Present: President – Peter Ridgway; Vice President – Kris Vanacore; Secretary – Dana Drysdale;
Membership – Iain McNeill; Activities – Bob Morgan; Member at Large – Steve Graham
Additionally, Activities Chairs – Anne Roth, Dave Dunwoodie, James Turk, Emilie Highley
Not Present, Sent in Report: Treasurer – Johnny Musser
Guests: Les Schrieber, John Gould
May 4th, 2021 7:03 PM to 8:04 PM
Call to Order
April 2021 Board Meeting Minutes (distributed via email) are 1st order of business.
Board suspended reading of April BOD meeting minutes, no discussion, vote called by Pres and approved unanimously.
Approval of the April BOD Meeting minutes: Vote called by Pres and voted approved unanimously by all present.
Board Member Reports:
President – Peter Ridgway, including Sponsorship (no longer Advertising)
Peter reports three of our sponsors have paid for a total of $2,200. Another three have been invoiced and we expect another $2000 in income next month. The last 3 are still “undecided” which Peter guesses means no to 2021 sponsorship. We all need to think of some new possible advertisers.
Peter is busy helping with Tech Chair responsibilities and the Baker School charity tour put on by one of our members, Dawn Ko. He will have an article in the POST soon with photos.
Vice President – Kris Vanacore
GTG: July 3, Saturday – Highley / Bennett – 4th of July GTG
Kris asked to add the event to website and social media. She also provided an announcement flyer for Board meeting.
50+1 Anniversary Gala – June 19, Saturday
98 guests RSVPd, waiting for response from hotel on who is staying, registration is still open.
Member Appreciation Picnic, July 17th, Saturday
Kris provided a flyer for Board meeting and general use. She requested that this event be updated on the website and social media.
Awards Event December 4, Saturday:
Inn at Pasatiempo, similar to 2019 event. $40 per person, beef / fish / veggie plated dinner, band, prizes.
Kris will provide a flyer for the Awards event for June Board meeting.
Secretary – Dana Drysdale
Nothing to report.
Treasurer – Johnny Musser
Recap: April 2021
- INCOME: $6,843 ($1,950 Sponsorship; $4,785 Autocross; $108 misc.)
- $100 50th
- $11,348 Autocross
- $20 Misc.
- NET INCOME (LOSS): ($4,625)
2021 Year to Date Income Statement
- INCOME: $8,225
- EXPENSES: $16,245
- NET INCOME (LOSS): ($8,020)
LPR-PCA Assets on April 30
Current E-checking account balance is: $ 4,812
Current Main Checking balance is: $55,667
Savings, CD and Petty Cash ($20): $20,513
LPR-PCA’s other financial asset is the Timing Trailer, on the balance sheet as an asset of $4,708.
Membership – Iain McNeil
New Members from PCA
Transfers in 1
Transfers out -3
Non-Renewals for the month of April: None
Total Membership for the month of April:
Primary Members 326
Affiliate Members 214
Total Members 540
New Categories
Test Drive Participants 0
PCA Juniors 7
Anniversaries (April & May)
5 Year
Aaron Duran
Scott Owen
10 Year
Kevin & Yvette Curran
Joshua Thompson
Ford Kanzler
15 Year
Robert & Jean Ann Nichols
20 Year
Larry Smith
Valenda Rigsby-Smith
Bernard Weinzimmer
New Members and Transfers In- all received Welcome packages
Frank Schwartz of Anta Cruz, driving a black 2020 Jet Black Metallic Taycan 4S
Frank Costella of Soquel, driving a 2017 911 Turbo S
Name badges received, ready to distribute at Thirsty Thursday.
Proposal and Motion to accept all new members: Iain McNeill; Second Kris Vanacore; Aye Unanimous; Noes None
Activities – Bob Morgan
LPR Calendar
For now, all events are tentative.
Please note, the Communicable Disease waiver (PCA Form) is required for all events.
Nothing to report – yet. Soon!
See Chairperson Reports below under Autocross.
Concours and Rallye
Zone 7 Concours School Part 1 is May 16th via Zoom. Registration is via MSR (details on the website). Concours School Part 2 is a hands-on practice session for judges to be held at Stevens Creek Porsche. LPR’s Annual Concours is scheduled at Fremont Porsche on Nov.7th.
See report from Kris Vanacore, Vice President.
2021 Events
An all-Porsche Swap Meet is scheduled for June 6th at Custom Alignment and Modderman’s. You don’t get more tech than trying to figure out what all the parts scattered on the ground are or what Porsche model they come from! While no food or beverages will be officially offered due to Mt. View restrictions. We are trying to “invite” a few food trucks to the neighborhood.
