LPR Board Meeting Minutes, May 2023

Present: President – Dana Drysdale; Vice President – Honore D’Angelo; Secretary – Sheila Dunwoodie; Treasurer – Andy Ward; Activities – Bob Morgan; Member at Large – John Gould; Membership – Kathy Musser,  Additionally, Activities Chairs – AX  – Dave Dunwoodie, Hospitality Chair – Emilie Highley; Charity – Kris Vanacore; Webmaster – James Turk, Safety – John Reed; Tour – Hugh Calvin; Prieta Post – Donald Chaisson; Social Media – Dana Ambrisko; Technical – Peter Ridgway

Absent: Membership – Kathy Musser; Hospitality – Emilie Highley; Charity – Kris Vanacore

Additional:   Les Schreiber, Iain McNeil

May 9, 2023, 7:00 PM to 8:09PM

Call to Order
President Dana called the meeting to order at 7:00PM. 

Board Member Reports:

President – Dana Drysdale

  1. Thanks to Tech / Sponsorships, AX and Memberships, LPR’s year to date Financials are excellent.  We have some things to consider – next 3 quarters estimated financials, etc.  There may be opportunities to share more $$ back to members in events, etc.  Andy will help us determine potential $$.
  2. Pres. has been travelling, visiting family in Atlanta and learned some PCA / Porsche stuff:

    i. PEC Atlanta – Like LA, about 2X size, some archives & display space.  Has large Porsche Classic shop, captive Service Department on site
    ii. Treffen – Like a cruise on land with friends and cars, priced like a cruise.  Quality very high in Georgia.  North Georgia drive if you are in the area – Georgia Route 60 Dragon Eyes (715 curves / 70 miles, 6 mountain gaps, 2 loopovers).
    iii. Porsche Drive – New short term rental service from Porsche, as little as a day.  Rates are low for the brand-new cars offered (esp: Boxsters)

April Board Minutes: President Dana asked the Board to approve the April 11 Board minutes. 

Ayes: 6    Noes:  None    Motion Passed

Vice President – Honore D’Angelo

5/4/2023 – Thirsty Thursday – BeerThirty – hosted by Kris Vanacore
6/1/23 – Thirsty Thursday – Kelly Brewing Company, 70 E 4th St, Morgan Hill, CA 95037 – appetizers will be provided and I will find out if there will be a food truck.
7/15/2023 – Annual Picnic at Roaring Camp
12/2/2023 – Awards Banquet

Secretary – Sheila Dunwoodie

Thank you for your reports in advance of the meeting!

Treasurer – Andy Ward

Recap: April Financials

o Expenses: $ 2,864
o Income: $ 8,807
o Net Income: $ 5,953

Income was: Autocross, Prieta Post Advertising, PCA Membership Rebate, Interest

Expenses were: Autocross, Membership, Prieta Post, Postage

Recap YTD Financials, Jan 1 to April 30, 2023:

o Expenses: $ 7,750
o Income: $ 21, 829
o Net Income: $ 14,079

A few items to note:

  • I now have the ability to “write” checks directly to individuals, using Bank of the West’s Mobile Banking application. I plan to make greater use of this feature when reimbursing club members for BOD-approved expenses. We can also pay businesses and organizations, but they must be willing to provide their account information (account number and bank routing number)
  • Similarly, I’ve been using the Mobile App to deposit checks
  • April income was largely from Autocross & Sponsorships. The vast majority of expenses were also Autocross-related

Former Treasurer Johnny Musser graciously helped me work out LPR’s federal tax filings for Tax Year 2022. The filings are complete and I will upload them to the IRS website later this week. I’ll work on the California filings this week as well. Those are significantly simpler than the federal filings

Discussion:  E-Payments:

  • MSR – We will continue the use of MSR for payments of events over $30. (Autocross, Concours, Banquets, etc.) Any events under $30.00 (Tours) can choose to use MSR for registration only.  The $5.00 tour fee will continue as per procedure and will be collected as directed by the tour host.   This fee is minimal and provides a commitment from the participants. (Debate regarding tour fee is closed).  
  • Zelle – Andy will visit the bank for more information on the process.
  • POS – Point of Sale – This would involve “Square” to take payment by credit card.   Probably will not use this process.

