone over 50 years. People join the Porsche Club and LPR in particular not knowing at first what to expect, I know Kathy and I didn’t back in 1970 when a fellow named Ken Iles invited us to sign up and join in on a weekend tour to Volcano, Ca.  What a first time experience! We felt that this was what a car club was all about and not only did we join LPR on the spot but Kathy volunteered to run for the 1971 LPR board. And we were not officially LPR members yet, that came a few weeks later.

From that beginning and going forward over the years we met and became friends with many wonderful Porsche people. Kathy’s no longer with us but if she were I’m sure she’d agree that this will always be a big part of why we remained active in LPR.  Friendship and comradery is always at the forefront, which became the mantra woven into the fabric of Loma Prieta Region… life is good in the company of good friends!

Until next time or when the cows come home to roost ( oh, that was last month) stay safe and healthy and we’ll see you…on the road ahead.
