Present: John Reed, Angie Reed, Margie Jensen, Anne Roth, Dave Dunwoodie, Jim Turk, Iain McNeill, Steve Graham, Kathy Musser, Kris Vanacore, Robert Morgan, Kat Hsueh, Peter Ridgway.

Guests: Ed Tefankjian, Dana Drysdale, Les Schreiber, John Gould

Apologies: Lisa Radding, Emilie Highley,


October 6th, 2020     7:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Call to Order

September 2020 Board Meeting Minutes (distributed via email). Robert proposed, Margie seconded, no discussion voted unanimously.

Suspend reading of September BOD meeting minutes

Any corrections

Approval of the September BOD Meeting minutes. Margie proposed, Robert seconded, no discussion voted unanimously

Board Member Reports:

President – John Reed

I received the monthly region report from PCA along with other communications during the month, these are available upon request.

Vice President – Lisa Radding

No new events planned.

Dec 5 Holiday- Awards Banquet is cancelled. Deposit for event transferred to reserve next year’s event reserved for December 4, 2021.

Secretary – Iain McNeill

Email vote on Sept 17th to approve payment for Oct 3rd autocross ($2440) and Sept 13th portapotties ($1051.85) was proposed by Steve and seconded by Margie. Email vote was unanimous.

Treasurer – Margie Jensen

  • INCOME: $2,765.00
  • EXPENSES: $ 4,304.05
  • NET INCOME: – $1,539.05

Income: Autocross, Advertising

Expenses were from: Autocross, Post, Administrative, PO Box renewal

2020 Year to Date Financials

  • INCOME: $ 22,705.06
  • EXPENSES: $ 27,512.72
  • NET INCOME: -$ 4,807.66

As of Oct, 4, 2020   1:20 p.m.

Current E-checking account balance is:  $ 3,130.27

Current Main Checking balance is:  $ 56,699.23

Savings account balance is:  $  8,873.54

Payments needing votes:

$112.77 needed for safety vests. Margie proposed, Robert seconded, no discussion, passed unanimously.

$1052 needed for Portapotties at AX Oct 3rd. Steve proposed, Margie seconded, no discussion, passed unanimously.

$1052 needed for Portapotties at AX Oct 25th. Iain proposed, Kathy seconded, no discussion, passed unanimously.

Membership – Kathy Musser/Angie Reed

New Members from PCA (0)

Transfers in (0)

Transfers out (0)

Non-Renewals for the month of September(7)

Member Renewals for the month of September (14)

Total Membership for the month of September:

Primary Members   319

Affiliate Members    209

Total Members      528


5 Years

Don Chennavsin

10 Years

Gerry Hatcher

30 Years

Michael Hodos

A membership welcome packet was sent to last month’s new members, William Condon, John Franich and Dusty Hookey. Name badges are available.

Angie to provide Anne with list of new badges and Ed, Dave & Anne will deliver to registered AX attendees.

Activities – Bob Morgan

LPR Calendar

The LPR calendar is up to date showing cancellations for upcoming events through November except as noted below.

Please note, the Communicable Disease waiver (PCA Form) is required for all events


Jacob’s Heart Tour has been rescheduled to October 17. Awaiting insurance certificate. We need to provide a Covid-19 plan to PCA, as we did for the June Gilroy tour. The starting point will be moved to Santa Clara County, with no meeting at the end point. This is similar to the Gilroy Tour, so it should be acceptable to PCA. We will submit the revised plan asap.

The insurance request for the November 7th Tour has been submitted, but we will have to write a plan with the start point in Santa Clara County with no meeting at the end point. As soon as the plan is revised, we will submit it to PCA for approval.


Insurance has been received for September 13, and October 3, October 25.


The LPR/Zone 7 Concours at Porsche of Fremont was cancelled.


Cancelled the Rallye in October.


Thirsty Thursday for October was been cancelled. Peter will check the availability of an alternate site in Santa Cruz. Please alert me asap if revised plans are successful…

Please provide information to Bob Morgan ASAP (, so I can update the calendar with RSVP information, etc.


Member-at-Large – Steve Graham

Steve thanked Peter for volunteering to serve as President.

Awards: Lisa recommends leaving awards until the March 21 anniversary event. Wait until January to decide as there is no way to deliver awards anyway.