Membership – Kathy Musser

Absent – Report submitted

New Members from PCA (0)

Transfers in (2)

Sam Plough from Redwood, 2002 911 Turbo
Kip Wanaselja from Golden Gate, 2000 911 Carrera

Transfers out (0)

Non-Renewals for the month of April (4)

Member Renewals for the month of April (17)

Total Membership for the month of March:
Primary Members 358
Affiliate Members 227

Total Members 585

5 Years
John Kayser
Kevin Kingston
Bernard Achiardy

15 Years
Donald Chaisson
Robert Frostholm

20 Years
Karen Burke
Steve Dollar

Proposal:Bob Morgan proposes we accept the new members. Second: John Gould Ayes:6 Noes:None Motion passess

Activities – Bob Morgan

LPR Calendar

The LPR calendar is up to date.

Let me know as there are changes and/or adds.


Diablo Region: Yankee Hill Cooking School Tour on 5/20/23
LPR: Tour de King City on 5/27/23 (insurance secured)
Shasta Region: 4-day tour 6/8-11/23


The next AX is on 6/11/23 at Laguna Seca.

Insurance has been received for all sites and dates, please advise if the schedule changes.

Concours, Rallye, Tech

Concours Judges school (hands-on) will be on 5/14/23.

Zone 7 Concours #1 on 6/4/23 (Rocklin Porsche)


Cars & Coffee at Carpo’s on 5/14/23

Thirsty Thursday 6/1/23 at Kelly Brewing in Morgan Hill

Porsche Brunch 6/3/23 at Alice’s Restaurant.

Email your ideas for 2023 tours, GTG’s and other events to me at bobbo408@comcast.net

Member-at-Large – John Gould

Our committee met in April and began organizing.
We are working for Dana D to confirm staffing.
Next committee meeting is Wednesday, May 24, at 11:30 AM at BJ’s

Chairperson Reports:

Autocross – Dave Dunwoodie

Our first event at Salinas Airport on May 6 went very well with 46 drivers and the LPR trailer serving

double duty during the weekend for LPR & GGR Saturday & Sunday. Our next event will be at Laguna Seca on June 11 where we will be using the LPR trailer again.

I hired a friend, Greg, to pick-up and deliver our trailer Saturday morning, and to bring it back Sunday afternoon. He also went out of his way to pick-up cases of waters and chips for our lunches when the person that was supposed to bring them flaked out.  For the last 4 years while we have been using the GGR trailer, they have been paying $400 for a driver to deliver to the Cow Palace & $600 to Crows Landing, and LPR has been covering the Portables for the weekend.

I would like board approval to pay Greg $200 for his time/gas for last weekend (plus the amount for water/chips that was already approved last month)

I would also like board approval for the costs for our upcoming June Laguna Seca event.

$2200 site
$700 Gate
$500 to move the kart bumpers
$700 Lunch
$200 Trailer Driver

I also added a heavy-duty wagon to our trailer for hauling cones – $89.03

And Wheel Dollies for $76.37

(Last month a wheel spindle broke on a car and we wasted over an hour trying to get the car
safely moved off the course before we could run again. The wheel dollies would have saved a
bunch of time.)

Trailer will need a new wrap.  Will investigate pricing.

Proposal:  Dana proposes we approve the above listed costs for payment to Greg (Driver) and the upcoming June event as well as the approval for the purchase of the heavy-duty wagon and wheel dollies.  Second: John Gould  Ayes:  6  Noes:  None  Motion passes

Charity – Kathy Musser, Kris Vanacore, Emilie Highley

Absent – report submitted.

Nothing new to report.

Hospitality – Emilie Highley


An email was sent out earlier regarding the passing of a long time LPR member, and Past President Pete Siemens.

Discussion:   Jim Turk was contacted by an Assisted Living facility in Morgan Hill.  A former LPR member, Lorraine Barke, is a resident at their facility.   They noticed that she received a “Goodtime” award in 1973.   Lorraine Barke was also a former Mayor of Morgan Hill.  The Assisted Living facility suggested that we could do a “Cars and Coffee” in their parking lot.

Prieta Post Editor – Don Chaisson

The POST continues to evolve in content and diversity and valuable metrics are emerging to gauge how well the members enjoy the issues.

The May/June issue (The Need for Speed edition) was completed and published on time late April. It was
fun to start reporting on LPR Autocross events and to go over the SRO race at Sonoma Raceway, with
background stories of the Nolasport Race team in the GT4 Am event.

The POST continues to grow features and complexity, with intention to grow the “Member’s Corner” to
capture more than the membership totals. The issue also included a featured content by another
contributor, Mike Koozmin. I will be reaching out to other LPR Members or friends of LPR for contributions
to improve the diversity of content.

The May/June issue’s analytics were interesting. In total, there were 67 readers who “viewed” the issue a
total of 73 times and spent almost 3 1/2 hours “reading” the content. I think the significant metrics of
“total readers” and “time reading” will be an ongoing metric to gauge how the product is being received.

