LPR Board Meeting Minutes, February 2023

Present: President – Dana Drysdale; Vice President – Honore D’Angelo; Secretary – Sheila Dunwoodie; Activities – Bob Morgan; Member at Large – John Gould; Membership – Kathy Musser, Additionally, Activities Chairs – Hospitality Chair – Emilie Highley, Webmaster – James Turk, Safety and Tour – John Reed; Prieta Post – Donald Chaisson; Social Media – Dana Ambrisko; Technical – Peter Ridgway

Not Present, Submitted Report: Treasure – Andy Ward; Autocross Chair – Dave Dunwoodie

Additionally: Les Schreiber


February 7, 2023, 7:01 PM to 8:12 PM

Call to Order
President Dana called the meeting to order at 7:01PM.

January Board Minutes:  President Dana asked the Board to approve the January 2023 Board minutes.

Ayes:  6   Noes:  None    Motion Passed

Board Member Reports:

President – Dana Drysdale

  • Parade Registration – Reports are smooth, still available
  • PCA New President Training immediately before our Board Meeting 2/7.
    • LPR is an experienced team, we are fortunate
  • PCA Board Meeting 2/27
    • Region Presidents serve as PCA Board
    • Typically, Financial Report, approve minutes, may be items for discussion
    • Any ideas, suggestions for PCA  – Board is not the place, let me know, we can get to right people
  • Zone 7 Admin Meeting (Pres, anyone else) March 11 – 9AM to 3PM
    • Ideas for the Zone or us?  Brian Adkins easy to talk with
  • Zone 7 Awards Dinner March 11 5PM – 8PM
    • Awards not consistent since around 2017 – working on that with Brian
    • There are awards for exceptional service – Wall of Fame, Lifetime Achievement, Enthusiast of the Year, AX (?) Tenacity
    • We have candidates, very esteemed candidates
    • LPR’s awards – try to give those some thought – do we need
  • Discussion with Brian about Zone, what is Zone
    • Brian wants to do more, be at more than one of our events
    • Zone funding and history of Zone role impacts what happens
  • New Directory
    • Emilie contacted Kevin Bennet, he is interested in helping, I contacted him
    • “Opt Out” not “Opt In” and Printed
    • Contacted Kevin, we are working on how to do – sponsors, etc. will be part of it
  • Idea for 5 X 7 Card – Sent example from Rotary
    • We have a great story – AX, GTG, Tours, Thursdays, Alice’s
    • Could leave 5 X 7 on cars in some cases.  Judgement
    • Les had a trifold piece, that may be more effective in person – pictures
    • Les (and others) handed out trifolds – nice, needs updating if anyone can find one


Zone:  Brian Adkins in included in our Board Meeting Zoom invitation.   Encourage Brian to attend.

Directory:   First steps are to have our members update their contact information with PCA as well as respond to “Opt out” if desired.   Before Kevin Bennett can produce the directory, he will need an updated membership excel list.   Time consuming to proof to be sure that members are eliminated for Opt Out and to combine spouses together.   Estimate about a 5- month lead-time to complete.

Vice President – Honore D’Angelo

Following is the GTG’s, Picnic and Awards Event report update:

1/28/23 Brews and Blues was attended by an estimated 30 club members. Article and photos have been added to the web site.
3/18/2023 St. Pat’s GTG at the Morgan’s.
4/8/2023 Campbell Easter Parade is back!

7/15/23 – Annual Picnic at Roaring Camp – I received an invoice for the deposit and following incremental payments – I am requesting a deposit of $325 and a total budget of $7,000 for this event.  I will send an excel spreadsheet for this event.  Attached is the Roaring Camp Picnic invoice.

Discussion:  Budget amount based on estimated inflation.

12/2/23 – Awards Banquet – I am requesting a budget of $9,000 for this event – budget spreadsheet is attached.

Discussion: Budget amount based on Band increase and $10.00 per person dinner increase.  $500 room fee will be absorbed in other costs.

