2017 Kone Killer Autocross

2017 Kone Killer Autocross
Brad Boardman is a keen participant in LPR's autocross series, is an instructor for newbies to the activity and just happens to work for the Morgan Autism Center, beneficiary of the charity funds generated by the Kone Killer AX.

Oktoberfest for 2017

Oktoberfest for 2017
Event host, and apparently Instigator General, Peter Smith recruits a merry band of O'festers to participate in this "party hearty" photo.

Avila Beach Tour

Avila Beach Tour
You have to hand it to Tony V. No matter where he goes he has a keen eye for carving out another slice of la dolce vita.

Summer of Love GTG

Summer of Love GTG
Hal & Dianna placed this inflatable yellow submarine on their mailbox as notice that this was party central.

Tech Session with Fremont Porsche

Tech Session with Fremont Porsche
It's always the duty of the man to change the tire when there's a flat. It's the ultimate dream of men to open the trunk to get the tools and find a genuine tire wench! Thanks, Christina.

Penne Pasta and Hurrying Horses

Penne Pasta and Hurrying Horses
Turbo Baby and Carbureted Candy were the only two horses that weren't named after an LPR heavyweight.