Present: President – Peter Ridgway; Vice President – Kris Vanacore; Secretary – Dana Drysdale; Membership – Iain McNeill; Activities – Bob Morgan
Additionally, Activities Chairs – Dave Dunwoodie, Emilie Highley
Not Present, Sent in Report: Member at Large – Steve Graham, Safety and Tour – John Reed, LPR Webdude – James Turk, Treasurer – Johnny Musser
Guests: Tony Vanacore
July 6, 2021 7:07PM to 8:32 PM
Call to Order
June 2021 Board Meeting Minutes (distributed via email) are first order of business.
Board suspended reading of May BOD meeting minutes, asked for any objections to approving the minutes, hearing none, the minutes were approved unanimously.
Board Member Reports:
President – Peter Ridgway, including Sponsorship (no longer Advertising)
President Peter led a discussion of enticements for Board Members including;
- an annual Officer installation dinner with both outgoing and incoming officers to insure new officers have been properly briefed on their responsibilities and fully coached
- an annual “Volunteer” party to reward the many volunteers who work LPR events
- a proposal that Board members don’t pay for events (with the possible exception of AX and only because we’re barely breaking even there)
- Board and Chairs get 1st priority for Event sign ups
- new members get priority over non active ( haven’t attended any events in years) members
The Board unanimously approved all proposals however we will need to research the By Laws and Policies and Procedures to see If changes are required. John Gould volunteered to do the research in assistance of Steve Graham who is currently consumed at work.
Peter also plans two new member Welcome to LPR events. One on either side of the hill. These events will focus on welcoming and getting to know new members with primarily Board and selected Chairs working the events. We will wait for John’s review before implementing anything.
Discussion of Dana contacting Hapa’s or could just do Mountain Mike’s.
There followed a discussion of what is a success with a new member. If 3 of 10 new members become active in activities – any activities – that is a success. Iain observed post-Covid could be a great opportunity. There should be a chance to get people out and recognize new members.
Vice President – Kris Vanacore
2022 VP Position
Kris is not running for 2022 VP. She has not located a candidate yet, but also has an idea of how to rearrange duties, so Vice President is actually Vice President, not so much facilitator of all social events.
Kris led a discussion of roles used in regions as they transition to larger size. The Vice President in San Diego and other regions works for the President, takes assignments for the President, and is the Board member liaison for the Social Chair and Social Committee.
Kris motioned to add a Social Chair and Social Committee under next year’s VP to help have increasingly effective social activities. There followed a discussion of typical division of Board as a strategic driver from activities – activities as more of a “Cabinet” position that can be distributed to more people to get things done.
Proposal: Add a Social Chair and Social Committee under next year’s VP. Motion: Kris Vanacore; Second: Bob Morgan; Ayes: six; Noes: None
50th+1 Anniversary Party
Approximate cost to club $16,700. We had last minute cancels and seven guests who did not show. For these cancels / guests that did not pay, it cost LPR $1,200. The event was well attended. There followed a discussion that members should pay when registered, or be considered not registered, and, unless significantly in advance, registrations should be processed. This will be discussed more at a future meeting.
GTG Bennett’s and Highley’s –This July 3 GTG is rated home run out of the park.
Member Appreciation Picnic – Now 7/18 due to a music series added to Roaring Camp schedule. Currently have 66 RSVPs.
August – Enjoy Werks and Car Week – August is busy with car week and Werks, so, no additional GTGs are planned at this time.
Potential September GTG or Oktoberfest GTG – Can consider an Oktoberfest at Hapa’s or other venue. There followed a discussion of events with Elephant and Modderman. Peter will check with Corvette Club to see if interested in a casino night together with Mo
Secretary – Dana Drysdale
Nothing to report. Minutes will be post meeting this time.
Treasurer – Johnny Musser
Recap: June 30,2021
- INCOME: $6,082 ($5,776 Autocross; $40 GTG; $266 Swap Meet)
- $18,012 GTG &50th
- $5,586 Autocross
- $303 Misc.
- NET INCOME (LOSS): ($17, 819)
2021 Year to Date Income Statement
- INCOME: $25,906
- EXPENSES: $46,362
- NET INCOME (LOSS): ($20,456)
LPR-PCA Assets on June 30, 2021:
Current E-checking account balance is: $ 4,653
Current Main Checking balance is: $43,390
Savings, CD and Petty Cash ($XX): $20,514
LPR-PCA’s other financial asset is the Timing Trailer, on the balance sheet as an asset of $4,708.
There followed a discussion of how AX revenues and expenses come in at various times. Additionally, a discussion of sponsorships, both business card section of website, and, in Membership Directory followed. This triggered a discussion of the opt out opt in issue on the Membership Directory. There followed a discussion on the principle of making money vs. losing money.
Membership – Iain McNeil
Note: Iain reports PCA has not yet sent reports. He prepared below from info he can access.