Proposal:  Honore proposes approval of deposit of $325 and total budget approval of $7,000 for Roaring Camp picnic.  Second: Bob Morgan Ayes:  5  Noes:  None  Motion passes

Proposal:  Honore proposes budget approval of $9,000 for Awards Banquet.  Second: John Gould  Ayes:    5 Noes:  None  Motion passes






September 27th, 2022

Box G-1 * Felton, California 95018


Loma Prieta Porsche Club of America

(831) 335-4484 Telephone / (831) 335-3509 Fax




Contact Name:

Kris Vanacore/Honore siri


Group Name:

Loma Prieta Porsche Club of America


Street Address:

1122 Roycott Way


City, State, ZIP Code:

San Jose, CA 95125







Email Address:



Event Date & Time:

Saturday, July 15th, 2023 – Main BBQ



Price Per Item







Pioneer Burger Platters


 $                                       540.00




Giant Hot Dog Platter


 $                                       540.00




Jr. Engineer Plate


 $                                         33.50




Veggie Burger Platter


 $                                         83.25


 $                                                –  


No charge for parking (cars to be displayed on lawn)


 $                                                –  


 $                                                –  




 $                                                –  


Arrival to set-up             10:00 am


 $                                                –  


Mini-parade to park        11:00 am


 $                                                –  


Lunch                             12:30 pm


 $                                                –  


Event ends                      4:00 pm – 6:00 pm?


 $                                                –  


 $                                                –  


25% deposit ($325.00) due January 16, 2023


 $                                                –  


Additional 25% deposit $325.00 due May 16, 2023


 $                                                –  


Final payment/headcount due July 1, 2023


 $                                                –  


 $                                                –  


 $                                                –  


Make all checks payable to Roaring Camp Railroads. If you have any

questions concerning this invoice, please contact us. Many thanks!



 $                                    1,196.75






 $                                       107.71





 $                                    1,304.46

Inn at Pasatiempo   
Dance Floor$150  
Bartender fee$150  
Hor d’oeuvers$475.00  
Buffet for 57 guests$3,989.43$69.99 per person 
wine 1 red, 1 white (16 total)$432  
SERVICE CHARGE 20%$1,039   
TOTAL $6,703.00   
Table décor$300.00  
Total Expenses$8,478.00   
Total Income 57 X $60$3,420  
Expenses minus Income$5,058   
Est. Expense for club$5,058   
Cash/Checks at final   
MSR before -fees) at final   
MSR (after -fees) at final   
Total Income   
Expenses minus Income$5,058.00  

Secretary – Sheila Dunwoodie

Thank you for your reports in advance of the meeting!

Treasurer – Andy Ward

Absent, but submitted report

  • First and perhaps most importantly, I will be traveling in Europe for two weeks, beginning Monday, 6-February, returning 20-February. I’ll be online via my mobile devices but will be unable to complete any financial transactions during this time
  • President Dana and I went to the bank to transfer the LPR accounts a few weeks back, but unfortunately, we did not realize that the club’s so-called e-checking account was not transferred. We didn’t realize at the time that it was a completely separate account, reporting to a different account number, nor did the bank representative. As a result, I am unable to access statements for that account, so the balance reported assumes that there has been no activity. It’s a somewhat rarely used account to which the club’s two debit cards are attached, and according to our bank those cards have been cancelled so the report should be accurate. If not, next month’s report will reflect any discrepancy. Dana and I will head to the bank once again, after I return from my travels, to transfer signature authority for this remaining account. The good news is that signature authority for our main accounts has been successfully transferred to Dana and I.
  • Speaking of debit cards, as of Friday3-Feb, the club’s new debit cards have not yet arrived. I went to the bank on Friday after checking the PO Box and they told me the new cards were mailed on 23-Jan, so it’s surprising that they have not yet shown up. I gave Dana the PO box key; he will check the PO box for them next week in my absence
  • With respect to the balance sheet, sponsorship income is starting to come in, thank you Peter. And I found a packet of checks & cash (totaling $505!) in the materials that Johnny handed over to me, from the Inn-to-Inn Tour, which has been deposited, in case anyone is wondering how we could have tour income during a month when we held no tours! There was only one expenditure, the $270 that we owed Zone 7 for Concours awards

Recap: January Financials

  • Expenses: $ 270
  • Income: $ 3,005
  • Net Income: $ 2,735

Income sources: Inn-to-Inn Tour, Prieta Post Advertising, Interest

Expenses were: Concours

Recap YTD Financials

  • Expenses: $ 270
  • Income: $ 3,005
  • Net Income: 2,735

Discussion:  Bank discrepancy regarding a check being processed twice was corrected by the bank.

Membership – Kathy Musser

New Members from PCA (1)

Alex Lim from Ben Lomond, 2020 911 Carrera 4S

Transfers in (2)

Donn Adcock from Golden Gate, 2014 Boxter S

Allan Espiritu from Diablo, 2015 911 Carrera 4S

Transfers out (1)

Discussion:  A member transferred in error and was transferred out to correct error.

