Present: President – Dana Drysdale; Vice President – Honore D’Angelo; Secretary – Sheila Dunwoodie; Treasurer – Andy Ward; Activities – Greg Sickal; Member at Large – Homer Pitner; Membership – Kathy Musser, Additionally, Activities Chairs – AX – Dave Dunwoodie, Hospitality Chair – Emilie Highley, Webmaster – James Turk, Safety – John Reed; Tour – Hugh Calvin; Prieta Post – Donald Chaisson; Social Media – Dana Ambrisko; Charity – Kris Vanacore
Absent: Technical – Peter Ridgway
February 13, 2024, 6:59 PM to 8:05 PM
Call to Order
President Dana called the meeting to order at 6:59 PM.
Board Member Reports:
President – Dana Drysdale –
January 2024 Board Minutes: President Dana asked the Board to approve the January Board minutes.
Ayes: 6 Noes: None Motion Passed
Zone President’s Meeting: March 2, Diablo Hills Golf Course, Walnut Creek. PCA EC Guest will be Membership Chair. Honore and I will represent LPR this year.
Z7 Awards: Also, on March 2 at Diablo Hills, Walnut Creek. Regions are the lifeblood of PCA and #1. Z7 is a great benefit without being much of a load on the regions. Z7 will present several AX awards, concours awards, and the “voted” awards. LPR has several nominees for the “voted” awards. Please let Dana know if you would like to be added to the Z7 dinner – it is on Motorsportreg.
August 3 GTG: Based on recent LPR historical research, it seems it might be fun to make this a potluck. With Missy’s help, I will make a couple “Spam” entrees. Let me know what you think. There will be many other entrees for sure. If we want a different approach for food, that’s OK, too, let me know.
Oktoberfest Tour: Working with Mark McMahon to find a date between Sept. 10 and October 20. Will avoid our events and PCA events. Likely a Saturday. We had 70 people in 2023, expecting more in 2024.
GTG in Houston at ALARA (Gallery – Alara Garage): This was a Sunday morning C&C. Met their GTG Director and VP. It hit me being there for a weekend to look at Lone Star’s calendar. Something to consider when we travel, there are some good events out there. They have a GTG Director because they have 2,000 members, some Saturdays they have 2 GTGs in different parts of town, etc.
Visits to Porsche Fremont and Stevens Creek Porsche w/ Peter: Great to observe the Master at work. There are new ideas, see Peter’s report. Compared to other visits with Peter or otherwise, the dealers seemed to bring up more ideas. The group dealer area manager was present at both Fremont and Stevens Creek, that was interesting to see.
Thank You: Thank you to Board members and Chairs for including me when you think it is appropriate. Thanks to you, being President is both a great experience and a great learning experience.
Vice President – Honore D’Angelo
2/08/2024 – Thirsty Thursday – Beer Thirty – Santa Cruz – 3 new members attended and it was a fun event.|
3/07/2024 – Thirsty Thursday – Kelly Brewing Company – Morgan Hill
5/02/2024 – Thirsty Thursday – Beer Thirty – Santa Cruz
5/12/2024 – Cars and Coffee – Carpos in Santa Cruz
6/06/2024 – Thirsty Thursday – Kelly Brewing Company – Morgan Hill
6/09/2024 – Cars and Coffee – Carpos in Santa Cruz
7/13/2024 – LPR Summer Picnic – Roaring Camp
7/14/2024 – Cars and Coffee – Carpos in Santa Cruz
8/01/2024 – Thirsty Thursday – Beer Thirty – Santa Cruz
8/11/2024 – Cars and Coffee – Carpos in Santa Cruz
9/05/2024 – Thirsty Thursday – Kelly Brewing Company – Morgan Hill
9/15/2024 – Cars and Coffee – Carpos in Santa Cruz
10/03/2024 – Thirsty Thursday – Bear Thirty – Santa Cruz
10/13/2024 – Cars and Coffee – Carpos in Santa Cruz
12/01/2024 – requesting a change of date from 12/15/2024 – Toys for Tots Tour
12/07/2024 – Awards Banquet – BackNine Restaurant in Pasatiempo
Flyer made and posted for the Campbell Easter Parade. Will need to find a restaurant for after the parade. 2/8 Beer Thirty info posted and blast updated with “Canceled if raining”.