The chart below number of readers per day over the last couple weeks, and the average time they spent reading. This data indicates that most “readers” are scanning the POST, but a smaller number really enjoying the content, eg.: spent time reading the content in detail.

The next issue will be an experiment in increasing content diversity, especially Member’s Corner. It will also have a Parade article, a review of insights gained with other editors while at Parade, and will also really “hype” WERKS and Rennsport VII.

The January / February issue will be a year-end review.  

Discussion:   Don is interested in contacting new members for Bio’s.   To discuss off-line with Peter Ridgway and Kathy Musser for membership information.

Public Relations – Open

Two photos with captions of the Campbell Easter Parade were sent to Panorama’s, ”From the Regions”, who will decide which one to use in a future edition.

(We are looking for someone to take this position – basics are sending photos, possibly an article into Panorama.  John is happy to continue taking pictures, but anyone should feel free to take photos. )

Safety – John Reed

The Observer’s Reports for the April 16th and May 6th LPR Autocrosses were submitted in a timely manner to PCA National. The release forms were sent to the LPR Activities Director. There were no incidents to report. Thank you to Ed Tefankjian.

Tour – Hugh Calvin

There were no tours in April.


Andy Ward (Dana, Andy, Dave, Kris, and me) hosted a zoom meeting to discuss the appropriate use of MSR given the new charges and cost to charge for credit card transactions.  A recommendation was made to limit MSR use to activities charging more than $30.  As a result, Tours hosts will continue to register participants by telephone or email and collect registration fees by check or cash. 


Jim Turk and I will continue to work on some updates to the Tours part of the LPR website.


Upcoming Tours:

 – LPR:  Tour de King City, 27-May, still has openings.  Sign up with John Reed by 15-May:  jpreed911@comcast.net, (408) 371-1965

– LPR:  Forest Bathing Tour, 23-Jul.  Sign up with Hugh & Nancy Calvin by 15-Jul: nancycalvin52@gmail.com, (831) 466-0720.

– LPR:  Pinnacles Loop Tour, 10-Sep. (Iain McNeill, preliminary/awaiting notification)  

Diablo Region:  Yankee Hill Cooking School tour on Saturday May 20th. Signup are through the Eventbrite site. Yankee Hill Cooking School Tour Tickets, Sat, May 20, 2023 at 8:15 AM | Eventbrite

Proposal:  Honore proposes we approve John Reed’s request to waive the $5.00 tour fee for Tour de King City.  Second: John Gould  Ayes:  6  Noes:  None  Motion passes

Social Media – Dana Ambrisko

  • May Blast Update was sent May 1st
  • May Mid-month Blast will be sent on or around 15th

Dana attended the PCA Newsletter webinar.   A couple of items to note is that we need to remove/hide license plate numbers from any published photos.   Also, no phone numbers of the Board should be published.

Tech – Peter Ridgway

All previous sponsors have signed up and all but 2 are fully paid up. 
The 2 remaining are expected to pay in May.   It’s been a banner year for sponsorship.  Best ever, I think.  Results shown in Treasurer’s report.

We have another new sponsor – the 1st out of Santa Cruz:  Hayes European.  Great guys, nice shop and highly recommended.

We are probably going to approach one or two possible sponsors based on
a few club member wishes.

Next up, tech sessions.  Assuming we can convince them to show us

I’m working on POST and web ads for both new and old sponsors.  Most
needed updating.  A few I just created myself (with sponsor approval).

Hands on Concours school is this weekend at Stevens Creek Porsche. As
far as I know, it’s fully subscribed.  Time to have Wardell’s detail my
Macan so the new concours judges can pick out all the problems!

Discussion:   Andy Ward mentioned that even though Shark Werks is not a sponsor, they may be interested in hosting a tech session.   Andy Ward will reach out to the owner.

Webmaster – Jim Turk 

During the month of April the following was done by the webmaster:

  • Updated the home page with various LPR and Zone 7 “ads”
  • AX page updates

WordPress plugin updates applied

Old Business:

Iain McNeil provided an update on the 993 Registry tour.   All seems well in tying the regions together.   All very supportive.  Monterey and GGR regions to also advertise on their websites.    Iain wanted permission to have LPR pay for the T-Shirts and Lunch in advance and be reimbursed by Registry participants.   Iain to provide specific dollar amounts but expects it to be $2,000 for T-Shirts and $3,000 for lunch.   Honore will discuss off-line with Iain regarding contacting Panorama photographer to take pictures of the tour.

New Business: None

Adjourn Meeting:  Meeting adjourned by President Dana at 8:09 PM

PCA's Good Time Region, since 1970.