Tech and Tacos!
See Tech report.
Please send ideas and proposals for events to Bob – – for processing and adding to calendar. Bob will add the RSVP information, etc. to the calendar.
Member-at-Large – Steve Graham
No update to prior report – to begin recruiting others to help with bylaws review, etc. this summer.
Chairperson Reports:
Autocross – Anne Roth & Dave Dunwoodie
Next AX is May 16th at the Cow Palace. Registration opens May 7th at 7PM. Today the Cow Palace canceled our June, July, & August dates, but gave us a few other options. Our new June date is June 20th & July is the 24th. As of this time we have no August date.
There will be an AX Course Design & Safety School on June 26th for PCA members. Cost will be about $15/person. I would like LPR to pay for LPR members that want to attend, I do not expect more than 10. This will potentially expand our pool of course designers.
Proposal: Fund June 20 autocross for $5,347 or less for Cow Palace, and $601.75 for porta potties. Moved: Kris Vanacore Seconded: Iain McNeil Ayes: Unanimous Noes: None
Proposal: Fund June 26th autocross school, approximately $150. Moved: Kris Vanacore Seconded: Iain McNeil Ayes: Unanimous Noes: None
Charity – Kathy Musser, Kris Vanacore, Emilie Highley
- $500 check from Les Schreiber was presented to Jacob’s Heart – of which they were very appreciative.
- The Charity Committee/LPR sent a note to Les thanking him for his continued support and generosity toward Jacob’s Heart
- The Charity Committee is going forward with the tour and lunch at Jacob’s Heart on October 23rd… more details to follow.
- The “PPP” Party (“Porsche Patio Pizza” Party) flyer was sent to Morgan Autism to use as an auction item for their Starry Starry Nights virtual gala which is scheduled for May 15th. Emilie’s name was used on the flyer as contact for the ‘lucky winner’ of this auction item. Club approved $500 for this item.
Emilie Highley – Hospitality
A sympathy card was sent to the family of Margot Novak who recently passed away because of cancer. Margot is preceded in death by her husband Pete (who passed in 2010). Margot was 78 – she was diagnosed with cancer in July of last year and unfortunately lost her battle.
Margot moved to Gresham, Oregon over 4 years ago to be close to her daughter and granddaughter – soon, her son joined them. Of course, Margot brought her 1963 vintage black 911SC90 convertible (or was it a 912), along with her which she kept safely tucked away in her garage during the winter months. Pete and Margot purchased the car new when they lived in Boston.
Reg & Jean Ricket’s, former LPR members and close friends of the Novak’s indicated that Margot and Pete had many fond memories of Loma Prieta Club activities – especially Soup Night!
Prieta Post Editor – Open position for POST editor
We are posting articles to website and potentially Facebook while searching for a POST editor.
Public Relations – Open position
Safety & Tour– John Reed
Safety – The Observer’s and Event Reports for the April Autocross were sent to PCA in a timely manner, thank you Ed Tefankjian and Dave Dunwoodie. The release forms were sent to the LPR Activities Director as well as the two reports.
Tour – No upcoming tours to report, anyone interested in chairing an event should contact the Tour Chair and Activities Director.
Social Media
PCA’s new website update broke access to the Emailer3 app we use to send out Blasts. Hopefully, it will be working by the time of the BOD meeting. The May 1st Blast is ready to go and has several new events listed.
Tech – Peter Ridgway
Tech and Tacos! June 26th. We have our first tech session of the year scheduled and it will be a great one! Wardell Auto Upholstery is hosting, and they expect their new expansion to be complete by then. This session will also be sponsored by Emilie Highley who will be catering a Taco Truck for a post session lunch. Details to follow in June.
Webmaster – Jim Turk
April was spent doing maintenance work on the website and getting POST scanning quotes. Details:
- Software updated.
- Focused on putting upcoming events on the home page.
- Received a second quote for scanning the POST magazines.
- Quotes range from about $5k to about $13k. Shall I proceed?
Old Business: None
New Business: 3 quotes for scanning old copies of Prieta Post – $5,000 quote – east coast; Fremont – $13,000; 3rd group – $9,000. There was a wide-ranging discussion. Decision was to allow members to look at files from vendors to see quality of digital files before deciding.
Discussion of Mountain Mikes commute for those from over hill. Discussion is over the hill gang is willing to make travel to Hamilton Avenue in San Jose. Decision is we will meet at Mountain Mikes.
Introduction of invitation of possible tour in Pescadero, stop at horse ranch. Room for 200 cars.
Adjourn Meeting: Meeting adjourned by President Peter at 8:04 PM