LPR Board Meeting Minutes, May 2024

Present: President – Dana Drysdale; Vice President – Honore D’Angelo; Secretary – Sheila Dunwoodie; Treasurer – Andy Ward; Activities – Greg Sickal; Member at Large – Homer Pitner;  Additionally, Activities Chairs – AX  – Dave Dunwoodie, Hospitality Chair – Emilie Highley, Webmaster – James Turk, Safety – John Reed; Tour – Hugh Calvin; Prieta Post – Donald Chaisson; Social Media – Dana Ambrisko; Technical – Peter Ridgway; Charity – Kris Vanacore

Absent:  Membership – Kathy Musser, Activities – Greg Sickal, Hospitality – Emilie Highley, Safety – John Reed, Technical – Peter Ridgway, Charity Kris Vanacore

Additional:  Doug Ambrisko, Diane Chaisson, John Gould, Ed Tefankjian, Bill Bauer, David Byers, Gayle Byers

May 14, 2024, 7:01 PM to 7:35 PM

Call to Order

President Dana called the meeting to order at 7:01 PM.   

Board Member Reports:

President – Dana Drysdale

April 2024 Board Minutes:  President Dana asked the Board to approve the April 2024 Board minutes. 

Ayes:  5   Noes:  None    Motion Passed

Update from PCA National / Z7 Brian Adkins

Parade News: 17 Zone 7 members will be at Parade.  Sunday before the Welcome banquet there will be a Zone get together.  Brian Adkins will bring prizes to be drawn for Z7 attendees. 

PCA 70th Anniversary in 2025:  Block your calendar for September 13, 2025!  There is a goal for Regions holding events all over the US (& world) on that day.  More info to come from National & Z7 Brian Adkins

Treffen at Sea:  Brian Adkins is trying to obtain a list of attendees. 

 “Wine Tours” rules from PCA National: Last PCA Executive Committee Meeting included wine tours with more than one winery.  Not expressly forbidden.  Here are the guidelines / rules: 

  1. Tour ends at 1st Winery
  2. 2 – N Wineries:  Those must be a non-PCA event.  Anything after the 1st Winery.
  3. Same is true for Progressive Dinner or a Pub Crawl, etc.
  4. Please let Dana know about any questions / concerns about this policy – Region Procedures Manual will be updated by PCA with these rule changes. 

Thanks to all; with my out-of-town work am doing a lot of admiring from a distance, there is a lot to admire in LPR!

Vice President – Honore D’Angelo

4/28/2024 – Cars and Coffee – Brookdale Lodge – Brookdale – Great event and lots of folks from MBR and GGR – about 40+ cars
5/02/2024 – Thirsty Thursday – Beer Thirty – Santa Cruz
5/12/2024 – Cars and Coffee – Carpos in Santa Cruz
5/23/2024 – Thirsty Thursday – Jakes of Saratoga – Saratoga
6/06/2024 – Thirsty Thursday – Kelly Brewing Company – Morgan Hill
6/09/2024 – Cars and Coffee – Carpos in Santa Cruz
7/13/2024 – LPR Summer Picnic – Roaring Camp
7/14/2024 – Cars and Coffee – Carpos in Santa Cruz
8/01/2024 – Thirsty Thursday – Beer Thirty – Santa Cruz
8/11/2024 – Cars and Coffee – Carpos in Santa Cruz
9/05/2024 – Thirsty Thursday – Kelly Brewing Company – Morgan Hill
9/15/2024 – Cars and Coffee – Carpos in Santa Cruz
10/03/2024 – Thirsty Thursday – Beer Thirty – Santa Cruz
10/13/2024 – Cars and Coffee – Carpos in Santa Cruz
12/01/2024 – Toys for Tots Tour
12/07/2024 – Awards Banquet – BackNine Restaurant in Pasatiempo

Secretary – Sheila Dunwoodie

Thank you for your reports in advance of the meeting!

Treasurer – Andy Ward

  • Recap: April Financials
  • Expenses: $ 8,188
  • Income: $ 6,694
  • Net Income: $ -1,494
  • Income was: Autocross (members & non-members), PCA Region Member Rebate
  • Expenses were: Autocross, Membership (badges), GTGs
  • Recap YTD Financials, Jan 1 to April 30, 2024:
  • Expenses: 19,196
  • Income: $ 13,566
  • Net Income: $ -5,630

Those with a keen eye may note that earlier this year I mis-categorized a $78 payment to our insurance provider as an autocross expense. That’s been corrected on this report, bringing our total annual insurance expenses to $100 for both AX trailers, and reducing our AX expenses by a corresponding amount.

Thanks to Johnny’s assistance resetting the password, I updated our California incorporation documents with the Secretary of State. The Club’s next required update will be July, 2026. Also, I have completed a draft of our annual income tax statements and will upload both the federal and state statements within the next couple of days. 

As always, please let me know if you have any specific questions or concerns about our financial statements.

Andy will be out of town 5/28 – 6/9.