There were a few events in 2020 to provide a selection; a GTG in January, a couple of tours.  Kris volunteered to pull these ideas together moving forward into new years board.

Chairperson Reports:

Advertising – Peter Ridgway

All unpaid advertisers were contacted in September. One paid on the spot, another promised to get us a check, two others have contacted their bookkeeper to pay and one cancelled. Details will be given in my marketing proposal to the Board and Chairs for their review and comments.

Autocross – Anne Roth & Dave Dunwoodie

2 successful autocrosses. Kill-a-Cone should be as good.

Charity – Kathy Musser, Kris Vanacore, Emilie Highley

There are 2 events scheduled this month for Charity, the Jacob’s Heart Tour 10/17 and Kill-A-Kone for Morgan Autism Center, 10/24 and 10/25.

Jacob’s Heart Tour

The GoFundMe site is up to $1150.

I posted a suggestion on my Facebook page for folks to skip the candy for Halloween and donate to Jacobs Heart. John Reed sent out an email blast as well. There are currently 18 people signed up for the short tour and photo op. The cost of the tour is $25 per person, all of which go to Jacobs Heart. The Musser’s are leading the tour as Tony and I will be out of town. I just remembered to submit the PCA Region Subsidy Program which if accepted will give us an additional $450 for Jacobs Heart.


Due to Covid restrictions we are unable to do the lunch as in past years. BUT, this year Kill-A-Kone falls on a Zone AX event, GGR on 10/24 and LPR on 10/25. This will be the first time we’ve added GGR to our potential contributors!! While I didn’t see a Charity Chairperson on GGR’s website I will reach out to AX co-chairs Ed Hunter and Himatsu to ask about publicizing the event.

Hospitality – Emilie Highley

Everyone is well – no report this month.

Prieta Post Editor – Kat Hsueh & Chris Dyer

The October POST is live. Flyer for the November Tour has been created and sent to John and Tony for bulletin board postings.

Public Relations – Ken Iles

As usual, nothing to report.   However, if the scheduled tour takes place this month and we can provide a really great pic of the event, I will be happy to submit it to Panorama along with a suitable 30 word caption.

Rallye – Bob Frostholm

Nothing to report.

Safety & Tour– John Reed

Safety – The observer’s reports for the 9/15 & 10/3 autocrosses were sent to PCA in a timely manner. The standard and COVID – 19 release forms were sent to the LPR Activities Director. Thank you Ed Tefankjian and Dave Dunwoodie for the help.

Tour – Two upcoming LPR tours: The Jacob’s Heart Tour on October 17th.  This Annual LPR Charity event will start and end in Santa Clara county. Sign up with Kathy Musser ASAP to get latest details. The Hills are Alive Tour is scheduled for Saturday, November 7th. Sign up with John & Angie Reed before the November 4th deadline.  The details of these two tours are in the online Prieta POST under Events.

Social Media – Peter Ridgway

Other than sending out the mid month blasts, which I get to with friendly reminders from the President, LPR’s social media footprint consists of our website, POST and Facebook page. We’ve removed the cancelled advertiser from the website, POST and Facebook page and I will be requesting a few minor formatting updates soon. Mostly to improve readability.

Tech – Peter Ridgway

With Covid, there is no serious opportunity to sponsor tech sessions. With luck, we will have additional Tech opportunities next year and some new sponsors. Elephant/Vonnen is moving along and an air cooled version of the Vonnen hybrid is almost on the road. I hope to have a tech article on lowering a Macan next month. Hopefully with a video we can put on social media.

Webmaster – Jim Turk 

Maintenance and WordPress issue resolution.

34 votes so far. Check you didn’t vote no. Your last vote counts.

Old Business: 

New Business:

Peter advised we had 10 members subscribe to the printed POST in 2020 at $36 each. Since we only printed 4 issues,  he proposed we refund 2/3’s of their $36 or $24 each.

Motion refunding canceled Post printed magazine by Kathy, seconded by Margie, no discussion, voted unanimously.  Send email to 8 recipients inviting them to donate to the benevolent fund and refunding the portion if no response.

Adjourn Meeting:      

NEXT MEETING – November 3rd at 7:00pm – Zoom Conference/video-call

Round Table Pizza, 14940 Camden Ave, San Jose – TBD at a later date