Present: President – Dana Drysdale; Vice President – Honore D’Angelo; Secretary – Sheila Dunwoodie; Treasurer – Andy Ward; Member at Large – John Gould; Membership – Kathy Musser, Additionally, Activities Chairs – AX – Dave Dunwoodie, Webmaster – James Turk, Safety – John Reed; Tour – Hugh Calvin; Prieta Post – Donald Chaisson; Social Media – Dana Ambrisko; Charity – Kris Vanacore
Additional: Homer Pitner
November 14, 2023, 7:02 PM to 7:59PM
Call to Order
President Dana called the meeting to order at 7:02PM.
Board Member Reports:
President – Dana Drysdale –
10/10/23 Board Minutes: President Dana asked the Board to approve the 10/10/23 Board minutes.
Ayes: 5 Noes: None Motion Passed
Zone 7 Awards (summary of calls with Brian Adkins, other Presidents):
Zone 7 (Z7) is unique in that we offer (many years) both a Zone AX Series and Zone Concours Series.
These are fun, popular, and may help members in other AX and Concours.
Once per year Z7 does an awards event – Concours, and AX, sometimes combined.
Z7 also has recognitions awarded by nomination and vote of Region Presidents.
These recognition awards are not given every year, and a Region may not have nominees.
The awards are:
Rookie of the Year
Enthusiast of the Year
Wall of Fame (multiple possible)
Lifetime Achievement Award (multiple possible)
Z7 has some definition information here: Zone 7 Awards – Zone 7 PCA
Scroll down the page to see the definitions and Past Winners.
The process we used last year is for President to gather information with Board.
The Board agreed on our nominee last year. This is similar to what other Regions do.
We can consider other approaches, one of our goals in 2022 was to keep this work confidential from Peter R.
Tentative Timing for 2023: Nominations from Presidents to Brian Adkins from Dec 1 – 15.
Region Presidents vote on award winners. Intention is to present awards after the Zone Pres meeting in Feb or March.
Last year, a nomination for a Zone Award was so strong that one of the Presidents recommended submission for a national award.
And that candidate won the national award.
Request: If any Board or Committee chair has a person to consider for any Z7 award, let Dana know, and he will start the process with LPR Board.
Last Comment about Zone: For LPR and Z7 Regions, there will be zero impact from “dissolving” our Zone corporation. The Regions told Presidents to continue our AX, Concours and awards, and just run the minor $ through our Regions.
National Awards: These awards are also possible. Nominations are limited to 1500 or 3000 words. Pictures are not a word. There are competitive awards for publications, websites, AX, etc. Additionally, there are 4 other awards: Region of the Year, Enthusiast of the Year, Family of the Year, and PCA Public Service Award.
Here are the requirements: 2023PCANATIONALAWARDSNOMINATIONGUIDELINES_9-23-23.pdf With all you all do, I like our chances when we are ready in both Public Service and Region of the Year. The award is not the big thing, doing is all that matters, the score will care of itself.
Question about Planning Meeting: Is there a timing question? It is difficult to have all dates available for some events, including AX. Of course, we can also just be prepared to be flexible, that seems to be working. Not a big deal, just putting this out there for any discussion we may want to have.
Vice President – Honore D’Angelo
11/2/2023 – Thirsty Thursday – Kelly Brewing Company – 70 E. 4th St. Morgan Hill, CA 95037 – event was not attended by many – maybe rethink GTG’s in November??
12/2/2023 – Awards Banquet – Back Nine – Pasatiempo – Hawaiian Theme
12/10/2023 – Toys for Tots Tour
Secretary – Sheila Dunwoodie
Thank you for your reports in advance of the meeting!
As mentioned, voting on the Board of Directors and Awards was completed at the end of October. All votes were submitted online through MonkeySurvey set up by Jim Turk. No paper ballots were received by US Mail. Jim Turk extracted the results from MonkeySurvey [Ed. SurveyMonkey], and the votes were certified by Johnny Musser and Ed Tefankjian. The Awards voted by ballot and the Awards earned by the Autocross participants have been ordered through Crown Awards by Kris Vanacore and Dave Dunwoodie.
The following are the voting results for the list of Board of Directors for 2024:
President – Dana Drysdale
Vice President – Honore D’Angelo
Secretary – Sheila Dunwoodie
Membership – Kathy Musser
Treasurer – Andy Ward
Activities Director – Greg Sickal
Member at Large – Homer Pitner
In addition, the proposal to increase the $100.00 Board of Directors expenditure limit for club purchases to $200.00 has been approved by the membership. The By-Laws – Page 8 – Section 9 Liabilities of Membership will need to be updated.
