Present: President – Peter Ridgway; Vice President – Kris Vanacore; Secretary – Dana Drysdale; Treasurer – Johnny Musser; Activities – Bob Morgan; Member at Large – John Gould.
Additionally, Activities Chairs: AX Activities Chair – Dave Dunwoodie, Hospitality Chair – Emilie Highley, Webmaster – James Turk, Safety and Tour – John Reed
Not Present, Sent in Report: Membership – Iain McNeill
Guests: N/A
March 1, 2022, 7:01PM to 7:33 PM
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:01PM.
Board Member Reports:
President – Peter Ridgway – Blackhawk Tour was a success.
Drone Discussion – No further discussion at this time. See the email discussion.
February Board Minutes: Peter asked for corrections or changes: No corrections; Asked for approval to approve the minutes. Ayes: Unanimous, 6 Board members present. Noes: None
Vice President – Kris Vanacore
Campbell Bunnies and bonnets parade is not going to happen this year. Suggest adding a Thirsty Thursday on April 7 at Beer Thirty to make up for it. Question: Do we need to have insurance for April 7? Answer from Bob: No, people are arriving and departing individually in their own cars.
Secretary – Dana Drysdale
Thanks again for forwarding notes before the meeting!
Treasurer – Johnny Musser
Recap: January Financials
- Expenses: $ 337
- Income: $ 3474
- Net Income (Loss): $ 3137
- Income was Refund from Alpine Awards, PCA Quarterly Per Capita and Sponsor Income
- Expenses were Autocross and Administrative
Recap YTD Financials
- Expenses: $ 2753
- Income: $ 3562
- Net Income (Loss): $ 809
LPR-PCA Assets on January 31, 2021:
- Current E-checking account balance is: $4162
- Current Main Checking balance is: $44,528
- Savings, CD and Petty Cash $: $20,516
LPR-PCA’s other financial asset is the Timing Trailer, on the balance sheet as an asset of $1,345.
Membership – Iain McNeil
New Members from PCA 0
Transfers in 0
Transfers out 1
Total Membership for the month of March:
Primary Members 322
Affiliate Members 201
Total Members 523
Test Drive Participants 0
PCA Juniors 8
Anniversaries (August)
30 Years
Kris and Tony Vanacore
10 Years
Donna and Roger Anderson
5 Year
Gaylene and Richard Austin
Sung Chang (discussion of tour experiences with Sung)
New Members and Transfers In
- See above, this is a rare month without new transfers in or members
Proposal: Accept the new members. Motion: Iain McNeil; Second: John Gould; Ayes: 6 of 6 Present; Noes: None
Activities – Bob Morgan
LPR Calendar
Is up to date. Let me know if there are changes and / or adds.
Top level summary: Crow’s Landing AX on 3/13/2022, Certificate of Insurance expedited, forwarded to Dave Dunwoodie
Bunnies and Bonnets deleted from calendar, added Beer Thirty 4/7 (tentative, please confirm)
Concour will be 30 October.
- Drive to the Drive Tour on 3/26/22
- Filoli Gardens Tour 5/14/22
- Oktoberfest Tour on 9/10/22
- Jacob’s Heart Tour on 9/24/22
- Ole’ Amigos Tour II on 11/12/22
- Toys 4 Tots Tour on 12/11/22
- Crow’s Landing 3/13/22
- Cow Palace on 4/1/22, 5/22/22, 7/30/22, 8/28/22, 9/17/22
- Other venues / dates may be added in the future
Concours and Rallye
Concours dates looking for them for calendar
- Porsche Swap Meet on 6/5/22
- Werks Reunion 8/19/22
- Probably another Wardell’s session in August, focusing on the new Detail Center
- Porsche Brunch on all even month 1st Saturdays
- St. Pat’s Day on 3/19/22
- Starry Starry Night for Morgan Autism on 5/7/22
- LPR PICNIC 7/16/22 Roaring Camp and Big Trees
- 2023 Planning Meeting on 11/20/22
- 2022 Awards Event on 12/3/22
2022 Calendar
Email your ideas for tours, GTGs and other events to
Member-at-Large – John Gould
Nothing further to report at this time.
Chairperson Reports:
Autocross – Dave Dunwoodie
Discussion by Dave of the following items:
Proposal: Fund 1) Cow Palace April 2 AX #2 for $5108; 2) Crow’s Landing March 13 for $2000; 3) Portables for Crows for $600; 4) Approval for portables for Cow Palace for $650 Moved: Dana Drysdale Second: Bob Morgan Ayes: Unanimous, 6 board members Noes: None
Charity and Hospitality – Kathy Musser, Kris Vanacore, Emilie Highley
Charity – Been very busy to now, nothing to report this month.
Hospitality – Fortunately, nothing further to report this month.
Prieta Post Editor – Open position for POST editor
We are posting articles to website and potentially Facebook while searching for a POST editor.
Public Relations – Open
We are looking for someone to take this position – basics are sending photos into Panorama. John is happy to continue taking pictures, but anyone should feel free to take photos
Peter reported that he met with an Excellence writer at the Blackhawk tour, and is enthused about possibilities. Also the writer is looking for car stories – Dana suggested Bob Uenaka / family 930.
Safety & Tour– John Reed
Safety – The February 27th Blackhawk Tour had no incidents to report, a very safe event. The PCA Observer’s Report was sent to PCA in a timely manner. The release forms are in transit to the LPR Activities Director.
Tour – There were 27 cars and 51 people attending the Blackhawk Museum Tour on February 27th. First time chairs Bill and Kate Weir, along with Peter Ridgway, did an outstanding job. Congrats! The Drive to the Drive Tour on March 27th is accepting sign ups, all the details can be found on the LPR web site and will be sent soon as part of the monthly LPR blast. Contact the Reeds – to sign up. The deadline is Friday, March 18th.
Social Media – Dana Ambrisko
Sent an email blast the AM. Will continue to do so around the 15th of each month. If needed for a busy month, Dana will also send a blast around the 1st of the month.
Tech – Peter Ridgway
Probably will do another Wardell’s in August focusing on Detail Center.
Webmaster – Jim Turk
Question about nominating process and publicity. Decided to wait until after committee meeting. Ready to put up info about Beer Thirty – will be forwarded.
Old Business: None
New Business: None
Adjourn Meeting: Meeting adjourned by President Peter at 7:33 PM