Contract in place and deposit paid for Roaring Camps date 7/13/2024
Secretary – Sheila Dunwoodie
Thank you for your reports in advance of the meeting!
Treasurer – Andy Ward
The following are the Treasurer’s reports for the February BOD meeting, covering the month of January, and cumulative Income & Expenses for 2024. Since this is the first month of the year, January & cumulative expenses are one and the same.
It was a relatively quiet month financially. Our only income was $0.26 interest on our accounts. Major expenditures were for autocross (downpayment on our new trailer), and GTG expenses.
Our first Zone 7 member reimbursement will be posted and will be reflected as income on February’s monthly report.
Recap: January Financials
Income was: Interest
Expenses were: Autocross, Concours, Awards Banquet, Insurance
Recap YTD Financials, Jan 1 to Jan 31, 2024:
Discussion: Paid the final payment on the trailer. Checking account balance is just under $52,000, which includes the checks to Stanislaus in 2022 that they never cashed. Andy will void them. We have a CD that is under $9,000, which will auto-renew soon. We have a second checking account with about $2,750. This account will be closed and the funds transferred to the main checking account. The savings account is about $1,500.00.
Membership – Kathy Musser
New Members from PCA (3)
Ryan Dong from Santa Cruz, 1985 911 Carrera
Andreas Jung from Friesach, Burgenland, 1973 911 Carrera RS 2.7
George Kopinsky from Santa Cruz, 2006 Cayenne
Transfers in (3)
Mark Flowers from Golden Gate, 2021 Macan
Alton Fong from Golden Gate, 2015 Boxster
Jon Witkin from Golden Gate, 2016 911 Targa 4S
Transfers out (3)
Non-Renewals for the month of January (4)
Member Renewals for the month of January (15)
Total Membership for the month of January:
Primary Members 378
Affiliate Members 231
Total Members 609
10 Years
Ralph Forster
James Serrano
25 Years
Ken Rodrigues
Proposal: Kathy proposes we accept the new members. Second: Homer Ayes: 6 Noes: None Motion passes
Discussion: Kathy needed a decision to be made concerning method to order Name Badges.
It was determined that the current procedures should be followed, which is that new members fill out form and obtain two signatures from attending two events. The form is then sent to Kathy to order their badges. Badges can be picked up by the new members at upcoming events.
Proposal: Kathy proposes we accept returning back to the current Name Badge procedure. Second: Homer Ayes: 6 Noes: None Motion passes
Activities – Greg Sickal
LPR Calendar
* Updated the calendar with BR Racing Tech Session, Ken Iles Memorial Tour and Concours at Fremont Porsche
* Email any calendar additions/changes for tours, GTG’s and other events to me at
* Submitted insurance for remaining 2024 Autocross dates:
— Salinas Municipal Airport, 30 Mortensen Ave, Salinas, CA 93905
April 6th, May 5th, June 8th, July 21, August 17th-RESCHEDULED
— NASA Crows Landing Airport, Corner of Bell Rd and Ike Crow Rd, Crows Landing, CA 95313
August 10th–NEW, September 15th, October 12th, November 10th
* Submitted insurance for BR Racing Tech Session on February 10
* Submitted insurance for LPR Concours at Fremont Porsche on September 22
Member-at-Large – Homer Pitner
Nominations committee
Due date: August BOD
Action: Assemble previous awards committee plus any other interested parties (Dana A, John G, Dave & Sheila D, Kris V, Ed T, Peter, Dana D). Start monthly meetings end of March
I have reviewed the current LPR bylaws and policies and procedures and found something that should be updated on page 9 of the policies and procedures: under “Events” the fees look out of date. Suggest coming up with wording that references the activity chairs or a separate fees document online
New National bylaws review
Due Date: Dec’ 2024?