Treasurer – Andy Ward
Submitted the Treasurer’s reports for the November BOD meeting, covering the month of October, and cumulative Income & Expenses for 2023.
Note that this month’s deposits include $6016.25 from MSR.reg that posted on Sept 01. For some reason this deposit was not included on last month’s reports. I’m not sure how that happened — the deposit was properly recorded to our account, but, for some reason, didn’t record as reconciled until this month, possibly because of the transition from Bank of the West to BMO. As a result, our October surplus was approximately, $9,600, bringing our annual surplus to over $29,000.
Recap: October Financials
o Expenses: $ 3,268
o Income: $ 12,893
o Net Income: $ 9,625
Income was: Autocross, PCA Regional Refund, Concours, 993 Tour, Interest Income
Expenses were: Autocross, Jacob’s Heart Contr (from PCA Region), GTGs, Post Expenses
Recap YTD Financials, Jan 1 to October 31, 2023:
o Expenses: $ 34,688
o Income: $ 64,258
o Net Income: $ 29,570
Would like to propose for the December meeting that we move the BOD meeting to the first Tuesday, December 5, as I will be out of the country from December 6th through the 22nd and hoping not to miss the meeting.
Discussion: December 5 is the agreed Board Meeting date for December. Calendar on the website and the mid-month Blast on November 15 will reflect this change.
Additionally, there are a couple of expenditures for which we need BOD approval before payment:
Proposal: Andy requests approval for $153.61 expense listed above. Second: Kathy Musser Ayes: 5 Noes: None Motion passes
Proposal: Andy requests approval for $149.00 expense listed above. Second: Kathy Musser Ayes: 5 Noes: None Motion passes
Proposal by email: Andy on behalf of Kris Vanacore requests approval to reimburse Tony Vanacore $1,137.65 for the 2023 Awards produced by Crown Awards. Second: Honore D’Angelo Ayes: 5 Noes: None Motion Passes
Membership – Kathy Musser
New Members from PCA (4)
Bob Goode from Santa Cruz, 2024 718 Boxster GTS
Blaine Halley from Santa Cruz, 1974 914
John Henderson from Corralitos, 1984 911 Carrera Targa
David Rose from Santa Cruz, 1982 911 SC Targa
Transfers in (1)
Jason Cathy from Golden Gate, 2006 911 Carrera
Transfers out (2)
Non-Renewals for the month of October (7)
Member Renewals for the month of October (12)
Total Membership for the month of October:
Primary Members 373
Affiliate Members 233
Total Members 606
5 Years
Gary Aquilina
10 Years
Richard Dykmans
15 Years
James Van Dam
20 Years
Anne Roth
Proposal: Kathy proposes we accept the new members. Second: Andy Ward Ayes: 5 Noes: None Motion passes
Activities – Bob Morgan
Absent – Report submitted.
LPR Calendar
We had the 2024 Planning meeting on 11/12/24. 12 members attended.
I was able to reconnect to my normal email address the next day.
The LPR calendar has been updated to include the activities we discussed during the planning meeting.
Let me know as there are changes and/or adds.
Toys for Tots Tour on 12/10/23 (insurance requested).
We did add several Tours to the calendar, like the Campbell Easter Parade on March 30, 2024. Some of
the others are tentative and may change if there are conflicts with the Autocross schedule.
We need to add the 2024 AX dates to the LPR Calendar. Please send them to me when they are
Concours, Rallye, Tech
There is a Car Show at the VA Palo Alto Center on January 6. Details will be added soon.
Will update the LPR Calendar as plans firm up.
We included the Cars & Coffee and Thirsty Thursday dates for 2024 on the calendar.
There will be a St. Patrick’s Day Party at the Morgan’s on 3/16/24, details to follow.
We need more GTG ideas, not necessarily Pot-Lucks, we can meet up at a restaurant if that works, we
do need more events/opportunities to get together socially!
Email your ideas for 2024 tours, GTG’s and other events to me at
Member-at-Large – John Gould
Kris and Dave have ordered the awards based upon the election.
Nothing else to report
Discussion: Kris Vancore reported that the awards are expected to be delivered on 11/22/23.
