Present: John Reed, Angie Reed, Anne Roth, Steve Graham, Lisa Radding, Dave Dunwoodie, Jim Turk, Iain McNeill, Kat Hsueh, Kathy Musser, Emilie Highley, Peter Ridgeway
Guests:, Chris Dyer, Larry Sharpe, John Gould
Apologies: Margie Jensen, Ken Iles
July 7th, 2020 7:00 PM to 7:56 PM
Call to Order
June 2020 Board Meeting Minutes (distributed via email)
Suspend reading of June BOD meeting minutes. Motion proposed by Lisa, seconded by Steve, no further discussion, passed unanimously.
Any corrections:
Email vote: Steve Graham made the motion to approve the autocross security deposit to Cow Palace of $4,880.00, Bob Morgan second and the vote was unanimous.
Approval of the June BOD Meeting minutes . Motion proposed by Iain, seconded by Lisa, no further discussion, passed unanimously.
Board Member Reports:
President – John Reed
I received the monthly region report from PCA plus other correspondence which are available upon request. I will attend, via a teleconference, the July 13th PCA BoD meeting.
Vice President – Lisa Radding
The Family Picnic is re-scheduled at Roaring Camp for Saturday, September 26th at 11am. Details for the event will be included in the upcoming Post and eblast.
Secretary – Iain McNeill
Nothing to report
Treasurer – Margie Jensen
- Recap: June 2020
- INCOME: $ 625,00
- EXPENSES: $7,180.00
- NET INCOME: -$ 6,555,00
Income: Post Advertising
Expenses were from Post, refunds for 50th Anniversary, Zoom, WordPress
2020 Year to Date Financials
- INCOME: $ 18,483.06
- EXPENSES: $ 16,308.78
- NET INCOME: $ 2,174.28
As of June 30, 2020
Current E-checking account balance is: $3,563.80
Current Main Checking balance is: $64,420.32
Savings account balance is: $ 8,873.31
Membership – Kathy Musser/Angie Reed
New Members from PCA (0)
Transfers in (0)
Transfers out (4)
Non-Renewals for the month of June (8)
Member Renewals for the month of June (22)
Total Membership for the month of June:
Primary Members 326
Affiliate Members 210
Total Members 536
30 Years
Dieter Eissner-Eissenstein
The new member packets were sent to the three members voted into LPR in June. There are no new members this month. The LPR name badges are still on hold.
Activities – Bob Morgan
LPR Calendar
The LPR calendar is up to date showing cancellations for upcoming events through August except as noted below.
Please note, the Communicable Disease waiver (PCA Form) is required for all events
The Vanacore Tour in June was well-attended. All Covid waivers were signed, masks worn, social distancing honored.
No new tours have been scheduled. Next Tour is Jacob’s Heart Tour on October 3.
Insurance has been received for August, September and October Autocross dates.
Werks Reunion has been cancelled.
The LPR/Zone 7 Concours at Porsche of Fremont is scheduled to October 11th.
Waiting to hear about October 10 Rallye (still on calendar).
Thirsty Thursday for July has been cancelled. I will cancel August unless advised otherwise by 7/15/20. Santa Cruz county does have some open restaurants. I don’t know about the East Cliff Brewery.
Indy 500 GTG at Moffet Field on August 23 is still scheduled. Need to confirm or cancel by July 23rd.
Please provide information to Bob Morgan ASAP (, so I can update the calendar with RSVP information, etc.
Kat sent an email to Kathy and Angie re: name badges in mid-June. Diablo has theirs set up so members can order and have them shipped directly. We’ve prepaid for the current order.
Member-at-Large – Steve Graham
Proposed agenda sent out for Wednesday meeting. Awards meeting to be held when Steve gets back from vacation in a month.
Chairperson Reports:
Advertising – Peter Ridgway
Nothing to report
Autocross – Anne Roth & Dave Dunwoodie
Potential October 3rd AX date to be added.
Anne visited Cow Palace venue with GGR, smaller than Marina and it was a windy day.
Trailer is in the shop, work not complete but progressing well.
Charity – Kathy Musser, Kris Vanacore, Emilie Highley
The October Autocross will be the annual Kill-A-Kone benefitting the Morgan Autism Center. If you are unable to attend the event, donations will be gratefully accepted. Please make out your checks to the Morgan Autism Center.
We have 2 Charity Events scheduled in October; A TBD event on Oct. 3 for Jacobs Heart. The Eiskamps have volunteered their home as part of this event. The Charity Committee will firm up plans for this as we get closer and have a better idea of what we are allowed to do given the virus.
October 25 is the last of our AX events and will include our annual Kill-a-Kone charity for Morgan Autism Center. At this time, given the virus, we will not be featuring our hot dog BBQ.
Moving forward, we may need to get creative with charity promotions if we can’t do what we have done in the past (a possible on line virtual charity event?).
Emilie Highley – Hospitality
Per Anne Roth’s request, a condolence card was sent to the family of Joe Weinstein who lost his battle with pancreatic cancer.
Joe was part of the AX group and, per Anne, “Joe was almost a fixture at our events for many, many years. He also attended the end of year banquet this last December.”
Prieta Post Editor – Kat Hsueh & Chris Dyer
Chris is now co-editor. Chris gave a tour of a proposed web based Prieta Post publication. Questions were asked regarding how event advertising could be managed but overall it was well received. Consensus was to move forward.
Public Relations – Ken Iles
Two separate attempts to accommodate Panorama’s new photo-format of “From The Regions” have been submitted, and even though they both met Pano’s stated requirements, both submissions have been rejected or not used. E-mail discussions have been ongoing between Linda Goodman, myself, and John Reed as to what Pano really wants, but it still appears uncertain as yet.
John Reed and I both agree that LPR will not submit anything to Pano this month, and we will wait to see if their next issue clarifies matters. Hopefully, the feature will again resume its normal 300 word limit submissions sooner rather than later.
Rallye – Bob Frostholm
No report.
Safety & Tour– John Reed
Russ and Doris Britschgi have resigned the tour chair due to covid-19. John will cover in interim.
The Observer’s Report for the June 13th tour was sent to PCAN in a timely manner. All release forms were signed and received by the LPR Activities Director. There were no incidents to report.
The June 13th Tour was a huge success. 27 cars participated. Kudos to the tour chairs, Tony & Kris Vanacore, for an enjoyable and pleasant day of Porsche driving. Note: This was the first LPR driving event in five months!
Social Media – Peter Ridgway
Nothing to report
Tech – Peter Ridgway
Nothing to report
Webmaster – Jim Turk
June was spent updating WordPress software and plugins, and reenabling the autocross stuff.
The Wild Wiener Tour photos were added to the website.
I took down the Porsche Parade slider from the home page.
Added the 2020 Autocross Season image to the home page sliders. It links to the AX page.
A bunch of AX associated changes were made:
Uploaded 2020 Autocross Class Proposal – 3.pdf
Uploaded PCA LPRAX Covid Procedures – v1.pdf
Changed link to Zone Class on Autocross page to newly uploaded version.
Added links to Covid Procedures and Covid release form
Updated links for 2020 Zone 7 Rules and 2020 Quick Class Reference
Updated link for Autocross Safety Checklist
Jim may have some small expenses to support the new web based Prieta Post.
Old Business:
New Business:
Adjourn Meeting:
NEXT MEETING – August 4th at 7:00pm – Zoom Conference/video-call
Round Table Pizza, 14940 Camden Ave, San Jose – TBD at a later date