Present: President – Peter Ridgway; Vice President – Kris Vanacore; Secretary – Dana Drysdale; Membership – Iain McNeill; Activities – Bob Morgan; Treasurer – Johnny Musser; Member at Large – Steve Graham. Additionally, Activities Chairs – AX – Dave Dunwoodie, Webmaster – James Turk, Safety and Tour – John Reed
Not Present, Sent in Report: Hospitality Chair – Emilie Highley
Guests: John Gould
October 5, 2021, 7:01PM to 7:47 PM
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:01PM.
Report on an Email Vote – Ole Amigos Tour
John Reed asked the Board to vote to support the Ole Amigos Tour. By Email , as tabulated by President Peter Ridgway, 100% of the Board voted to subsidize the Ole Amigos Tour $4.50 per tour participant up to $153.
Board Member Reports:
President – Peter Ridgway, including Sponsorship
Leadership positions and elections are the focus for next month.
Vice President – Kris Vanacore
The Sept. 16 Inn to Inn drive and lunch was successful with thirty-four members attending. The club subsidized $10 per person while Dave and Lucy Modderman, Sponsors, picked up the drinks. Photos and an article written by Bob Frostholm were submitted to the Post.
Awards Dinner is the next up event on December 4 at the Inn at Pasatiempo
Kris will reserve the dates for these events and do organization for these events. President Peter stated that members will help with these events.
Secretary – Dana Drysdale
Nothing further to report. Thank you to the Board for forwarding reports before the meeting!
Treasurer – Johnny Musser
Recap: September Financials
- Expenses: $ 7,425
- Income: $ 1,289
- Net Income (Loss): ($ 6,136)
- Income was Sponsorships & Autocross
Expenses were Autocross & Inn to Inn tour
Recap YTD Financials
- Expenses: $ 66,424
- Income: $ 42,415
- Net Income (Loss): $ (24,009)
LPR-PCA Assets on June 30, 2021:
Current E-checking account balance is: $ 4,374
Current Main Checking balance is: $42,132
Savings, CD and Petty Cash: $20,515
LPR-PCA’s other financial asset is the Timing Trailer, on the balance sheet as an asset of $1,345.
Membership – Iain McNeil
(updated numbers to come)
New Members from PCA 0
Transfers in one
Transfers out zero
Total Membership for the month of September:
Primary Members 322
Affiliate Members 204
Total Members 526
Test Drive Participants 0
PCA Juniors 8
Anniversaries (August)
10 Year
Terry & Jill Rager
5 Year
Wolfgang Kottseiper
New Members and Transfers In – April and May- all received Welcome packages
James Blount of Saratoga, driving a 1969 911E.
Iain sent a welcome package to James.
Proposal: Accept the new member. Motion: Iain McNeil; Second: Kris Vanacore; Ayes: seven; Noes: None
There followed a discussion of purchasing badges for members, for example, Region of the Year did new badges for all new members, and this was noted in PCA Board meeting.
Activities – Bob Morgan
LPR Calendar
Is up to date, including the Ole’ Amigos Tour on 11/6/2021.
- Jacob’s Heart Tour is October 23. Insurance received!
- Ole’ Amigos Tour is November 6, insurance is requested.
If anyone wants to host a tour, let Bob know and he will add to calendar.
Dates updated on the LPR Calendar, and an updated Certificate of Insurance received. See Chairperson Reports Below under Autocross.
Concours and Rallye
- Fremont Concours is November 7th.
Add two other concours from the calendar.
See report from Kris Vanacore, Vice President.
Next Porsche Brunch is December 4 at Alice’s.
Please send ideas and proposals for events to Bob – – for processing and adding to calendar. Bob will add the RSVP information, etc. to the calendar.
Member-at-Large – Steve Graham
Election plan is to run with our Vice President position open. After years of great service, Kris is termed out. Discussion followed that Kris plans to organize Family Picnic and Awards Party.
Chairperson Reports:
Autocross – Anne Roth & Dave Dunwoodie Autocross 10/2 went well, momentous event. See Charity report for Kill a Kone results. Next Autocross is November 7.
Proposal: Request funding for November Autocross. Motion: Kristine Vanacore; Second: Peter Ridgway; Ayes: seven; Noes: None
Charity – Kathy Musser, Kris Vanacore, Emilie Highley
- On the early evening of Wednesday, Sept. 15 several LPR members met at LWG Construction in Morgan Hill. The owner of LWG Construction bid $500 at the Morgan Autism’s virtual Starry Night Fundraiser for a Porsche Patio Pizza Party, donated by LPR. Pizza, delivered by Mtn. Mike’s, salad, drinks, and cookies were provided at a club cost of $268.00. Photos were taken and Jim Turk wrote up the article.
- Oct. 2 was LPR’s 11th annual Kill-A-Kone event at Autocross. In spite of a lower than usual attendance (with many of our “regular” LPR Ax’ers missing), $3,121 were raised on site with the expectation that additional checks and on-line donations will increase our members contributions. Brad Boardman and Haley Sepulveda were there representing Morgan Autism.
- Oct. 23 Jacob’s Heart – October 23 will be the annual tour and luncheon to benefit Jacob’s Heart with the Musser’s leading the way.
- December – Toys for Tots – The D’Angelos committed to organize a Toys for Tots event in December, date is TBA.
Emilie Highley – Hospitality
Great News! Nothing to report! Please reach out to Emilie if you know of someone who is ill, needs cheering up, or has lost a loved one. A card from the club will go out immediately. Thank You!!!
However, Emilie is recuperating from a fall, and, after some procedures, is recovering at home. Kris sent a card to Emilie.
Prieta Post Editor – Open position for POST editor
We are posting articles to website and potentially Facebook while searching for a POST editor.
Public Relations – Open
John Reed sent in a photo and captions for the Inn to Inn tour to Panorama.
Safety & Tour– John Reed
Safety – The Observer’s Reports for the September tour and autocross were submitted in a timely manner. All release forms were given to the LPR Activities Director. There were no incidents to report.
Tour – The Inn to Inn tour was a considerable success, thanks to the Vancores. Upcoming tours are the Jacob’s Heart Tour on 10/23, contact Kathy Musser to sign up and the Ole Amigos Tour on 11/6, contact John Reed to sign up. The Toys 4 Tots Tour will be sometime in December, date TBD.
Social Media – Peter Ridgway
Peter is sending out email blasts about two times / month, these are well received. Peter would like a replacement for this job.
Tech – Peter Ridgway
Elephant Racing tech session November 13th. More details to follow.
Webmaster – Jim Turk
Updates and changes to the website were posted and supported.
Old Business: None
New Business: None
Adjourn Meeting: Meeting adjourned by President Peter at 7:47 PM