New Members from PCA 2
Transfers in one
Transfers out three
Non-Renewals for the month of May: None
Total Membership for the month of May:
Primary Members 325
Affiliate Members 214
Total Members 539
New Categories
Test Drive Participants 0
PCA Juniors 7
Anniversaries (June)
5 Year
Jim and Jacqueline Dodson
10 Year
Robert Dunaven
Jereme Ratike
Chuck Mendes
15 Year
Thomas Melville
Joan Riley
New Members and Transfers In – April and May- all received Welcome packages
Brad Abel of San Jose, driving a 2014 Cayman
Julio Ortiz of Santa Cruz, driving a 1984 911 Carrera
Welcome package sent to Brad; one will go to Julio tomorrow.
Proposal: Accept the new members. Motion: Iain McNeil; Second: Kris Vanacore; Ayes: six; Noes: None
Activities – Bob Morgan
LPR Calendar
Is up to date.
Please note, no communicable disease form required as of July 1.
See VP report for Family Picnic July 18.
Werks Reunion is August 13.
Lake Tahoe Tour is September 25 & twenty-six.
Jacob’s Heart Tour is October 23.
Crow’s Nest Tour is November 6.
If anyone wants to host a tour, let Bob know and he will add to calendar.
Dates updated on the LPR Calendar, and an updated Certificate of Insurance received. See Chairperson Reports Below under Autocross.
Concours and Rallye
SVR is hosting Zone Concours 1 on August 1. Calendar is updated.
No Rallye’s have been scheduled.
See report from Kris Vanacore, Vice President.
Porsche Brunches are back on starting August 7; October 2 and December 4.
Potential GTG in September.
There followed a discussion of potential to have a tour to Kelly McKnight’s in Pescadero. He has an exceptionally large front yard, room to park many cars, so, no need to worry about cars.
Please send ideas and proposals for events to Bob – – for processing and adding to calendar. Bob will add the RSVP information, etc. to the calendar.
Member-at-Large – Steve Graham
Nothing further to report currently.
Chairperson Reports:
Autocross – Anne Roth & Dave Dunwoodie. There was a general update and discussion of Autocross. We lost our August event; we lost our original September dates. Cow Palace has offered September 4, 5, and we will take it.
Question about did we give basket to Jean, our security guard. Answer is yes, we did, and she received a strong round of applause. AX team is working on October dates. There was a question about bringing back timing slips, and AX team is considering that, maybe using a printer from GGR.
Dave is continuing to ask questions about potential charges at Cow Palace so we can be more predictable.
Charity – Kathy Musser, Kris Vanacore, Emilie Highley
- Morgan Autism Center will receive $100 as a result of the 3rd of July GTG hosted by the Bennett’s and the Highley’s.
- Jacob’s Heart – on track for tour and lunch, October 23.
Emilie Highley – Hospitality
Thinking of You / Get Well card sent to Kathy Musser who a knee replacement on June 16th. She is doing well, still very tired. She is “religious” about doing her therapy.
Thinking of You / Get Well card sent to Gunter @ Fremont Porsche who needed to take some time off to rest his back. He is now back at work and doing well.
Please reach out to Emilie if you know of someone who is ill, needs cheering up, or has lost a loved one. A card from the club will go out immediately.
Prieta Post Editor – Open position for POST editor
We are posting articles to website and potentially Facebook while searching for a POST editor.
Public Relations – Open
John Reed sent two articles to Panorama – Wardell event was the last one – John does not want to see Ken’s position be abandoned.
Safety & Tour– John Reed
Safety – The Observer’s and Event Reports for the June Autocross and tech session were submitted to PCA in a timely manner. The release forms were sent to the LPR Activities Director to archive. There were no incidents to report. PCA has canceled any further requirement to sign the Covid release form as of July 1, 2021.
Tour – The September 25-26 Tahoe Tour publicity is being prepared and will be sent to Social Media and the LPR Web site within a few days. There will be an 18-car limit with a wait list if necessary. Deadline to sign up is August 27th. Event chairs are Hugh & Nancy Calvin – If anyone has an upcoming tour they wish to put on the LPR calendar please inform the Tour Chair, John Reed and Bob Morgan, LPR Activities Director first to confirm that the date(s) are available. Thank you.
Social Media – Peter Ridgway
Peter is sending out email blasts about two times / month, these are well received. Peter would like a replacement for this job.
Tech – Peter Ridgway
Peter enjoys this job; it is very enjoyable to visit our sponsors and dealers in the area. He visits regularly and believes this is working great for us, new opportunities to have events at dealers and sponsors.
This was followed by a discussion of having a Gymkhana next to Wardell’s in the big lot. There also followed discussion of a DIY garage just north of the fairgrounds in San Jose. This is a good opportunity for a tech session. Additional discussion of a tech session with Modderman’s.
There followed a brainstorming session of ideas…trying to set up additional tours; idea to rent tents to have event in Pescadero, maybe Oktoberfest. Mentioned 30-year member Susan Burnett, lives in Los Gatos, has 356 cab, Macan GTS, others. What kind of event or tour could she host? There followed a discussion of the Crow’s Nest event as the most popular ever year, what could we do to generate another Crow’s Nest. Possibly Pescadero Tour, or Hapas for Thirsty Thursday
Webmaster – Jim Turk
General website maintenance this month.
Old Business: None
New Business: None
Adjourn Meeting: Meeting adjourned by President Peter at 8:32PM