Written by Margie Jensen

Photos by John Reed


First there was the “Wine and Wieners Tour” and then, the “No Wine No Wieners” tour.  I propose a third title “Make Your Porsche Happy” tour. I could actually hear our Porsche purr like Cleo (our cat) getting a good scratch behind her ears. Our Porsches, long needed a cruise to stretch the gears and clear out the fuel injectors.

Practicing social distancing at the registration table.

Our list of attendees may be longer than the actual article. So here they are by last name only: Our illustrious Hosts the Vanacores, the Ambruscos, Bettancourt and guest, Bloom, the Boardmans, the Byers, the Coles, the Dunavens, the Dyers, Estuesta, the Frostholms, Goekel, Hsueh and Mandy, Humphries, the Iles, the Jensen’s, Mendes, the Reeds, the Schaefers, Sung and the Wongs. Last, but not least, in our lineup was Robert Orcutt, a first time tourist with the Good Time club of Loma Prieta. This is just an appetizer of future great tours and GTG’s, and we hope he joins us on other events and tours.

Us, tourists, met behind the Wells Fargo off Camden on Saturday, June 13th. After collecting our Covid 19 Release Forms and various other sign-ins, Tony led a drivers meeting.

Tour organizer, Tony Vanacore, giving directions at the drivers’ meeting

We split into two groups: the Spirited Group and the Sightseeing group. Ken and I joined the Sightseeing group behind leaders Johnny and Kathy Musser. Of course, Tony and Kris led the Spirited group. So, off they went, never to be seen until the rest stop at Mendoza Ranch County Park.

The sightseeing group traveled along at a nice clip enjoying straight-aways, hills and curves. It was a lovely spring drive on a lovely spring days with fresh Kelly green leaves, trees and bushes. Lots of planted flowers and wild flowers were sporting colorful blooms.

It wasn’t until the we caught up with the Spirited group that we learned that a good portion of their group had missed a turn and barreled down the road towards Highway 152 and that Mandy got sick in Kat’s car. She hopes that Kat chooses the sightseeing group nest time.

Kat and Mandy (pre-carsickness)

The good news is that most of the group rejoined us at the rest stop and a few joined us at the end. After the stop we became one large “Spirited” group behind Tony and Kris. I however,  felt Mandy’s car sick pain, and was glad when a half hour later we arrived at our destination. Standing in the middle of the road, we collectively said “good bye” and “thank you” to our LPR friends and to Tony and Kris for planning another great tour.

Check out many more photos in our Photo Album!