Present: President – Dana Drysdale; Vice President – Honore D’Angelo; Secretary – Sheila Dunwoodie; Treasurer – Andy
Ward; Activities – Bob Morgan; Member at Large – John Gould; Membership – Kathy Musser
Additionally, Activities Chairs
AX – Dave Dunwoodie, Hospitality Chair – Emilie Highley, Webmaster – James Turk, Safety – John Reed; Tour – Hugh Calvin; Prieta Post – Donald Chaisson; Social Media – Dana Ambrisko; Technical – Peter Ridgway; Charity – Kris Vanacore
October 10, 2023, 7:02 PM to 8:14PM
Call to Order
President Dana called the meeting to order at 8:14PM.
Board Member Reports:
President – Dana Drysdale –
Board Minutes: President Dana asked the Board to approve the
Sept. 12 Board minutes. Ayes: 5 Noes: None Motion Passed
Zone 7 President’s Meeting was 10/5, 5:30PM – 7:15PM. Summary:
PCA Business
Zone 7 Awards, and PCA National Awards
Consideration of current and prior LPR members
for Zone 7 Awards:
Discussion: Need to submit nominations by November 1.
Hybrid Board Meeting Nov. 14 at El Jardin, Santa Cruz (thanks Honore!)
“Oktoberfest and Tour with Non Tour Option”
Oktoberfest (late) celebration with MBR. Theme food, beer available.
Non-Tour Option: Meet at Carmel Valley Youth Community Center @ Noon, 11/4/2023
Tour Option: “MBR’s Favorite Drive” Departs Pasatiempo with 2 stops:
1) Laguna Seca for restroom and last hour of Cars & Coffee
2) General Store on River Road Cost is $35 and $5 beer – tour or no tour, for tour, $5 per car at Laguna Seca
Next year, MBR would like us to host the Oktoberfest tour in Santa Cruz, target late September.
Proposal: Dana requests $500 deposit to cover tour Facilities: $125 Cleaning (refundable) $375 Facilities recoverable through Tour fee Second: John Gould Ayes: 5 Noes: None Motion passes
Vice President – Honore D’Angelo
11/2/2023 – Thirsty Thursday – Kelly Brewing Company – 70 E. 4th St. Morgan Hill, CA 95037
12/2/2023 – Awards Banquet – Back Nine – Pasatiempo – Hawaiian Theme
12/10/2023 – Toys for Tots Tour
Secretary – Sheila Dunwoodie
Thank you for your reports in advance of the meeting!
Treasurer – Andy Ward
Absent – Report submitted.
Recap: September Financials
Expenses: $ 3,436
Income: $ 0.27
Net Income: $ -3,436
Income was: Interest & Dividends
Expenses were: Autocross, Administrative, Tours
Recap YTD Financials, Jan 1 to September 30, 2023:
Expenses: $ 31,420
Income: $ 51,365
Net Income: $ 19,945
A few items to note:
Additionally, there are a few expenditures for which we need BOD approval before payment:
Proposal: Andy proposes we approve the listed expenditures. Second: John Gould Ayes: 5 Noes: None Motion passes
Membership – Kathy Musser
New Members from PCA (2)
William Gelpi from Aptos, 1997 911 Carrera
Charles Race from LaSelva Beach, 2003 Boxster
Transfers in (4)
Timothy Roberts from Monterey Bay, 2014 Cayman S
Roger Brown from Monterey Bay, 2011 Panamera 4
Ami Ngo from Golden Gate, 2023 Macan S
John Tucker from Golden Gate, 2005 911Carrera;
Transfers out (3)
Non-Renewals for the month of September (2)
Member Renewals for the month of September (16)
Total Membership for the month of September:
Primary Members 372
Affiliate Members 235
Total Members 607
5 Years
Daniel Deng
10 Years
Sotirios Barkas
Lane Skelton
James Blount
15 Years
John Eiskamp
Proposal: Kathy proposes we accept the new members. Second: John Gould Ayes: 5 Noes: None Motion passes
Activities – Bob Morgan
Absent – Report submitted
LPR Calendar
The LPR calendar is up to date.
Let me know as there are changes and/or adds.
Jacob’s Heart Tour on 10/14/23 (insurance request submitted, should receive by 10/11/23)
Ole Amigos II Tour on 10/21/23 (Insurance request submitted, same as above)
Joint Tour with MBR on 11/4/23 (Insurance received)
Butterfly Tour on 11/18/23 (insurance requested)
Toys for Tots Tour on 12/10/23 need start address, I have end address.
Insurance has been received for all sites and dates, please advise if the schedule changes.
Concours, Rallye, Tech
Zone7 Concours #5 at Sonoma Plaza by Redwood Region on 10/22/23
Zone7 Concours #6 at Porsche Livermore by Diablo Region on 10/29/23
Zone7 Concours #7 at Porsche Fremont by LPR on 11/5/23
Email your ideas for 2023 tours, GTG’s and other events to me at
Start thinking about 2024! The 2024 planning meeting will be virtual on Sunday 11/12/23.
Member-at-Large – John Gould
Nothing new to report. Voting is active.
Chairperson Reports:
Autocross – Dave Dunwoodie
Our September 9th event went well with 56 drivers; not bad with this being only 2 weeks after our last event and only 3 weeks since being added to the calendar.