Non-Renewals for the month of January (4)

Member Renewals for the month of January (24)

Total Membership for the month of January:

Primary Members 352

Affiliate Members 223

Total Members 575


5 Years

John Absmeier
Himanshu Patel
Robert Jasman Jr.
Steven Korn

25 Years

Don Orlando

Proposal:  Kathy proposes we accept the new members and transfer members.  Second: John Gould  Ayes:  5  Noes:  None  Motion passes

Activities – Bob Morgan

LPR Calendar

The LPR calendar is up to date.

Let me know as there are changes and/or adds.


Forest Bathing tour is 4/30/23


Insurance has been received for Crows Landing and Laguna Seca dates, and requested for the Salinas Airport dates.

Concours, Rallye, Tech

Looking forward to some nice events. Let me know when details are forthcoming.


Thirsty Thursday TBD let me know as they are scheduled so I can add them to the calendar.

Cars & Coffee at Carpo’s on 2/12/23 and 3/12/23

St. Pat’s GTG at the Morgan’s on 3/18/23. We will get an ad out to Dana Ambrisko asap.

Porsche Brunch 4/1/23 at Alice’s Restaurant.

Email your ideas for 2023 tours, GTG’s and other events to me at bobbo408@comcast.net

Discussion:  GTG Thirsty Thursday has been scheduled for March 2 at Kelly’s in Morgan Hill.   Bob will look for details and update calendar.

Member-at-Large – John Gould

Nothing to report.

Chairperson Reports:

Autocross – Dave Dunwoodie

Our first event will be February 26th at Crows Landing. I need board approval for the Crows fees of about $2000 and $550 for Portables.

Here is our full schedule for 2023

February 26th – Crows Landing
March 25th – Crows Landing
April 16th – Crows Landing
May 6th – Salinas Airport
June 11th – Laguna Seca
July 8th – Salinas Airport
August 27th – Salinas Airport
September 23rd – Salinas Airport
October 29th – Salinas Airport
November 11th – Crows Landing

Proposal:  On Dave’s behalf, Bob Morgan proposes approval of Crows Fees of about $2,000 and $550 for Portables.  Second: Kathy Musser  Ayes: 5   Noes:  None  Motion passes

Charity – Kathy Musser, Kris Vanacore, Emilie Highley

At our January meeting, Kris Vanacore made us all aware of the Annual Gala hosted by one of our 2 our chosen charities Morgan Autism Foundation – Starry Starry Nights.

Creative as we all know Kris is, is part of the Wine Procurement Committee – part of the Gala is the “Wine Pull” – wines are put together in bottles of 3, wrapped so that one doesn’t know what they are buying.  Kris reached out to all of us that were attending the Mr. Mojito event to donate a bottle of wine for the “Wine Pull”, or consider a monetary donation.

Thank you all that donated at the event – 2 cases plus 3 bottles have been collected for the wine pull.  Additionally, 3 bottles of fine wine have been procured for the auction.

$250 in cash has been donated to purchase wine. The Wine Procurement Committee will continue to secure wine and monetary donations for Starry Starry Night.

Unfortunately, Kris was not able to attend the Mr. Mojito event – she tested positive for COVID!

NOTE:   The Auction Committee is also looking for donations of weekend getaways, restaurant certificates, spa treatments, etc. . .    Please see your Charity Committee if you have something to donate.

The Jacob’s Heart Tour has been moved to a new date:  October 14th (due to a conflict with an AX date)

Discussion:  Bob has updated calendar.

Hospitality – Emilie Highley

A “Thinking of You” card was sent to Yvonne Khamashta who is ill – we wanted her to know that we are keeping her in our thoughts and prayers.

Discussion:  Emilie will continue to send a card from time to time.  Ken and June Iles (founders of the club) are being moved to a assisted living facility that borders with Willow Glen area.   Emilie will email their new contact information.  They welcome visitors.  Emilie had their computer just set up, and will check to see if their email is working.

Prieta Post Editor – Don Chaisson

Progress on the Mar/Apr Prieta POST  (History Issue) is progressing.

Three interviews completed, will use Ken Iles’ 50th speech for his perspective.  Starting layout now.  I’m pulling “calendar” information fromLPRwebsite for out to about to June, eg; covering issues Mar/Apr and May/June

But going out that far would also cover some other national “need for speed” racing events:  SRO Series at Sonoma and IMSA at Laguna Seca
I may also start a drum beat for RennSport VII…. I’ve already got my tickets for event and the Corral (sorry, the corral is already sold out !!)

The “pop up”drive up to Alices Restaurant was really a pleasant run in the mist up the mountain.  It was my first time with the group at this recurring informal event.    Got’a love the cars that Alices Restaurant attracts.