Membership – Kathy Musser

Absent – Report submitted

New Members from PCA (2)

Sherwood Anderson from Scotts Valley, 2013 Boxster S
Glen Ceresa from Watsonville, 2024 718 Cayman GTS

Transfers in (1)

John Daker from Golden Gate, 2011 911 Turbo

Transfers out (01)

Non-Renewals for the month of April (4)
Member Renewals for the month of April (22)
Total Membership for the month of April:
Primary Members 374
Affiliate Members 233
Total Members 607


5 Years

David Olson
Bob Nunes
James Thompson

10 Years
Jim Turk

15 Years
Dadbeh Roubakhsh

Proposal:  Kathy proposes we accept the new members.  Second: Honore  Ayes: 5   Noes:  None  Motion passes

Activities – Greg Sickal

Absent – Report Submitted

LPR Calendar
* Updated the calendar with various changes
* Email any calendar additions/changes for tours, GTG’s and other events to activities@lprpca.org

* Submitted insurance for Forest Bathing Tour on June 16th

Member-at-Large – Homer Pitner

Nominations committee

Meetings proceeding on monthly cadence.  Next meeting is May 16.

New National bylaws review

Third draft out for review by Nomination Committee, will gather feedback on this Thursday which is our next monthly meeting.  LPR policies and procedures will need updating as well.  Will try and have this done in the same timeframe as the bylaws.

Chairperson Reports:

Autocross – Dave Dunwoodie

Our May 5th AX #3 went very well, and the new trailer survived a very wet weekend.

I would like board approval for the costs for our July 8th AX #4. $4000 to cover site fees, lunches, and towing costs. I also need approval for a Zone 7 bill for the trophy fees of $8/driver for our May 5th Zone 7 AX. $360.

Proposal:  Honore proposes we approve costs up to $4,000 for July 8 AX.  Second: Andy  Ayes:  5  Noes:  None  Motion passes

Proposal:  Honore proposes we approve Zone 7 fees of $360 for May 5 Zone 7 AX.  Second: Andy Ayes:  5  Noes:  None  Motion passes

Charity  – Kathy Musser, Kris Vanacore, Emilie Highley

Absent – Report submitted

Kris is following up on the PCA Subsidy of $750.00 requested for Morgan Autism Center.   The request was submitted 4/15/2024.   Kris will keep us informed.

Hospitality – Emilie Highley

Absent – Report submitted

John Reed update – I have spoken to John.    Recovery is slow, he is still not able to venture out except for doctor appointments.

Bill Highley – Bill passed on April 17th

Prieta Post Editor – Don Chaisson

The May/June POST was published by Dana A this Monday, so I don’t have any readership data yet.  However, 115 read it on the first day.  Its featured articles included a report on the new LPR AutoX trailer, an interview with John D’Angelo on his appointment to Nomination Committee Chair, a report on the St. Patty’s GTG by Bob Frostholm and a report on the Fanatec GT World Challenge race at Sonoma Raceway.  Thanks to Doris Britschgi for her excellent, and needed, proofreading and suggestions and Bob for contributing the GTG article.  

I have been in contact with IMSA about using some of their images from their website: IMSAPhoto.com.   I can use any from this website as low-res images such as the one shown in my email.  it is a 100KB low-res image so they will be useful for in-article snapshots, but not useful as HERO or Cover shots.  I don’t have a problem with the mandatory IMSA watermark.   Oh well.   

July/August POST will lead with Tefren – Napa, the Forest Bathing tour, Ken Isle Tour.  He will also have an article on the resurgence of Cars & Coffee events.

Public Relations – Open

Report submitted by John Reed.

A photo/caption for From the Regions is being prepared and will be sent soon.

(We are looking for someone to take this position – basics are sending photos, possibly an article into Panorama.  John is happy to continue taking pictures, but anyone should feel free to take photos.)

Safety – John Reed

The PCA Observer’s Reports for the LPR April tour and the May autocross were sent to PCA in a timely manner. The release forms were sent to the LPR Activities Director. Thank you to Hugh Calvin and Ed Tefankjian. There were no incidents to report.

Tour – Hugh Calvin

BoD authorized Tour fee waivers for tours in 2024. 

Ken Iles Memorial Tour was held in April in the rain!  (No one’s complaining!)

Next scheduled Tour is the Forest Bathing in the Redwoods Tour on 16- June.  

Further out:  Jacob’s Heart (14-Sep), Oktoberfest Joint Tour with MBR (tentative, 21-Sep), Ole Amigos Tour (2-Nov), and Toys for Tots Tour (1-Dec). 

Social Media – Dana Ambrisko

  • April Mid-month Blast was sent on the 15th
    • Emailer Statistics from the April Mid-month Blast:
      • Total Num Address = 500  Total Num Opted out = 13  Total Num sent = 487
  • May Blast Update was sent on the 1st
    • Emailer Statistics from the May Blast Update:
      • Total Num Addresses = 498   Total Num Opted out = 13   Total Num sent = 485
  • May Mid-month Blast will be sent on or around the 15th

Tech – Peter Ridgway

Absent – Report submitted.

Not much to report.  Fremont Porsche Cars and coffee was a hyge affair. 
More than 300 cars.  Mostly due to social media “re tweets” or
whatever.   We have another one on June 23rd.  It should be just as big.
Sponsorship income is coming in.  Slowly.  Sometimes you have to
“remind” these guys a few times.

Webmaster – Jim Turk 

Website maintenance

Old Business:  None

New Business: The next board meeting will be on the first Tuesday, June 4.

Adjourn Meeting:  Meeting adjourned by President Dana at 7:35 PM


PCA's Good Time Region, since 1970.