Our next event will be Kill-A-Kone on October 29th at Salinas Airport. 39 have signed up so far.
I need board approval for costs for our last event at Crows Landing November 11th. Site fees $2000, Portables $700, and lunches $900. Also, for our annual Pronto Timing support $425. Also, for misc. reimbursement costs from the past 4 events of $187 for a new PA mic, batteries, signs, gas for the generator, etc.
Proposal: John Gould proposes we approve the fees per Dave’s request. Second: Honore D’Angelo Ayes: 5 Noes: None Motion passes
Charity –
Kathy Musser, Kris Vanacore, Emilie Highley
The Jacob’s Heart Tour has 17
attendees. All social media was updated before the RSVP date of 10/7. One club member who isn’t available to attend has donated $1000. We have the $750 from
the PCA subsidy. The Charity Committee would like to propose that LPR match that $750.
Kill-A-Kone for Morgan Autism is 10/29 at the Salinas Airport as part of this year’s Ax series. Someone from Morgan will be on hand along with Kris to accept donations. This year we will raffle off 2 single days of AX and a gift basket generously donated by our own Ms. Emilie. Raffle tickets are $20 each. We have Autism rubber bracelets and keychains to give away plus a tub of red licorice will on the charity table to entice donations. Given that this event is just before Halloween and just for fun, we will be decorating Kones with monster faces.
Kris will write up article for the Prieta Post.
Kathy mentioned that if writing a check, please make it payable to the charity organization; not LPR.
Hospitality – Emilie Highley
Absent – Nothing to report
Prieta Post Editor – Don Chaisson
Working hard to assemble the Nov Dec 2023 POST to be published early Nov… Probably after Nov 1.
The issue is, as expected, Rennsport 7 centric.
Articles will be: General report on RR7 to set up specific articles
* 75 Years of Porsche Color Display — since we had several LPR members displaying their colorful cars!!
* A review of the racing but going deep into the Deluxe Carrera Cup Races (I interviewed one of the drivers since he is a “local” guy (Monterey — almost a LPR member possibility)
* Gorilla Marketing at RR7
I’m hoping Dave can hustle an article on Kill a Kone AutoX. If I can free up, I’ll attend. (Kris volunteered to
create an article.)
I’d love to have someone do a review of “Jacob’s Heart Tour”. It will be current enough to feature in “In Case you missed it”. Same thing for Ole Amigos Tour. I cannot attend due to conflicting golf related commitments/assignments. So, perhaps a one-page of report and photos each? Thanks in advance.
Themes for the Jan Feb issue will be Year in Review, report on LPR Concours (I think) and other random matters of (I hope) interest.
One of the things I’d love to get going for CY24 is an expanded Members Corner. Love to have a featured member of the issue, interview and photos of his/her Porsche. It would really be nice if I could get a NEW member to volunteer to be featured.
Discussion: Suggestion to contact Dave Modderman of Modderman Service to be a spotlight for an article.
Public Relations – Open
Report submitted by John Reed:
Awaiting our submission to From the Regions to appear, it should be in the October Panorama issue ( I hope). There are several future LPR events upcoming which should provide a good selection for a future submission. All of the LPR Information boards have been updated.
(We are looking for someone to take this position – basics are sending photos, possibly an article into Panorama. John is happy to continue taking pictures, but anyone should feel free to take photos.)
Safety – John Reed
The Observer’s Report for the Pinnacles Loop Tour II was sent into PCA in a timely manner. Thank you to Kris Vanacore. The release forms were sent or hand delivered to LPR’s Activities Director.
Tour – Hugh Calvin
The Pinnacles Loop and 993 Registry Tours were conducted in September. Tour fees ($5) waivers apply to remaining tours this year.
Next up is the Jacob’s Heart Tour on 14-October.
Further out: Ole Amigos (10/21), Joint LPR-MBR Tout (11/4), Butterfly (11/18), and Toys for Tots (12/10).
Hugh requests approval to purchase 3 GMRS Radios for tours in the amount of $350.00.
Proposal: Kathy Musser proposes we approve the amount of $350.00 for the purchase of 3 GMRS Radios for tours. Second: John Gould Ayes: 5 Noes: None Motion passes
Social Media – Dana Ambrisko
* October Blast Update was sent on October 1st
* October Mid-month Blast will be sent on or around 15th
* A weekly reminder to vote for 2024 board members and 2023 awards will be sent out to members
Tech – Peter Ridgway
Waiting on Fremont Porsche to see if the Nov. 5th Concours turns into a bigger event with the tie in of the new Cayenne launch. If not, it’ll still be great. Fremont will provide lunches and Dana with bring coffee and donuts for the early arrivals. And I’ll still be stuck in France unless a miracle occurs.
Webmaster – Jim Turk
Will someone be providing a flyer for the concours on November 5? (Received from Peter.)
Who will be updating the By-Laws if the amended section 9 liabilities of Membership is approved?
Discussion: New By-Laws per PCA model will be done next year. Ideally, it should be a “cut-and-paste” task. Homer will need a committee to help. Dave Dunwoodie has volunteered.
Old Business: None
New Business: None
Adjourn Meeting:
Meeting adjourned by President Dana at 8:14 PM