Discussion: Depending on when the updated/new ByLaws are completed and reviewed and approved by National, we may be able to include on the October nomination ballot. If not, we can have a separate membership vote. The ByLaws Change Log will just state “complete document has been changed” instead of stating each change.
Chairperson Reports:
Autocross – Dave Dunwoodie
I picked up our new trailer last week but had to return it briefly to have the rear door modified. Repair turnaround was only a day. I’m laying a new floor and should be ready for more modifications as soon as the rains give us a break.
On February 3rd we had an AX Instructor Training class that went very well. LPR had 10 of the 31 attendees and we are being billed from Zone 7 for $22.50 per attendee, so our bill is $225. This was approved last month for up to $300.
We lost our August 17th date at Salinas Airport for some reason, and with no other August dates available at Salinas or Laguna we had to fall back on August 10th at Crows Landing where we will have to deal with some likely 100˚ + temps.
Mar 10th – Crows Landing
Apr 6th – Salinas
May 5th – Salinas
June 8th – Salinas
July 21st – Salinas
Aug 10th – Crows Landing – New Date and Location
Sep 15th – Crows Landing
Oct 12th – Crows Landing
Nov 10th – Crows Landing
I need board approval for our first event March 10th for:
Proposal: Kathy requests approval for the above fees. Second: Homer Ayes: 6 Noes: None Motion passes
Discussion: Andy paid insurance on the old trailer and needs to order insurance on the new trailer. When the old trailer is sold, we can complete the title form and give to the buyer at time of sale to buyer. Buyer can then go the to the DMV to register the trailer.
Charity – Kathy Musser, Kris Vanacore, Emilie Highley
Nothing to report.
Hospitality – Emilie Highley
Valerie Schaefer, John Gould’s wife, is slowly recovering from her broken back. A ‘thinking of you card’ was sent. I have checked with John if there is anything they need, or if Valerie would like visitors – at this time, John indicates that they are doing well and appreciate cards and thoughts.
John Reed . . . Our Big John is bored! He needs to stay off his feet for another 3 weeks or so. His son, Sean is visiting him while Angie is on a short vaca. John received the Club’s gift from “Spoonful of Comfort” and was very appreciative. He misses seeing all of us. A call now and then cheers him up.
Bill Highley. . . Bill has been moved from the hospital to the Terraces in Los Gatos for physical therapy. His recovery is slow – his heart and oxygen level is being monitored slowly.
June Iles. . . June appreciates the visits that she has had from various LPR members – Sue Sickal, Dana Ambrisko, Esper Kershaw and others. Emilie has been tied up with Bill’s medical condition and not able to see June on a regular basis. By the way – June LOVES the chocolates and gummy bears brought to her. She and Ken ate a 1-pound box of See’s chocolates weekly when Ken was alive!
Bob Frostholm. . . I spoke with Bob and not only did he have a mild case of covid – again, but he also suffered a concussion from a fall. Bob is feeling much better now.
Prieta Post Editor – Don Chaisson
The Jan/Feb issue of the POST went out on Jan 11th… (Holidays and New Years celebrations had big impact I think!). Here are the readership statistics.
Raw scores:
* Number of “views” from issue to Jan 20th: 379, with 207 individual readers. Obviously, a few of us went back to the issue after our first “view”.
* Total time spent “reading” by all visitors: almost 23 hours
Looking at the timing of views: (see chart)
* 186 visits to the POST on its first day in circulation. This says that a lot of people were anxious to open the mailing with the link
* As expected, there were a few readers that opened the issue on day two and three, BUT there was a bump in readership; almost 100 views, right after Dana send out here mid-month email blast, highlighting the availability of the POST again. Clearly, the reminder helped!!
* Readership totals continue to be strong with over half of the region’s members bothering to open AND read the POST!