Don sent request for payment for Adobe In Design reimbursement for $41.98 for Jan-Feb fees.   Don sent in by email.   Treasurer – Andy –  Please see email from Don dated Feb 5, 2023 with his attachment.

Discussion:  Emilie found old Prieta Posts from Ken and June’s home.   Kris Vanacore will keep them at her house for historical purposes.   Don would like a scan of the front cover of the first Prieta Post.

Public Relations – Open:  We are looking for someone to take this position – basics are sending photos, possibly an article into Panorama.  John is happy to continue taking pictures, but anyone should feel free to take photos.

Discussion:   John took pictures of the Brews and Blues event and has Honore’s write-up.   He will wait until the St. Pat’s event is over before deciding which event to send to Panorama.

Safety – John Reed

The Observer’s Report for the 2/4/23 Drive to Alice’s Tour was sent into PCA in a timely manner. There were no incidents to report. The release form will be sent or delivered to the LPR Activites Director.

Tour – John Reed and Hugh Calvin

There were no Tours scheduled in January.

Forest Bathing Tour moved to 30-April.

The atmospheric river rains prevented Jim Turk, John & Angie Reed, and Hugh Calvin from meeting to discuss potential changes to the Tours area of the LPR website.

Discussion:   A meeting to discuss potential changes to the Tours area of the LPR website will be rescheduled.

Social Media – Dana Ambrisko

  • January Mid-month Blast was sent on January 17th. This was due to issues with PCA Emailer 3.0. Blast was sent on January 15th & 16th with Emailer confirming it had been sent to members. Had to contact PCA to resolve and fix the problem. PCA had to send the Blast on their end.
  • February Blast Update was sent on the evening of January 31st. Sent it early due to concerns that PCA may not have fixed the previous issue, also Parade and Shasta Region Tour registrations opening the next morning.
  • February Blast Update content volume was high. Don’t expect the next Blast to be as lengthy.
  • February Mid-month Blast will be sent on or around 15th.

Thanks to the Board for their patience while trying to get the January Mid-month Blast issue resolved.

Tech – Peter Ridgway

We currently have 8 Sponsors for 2023.   5 are fully paid up.   Both the
Porsche dealers have been invoiced and will pay once the invoices clear
their respective corporate offices.

Among the sponsors are two NEW ones:  A Superior Collision in Campbell
and BRRacing in Los Gatos.

A Superior Collision is a recently certified Porsche Repair center.
The owner promises ( over some arm twisting) to do a tech session once
the weather improves.  The shop is impressive!

BRRacing has been a long time GGR premium sponsor and is not one of
ours.  Their shop is probably superior to most dealers in lots of
areas.  Impressive tech tools and knowledge.  Much gained through their
ongoing racing experience.  Bill Weir and I have been patronizing
BRRacing for 6 months and love the service.   The owner will also do a
tech talk later this year ( after racing season). Some things to look
forward to.

I would also like to announce the Wardell’s has the new car wash and
detail center open.  Try it out.

We have 3 additional sponsors we’re working with and expect to bring
them onboard and invoice in the next week or so.    There is also the
possibility of a few new sponsors that Bill and I will start working.

Bottom line is that sponsorship income ( also called Prieta Post
advertising ) should come in at more than $9000 for 2023 with an upside
of close to $12,000.

I want to thank everyone for their inputs to possible sponsors.  We will
be contacting them soon.

Discussion:  Peter just added Signature Wheels as a premium sponsor and they have paid.   Payment was sent to Peter’s personal Paypal account.

Webmaster – Jim Turk 

  • Maintenance – trying to keep up with WordPress plugin updates
  • AX page revamps with Dave Dunwoodie
  • Flyers added to the website
  • Zone 7 stuff
    • 1. In the Zone for February
  • POST Blog (this is NOT the Prieta POST stuff)
    • 1. Added Brews and Blues write-up
  • Photos
    • 1. Added John Reed’s photos from Brews and Blues

Old Business:  None

New Business:

Initial Discussion of Venmo, PayPal, Zelle for Tours, GTGs, stuff not on motorsportreg.com – Hugh Calvin

Concern is the fees that would be required.   For example:  Paypal will charge a $1.00 fee for each $5.00 tour fee.   If Paypal is set up as a business account, fees are charged.   Paypal personal accounts do not charge a fee.    MSR (Motor Sports Reg), also charges a percentage.

Adjourn Meeting:  Meeting adjourned by President Dana at 8:23 PM

PCA's Good Time Region, since 1970.