Chairperson Reports:
Autocross – Dave Dunwoodie
We just wrapped up the season with our 10th event and a spectacular 2.2 mile course at Crows Landing.
Working on the calendar for 2024, dates are penciled in for Salinas Airport but those dates all depend the response from Crows Landing. We’ve tried working with SCCA on dates but they are also not responding.
Trophies have been ordered and I’m offering 5 free AX at the awards banquet.
Thanks to Bill Charron, Homer Pitner, Ed Tefankjian, and Tony Vanaore for helping to strip the decals from the Autocross trailor. Peter Ridgway to finalize on the sponsors to be included on the new wrap. Trailor may need to be painted prior to the wrap. Dave will investigate the cost.
Charity – Kathy Musser, Kris Vanacore, Emilie Highley
Our October Fundraisers for Jacobs Heart and Morgan Autism Center were successful raising approximately $5k for each charity.
The Toys for Tots tour is December 10. Toys will be collected from tour participants and also at the Awards Event. We will once again deliver the toys to Silicon Valley Moving and Storage while they are in the process of sorting the toys. Great photo op! Special thanks to Kris Vanacore for helping to make this all happen!
Hospitality – Emilie Highley
Absent – report submitted.
October was a “wellness” month. Nothing to report.
Prieta Post Editor – Don Chaisson
The initial uptake data remains encouraging, with just three days in circulation, there 254 views by 159 readers (that’s half of the region—give or take!). The time spent by readers “on the book” now totals almost 14 hours. The statistics have an anomaly, IMO, because the “page” that got the most “attention” was “Page 5” which is the “Regional Leadership”. I’m not sure why so many region members would spend a total 1hr 14 min on that page — unless we have some people that are contemplating volunteering for the board??? Nah.
Time spent reading is significantly bi-modal, meaning that a significant number spend only a few minutes scanning the whole issue (range from one or two minutes to maybe 8 minutes) while another cohort spends more time, in the range of 12 to over 20 minutes consuming content. The readers yesterday were even more skewed to spending more time on the issue. See the charts below:
What does this mean??
Not surprising, there are a number of people who are interested enough to open the publication, but there is another more interested group who are spending time on the document. Also encouraging, the people who do spend time on the issue consume the “whole” document. Meaning that they were about equally interested in Region issues, e.g. Calendar, LPR Tour recaps and de-novo content, this issue Rennsport.
I have submitted to Andy a payment request for another year’s license to the software that generates the “flip book” presentation and powers the analytics such as discussed above. $149.00 for 2024.
We might even have a couple more “features” for next year, nothing firm yet but stay tuned!
Public Relations – Open
Report submitted by John Reed:
LPR is in the October issue of Panorama’s From the Regions. Check out page 132 for our smiling LPR ladies. A future photo-caption will be sent to Pano soon. The LPR information boards have been updated with current information.
(We are looking for someone to take this position – basics are sending photos, possibly an article into Panorama. John is happy to continue taking pictures, but anyone should feel free to take photos. )
Safety – John Reed
The Observer’s Reports for the October and November LPR autocrosses were sent to PCA in a timely manner. The Observer’s Reports for the LPR October and November tours were sent to PCA in a timely manner. Thank you to Ed Tefankjian and Hugh Calvin for the help with these reports. All of the release forms were sent or given to the LPR Activities Director. There were no incidents to report!
Tour – Hugh Calvin
The Jacob’s Heart Tour, Ole Amigos Tour, and Joint LPR-MBR Oktoberfest! Tours were completed by early November. Tour fees ($5) waivers apply to remaining tours this year.
The Butterfly Tour was cancelled.
Next up is the Toys for Tots Tour on 10-December.
Further out: That’s it for Tours this year!
Social Media – Dana Ambrisko
Tech – Peter Ridgway
Absent – Nothing to report.
Discussion: Kris Vanacore comment that they are looking forward to Peter and Bill to provided items from the sponsors for the Award dinner.
Webmaster – Jim Turk
Old Business:
Don Chaisson brought up the topic again regarding radios for tours. He recently went on a long tour though the Sierra’s with the Sacramento region. They had recently purchase new radios for the lead car, middle car, and sweep car for tours. These were pricey (maybe $400?) but were very effective. He will provide more information on what they bought. This will be an open discussion if others have suggestions or found out what other regions are using.
New Business: None
Adjourn Meeting: Meeting adjourned by President Dana at 7:59 PM