Present: John Reed, Angie Reed, Margie Jensen, Emilie Highley, Dave Dunwoodie, Jim Turk, Iain McNeill, Steve Graham, Kathy Musser, Kris Vanacore, Robert Morgan, Peter Ridgway, Collin Fat

Guests: John Gould



November 3rd, 2020     7:00 PM to 7:58 PM

Call to Order

October 2020 Board Meeting Minutes (distributed via email)

Suspend reading of October BOD meeting minutes, Kathy proposed, Steve seconded, no discussion voted unanimously.

Any corrections

Approval of the October BOD Meeting minutes. Kathy proposed, Margie seconded, no discussion voted unanimously.

Board Member Reports:

President – John Reed

I Received the monthly region report from PCA as well as various other communications which are available upon request. All communications addressed to members of board were delivered.

Vice President – Lisa Radding

The Family Picnic is confirmed with Leatha at Roaring Camp, July 17, 2021.
Depending on Covid guidelines and circumstances, she also has a few dates in August, the 14th, 21st and 28th as well. The board thought August 14th  was good but notes Monterey Car week is Aug 6th and Werks is Aug 13th . Kris will consider and lock in.
LPR is also confirmed at the Inn at Pasatiempo for the Holiday Party currently scheduled Dec. 4, 2021.

Secretary – Iain McNeill

  • 57 votes total, 2 mail-in votes,
  • All nominees voted in with >94% majority.
  • The amendment to the bylaws were approved by a majority of 52 : 5 votes.

Treasurer – Margie Jensen

  • Recap: October 2020
  • INCOME: $ 3,197.50
  • EXPENSES: $2,348.63
  • NET INCOME: $ 848.87

Income: Autocross, Advertising

Expenses were from: Autocross, Administrative

2020 Year to Date Financials

  • INCOME: $25,902.56
  • EXPENSES: $ 30, 104.46
  • NET INCOME: -$4202.90

As of Nov. 2, 2020   1:00 p.m.

Current E-checking account balance is:                    $  3,077.28

Current Main Checking balance is:                            $65, 951.02

Savings account balance is:                                          $  8, 873.63

$492 for Zone 7 fees, margie, Kathy second, no discussion, voted unanimously.

Membership – Kathy Musser/Angie Reed

New Members from PCA (3)

Lisa Antonino from Belmont, 2015 Boxster

Rich Gellert from Santa Cruz, 2007 Boxster S

Royce Florence Roco from Santa Cruz, 2000 Boxster

Transfers in (1)

Andrew Gilchirst from Golden Gate, 1999 911 Carrera

Transfers out (1)

Non-Renewals for the month of October (1)

Member Renewals for the month of October (17)

Total Membership for the month of October:

Primary Members   326

Affiliate Members    212

Total Members      538


5 Years

David Byers

20 Years

Bradford McClure

35 Years

Charlie Palmer

50 Years

John Reed

Vote to accept new members proposed by Kathy, Steve seconded, no discussion, voted unanimously.

Packages sent to October new members.  3 name badges were handed out during month of October, thanks to event chairs for supplying names.

Activities – Bob Morgan

LPR Calendar

The LPR calendar is up to date showing cancellations for upcoming events through December except as noted below.

Please note, the Communicable Disease waiver (PCA Form) is required for all events


The insurance certificate for the November 7th Tour has been received, so the tour is on.


If any additional dates open up, please let me know asap.


Maybe next year.





2021 Calendar Planning

The planning meeting is scheduled for 11/22/20. I am open to hosting a zoom meeting, if Jim Turk can set it up for me.

Feel free to email me in advance with your ideas and proposals for events. I will set up a tentative calendar for 2021 on-line so we can see what has been proposed. BYOB…

Please provide information to Bob Morgan ASAP (, so I can update the calendar with RSVP information, etc.

Peter and Jim can help get word out. Kris suggested linking to the How-to-run-a- pages . Dave will copy to Facebook also.

Kathy suggested a Christmas lights evening tour for the awards ceremony.

Emilie suggested trading gift exchange for evening lights at Willow Glen

Kris suggested Toys-for-tots tour starting from Firestation. John sent the protocols some weeks ago but no response. Emilie suggested combining the two.

Kathy suggested Toys for Tots in Boulder Creek as an especially hard hit area. The board thought all ideas were good and asked those involved to implement a plan.

Member-at-Large – Steve Graham

March 13th is new anniversary date, Steve asked if awards really meant anything this year. Kris suggested an acknowledgement to the folks who organized events; a certificate or champagne glasses. Kone-Killer award could be brought back “by popular demand” even though the perpetual award has been retired.