Looking at the TIME ON PAGE statistic gives insight to what the readers spend time focusing on.
* Masthead, Region Board and Editorials: A lot of people spent time on these. Happy to see folks did spend time on the editorial: Miscellaneous Rambling and Back Story, but surprised to see so much time on the masthead — other than that page has the Back Story on the Cover Photo. That is nice to see.
* Not surprising, folks spent time reading the feature article, Mele Kalikimaka, on our annual party/awards banquet.
* The LPR Concours article got really good readership response.
* Review of Toys 4 Tots Tour article and Our Membership Corner got very good attention from our readers.
* The two-page summary of CY2024 Calendar got good but less readership attention
* The SIM Racing article was the least read part of this issue of the POST.
The Mar/Apr Issue is in final First Draft with Articles on:
* LPR visits the VA Hospital
* BRRacing Technical Sessions. (A lot of LPR members in attendance)
* A technical article by Peter McMillian on repair of headlights.
* A general look at Auto Racing — “It’s not JUST about Porsches”. — a racy history of my love of auto racing. Plus, the usual pieces. Sadly, Ask Poloma is definitely out of the picture due to lack of questions from the readership — difficult to do an advice column when no one asks for advice!! For what it’s worth, I thought Judi had a great knack for the concept and execution.
Discussion: Some of the Ads are not of good quality. We need to try to help our sponsors with their Ads. Perhaps they can use AI to generate a better Ad.
Public Relations – Open
Absent – report submitted.
Submitted by: John Reed
LPR is included in the latest From the Regions in Panorama. Check out page 110 for all of the excitement!
**We are looking for someone to take this position – basics are sending photos, possibly an article into Panorama. John is happy to continue taking pictures, but anyone should feel free to take photos. **
Safety – John Reed
Absent – report submitted.
The January and February Tech Sessions release forms have been delivered for filing to the LPR Activities Director.
Tour – Hugh Calvin
BoD authorized Tour fee waivers for tours in 2024.
Next scheduled Tour is the Bennett / Lund Celebration on 13- April/ 14- April. (Ken Ilse’s Memorial Tour)
Further out: Forest Bathing Tour on 16-June. Yearend tours [Jacob’s Heart (Oct) and Toys for Tots (Dec)] have not been scheduled yet. We’re planning to host the Oktoberfest Joint Tour with MBR in the September or October, but there’s nothing scheduled at this time.
Social Media – Dana Ambrisko
Discussion: Is there anyway to get statistics regarding the emails sent? Emailer4 will be coming out soon, which should have the ability to provide statistics. Jim is reviewing the BETA version now and is finding bugs. Honore mentioned that the new members that attended the recent Thirsty Thursday found out about our club on social media.
Tech – Peter Ridgway
Absent – Report Submitted
Both BRRacing tech sessions were well attended. Bruce Todd did an exceptional job sharing Porsche specific details on brakes, suspension, tires and racing data systems. More than most of us could take in. Bottom line for most of us was that if you have a newer Porsche (2008 and up), this is the place to have your car serviced, repaired, or upgraded. Less expensive than a dealer but not necessarily the lowest prices around. We’ll have a better report in the next POST.
Most sponsors have been contacted about renewing their sponsorship. We will be following up and hope to have that completed by the end of Feb. Both Porsche dealers have committed to on-going sponsorship with Stevens Creek Porsche also adding funding for Autocross sponsorship. Both dealers have expressed increased interest in a closer relationship with LPR, and we are working to set up some events.
More Tech Sessions
We have at least 2 more sponsors we are hoping to hold tech sessions. Will have more details next month.
If anyone has tech questions or wants to share any tech related issues, let me know. I promise I probably do NOT know the answers but I bet I know where to find them.
Discussion: The recent visits to the dealerships provided some interesting ideas. It will be exciting to see what come of their discussions.
Webmaster – Jim Turk
Old Business: None
New Business: None
Adjourn Meeting: Meeting adjourned by President Dana at 8:05 PM