Chairperson Reports:

Advertising – Peter Ridgway    

All 2020 advertisers are paid up except Custom Alignment which will be caught up by Dec.

New Advertising Rates for 2021:

Premium Ads                     $1500/year     (previous rate was $1875 for full page front/rear cover)

non premium Ads            $ 500/year          (previous rate was $ 625 for half page)

Standard Ads                     $ 250/year          (previous rate was $ 325 for quarter page )

Event Sponsorships         $250/event  or $700/ year ( e.g. Autocross series,  Awards banquet, Family picnic)

Autocross – Anne Roth & Dave Dunwoodie

Dave tallied annual AX expenses ($11141) and receivables ($11027), so just a small loss.

Charity – Kathy Musser, Kris Vanacore, Emilie Highley

October once again saw LPR’s dedication to our charities, Jacob Heart and Morgan Autism Center.

On October 17, lead by the Musser’s 12 cars joined in for a tour to benefit Jacob’s Heart. $1,500 was raised that day and added to the $1,650 GoFundMe site gave us $3,150 to donate. The $750 subsidy from PCA hasn’t arrived as yet but will put the total for Jacob’s Heart at $3900! I have followed up with Collin Fat for status on the subsidy.

Oct. 24 and 25 were Zone 7 AX events and money was raised both days for Kill-A-Kone for Morgan Autism Center. An incredible total of $5,319 was raised over both days!!

Many thanks to all our generous members for making both of our charity events super successful!

Margie read a card from Jacobs Heart thanking Les Schreiber for his donation.

Emilie Highley – Hospitality

Flowers were sent to Bonnie Radding this month. Bonnie is recovering from a heart procedure. She is doing well!

A card was received from Bonnie expressing her thanks for the beautiful bouquet of orchids which she will enjoy during her recovery.

Prieta Post Editor – Kat Hsueh & Chris Dyer

The November POST is ready. No new news at this time.

Public Relations – Ken Iles

Sent Panorama John Reed’s photo of two of our Porsches outside Jacob’s Heart premises on the Saturday 17th October.  The caption contained all necessary data LPR needed to convey, yet did not exceed the maximum number of words allowed.

Rallye – Bob Frostholm

No report.

Safety & Tour– John Reed

Safety – The Observer’s report and Post Event Report for the Jacob’s Heart Charity Tour and the Kill-A-Kone Autocross were sent to PCA in a timely manner. All required PCA release forms were received by the LPR Activities Director. All events were safely run with no incidents to report.

Tour – The Jacob’s Heart Charity Tour was very successful, everyone had an enjoyable drive and we contributed $3,900 to the charity.  The Hills are Alive Tour on 11/7 is a go with 19 cars so far, the deadline to sign up is November 4th.

Social Media – Peter Ridgway

Still sending out the mid month.  I’m also collecting statistical data ( thanks to our fabulous webmaster).    This data shows how many times a month the LPR website sends a hit to an advertiser as well as most other activities triggered by a web site access.  Things like how many hits to motorsportreg,  the LPR calendar, Survey Monkey,  AX rules downloads,  etc.)

Tech – Peter Ridgway

I had hoped to have a POST article and a You Tube video on lowering my Macan but the video hasn’t been completed yet.  I did get good reviews from my lovely wife since it’s now about 1.5” lower and she can get in without a step stool.

Webmaster – Jim Turk 

  1. Multiple Home page changes to plug the election.
  2. Sent several Emailer voting reminders about the election.
  3. I will pre-process the election results and pass them off to the Secretary and

members of the Nomination committee for validation.

  1. Website maintenance
  2. Plugins updates
  3. Fixed a problem with the Photos related to Awesome Flickr Gallery.
  4. Posted Jacob’s Heart Tour photos and National Contest Winner photos.
  5. Looking around for a replacement for Flickr/Awesome Flickr Gallery. Flickr is fine but the WordPress plugin we are using is out of date and is causing problems.

Collin mentioned the subsidy was approved but could be 7-10 days. He encouraged us to set up events for 2021 even though the reality of the pandemic is that much of 21 will be affected. Better to be ready with events for when the situation eases than to be caught booking at the last minute.

Old Business: 

New Business:  Tabled until next month: Status of the Year End Awards, New membership thoughts.

Adjourn Meeting:     

NEXT MEETING – December 1st at 7:00pm – Zoom Conference/video-call

Round Table Pizza, 14940 Camden Ave, San Jose – TBD at a later date