Present: President – Dana Drysdale; Vice President – Honore D’Angelo; Secretary – Sheila Dunwoodie; Treasurer – Andy Ward; Activities – Bob Morgan; Member at Large – John Gould; Membership – Kathy Musser; Additionally, Activities Chairs – AX – Dave Dunwoodie, Hospitality Chair – Emilie Highley, Webmaster – James Turk, Safety – John Reed; Tour – Hugh Calvin; Prieta Post – Donald Chaisson; Social Media – Dana Ambrisko; Technical – Peter Ridgway; Charity – Kris Vanacore
December 5, 2023, 7:02 PM to 7:49 PM
Call to Order
President Dana called the meeting to order at 7:02PM.
Board Member Reports:
President – Dana Drysdale –
Nov. 14 2023 Board Minutes: President Dana asked the Board to approve the Nov. 14 2023 Board minutes.
Ayes: 5 Noes: None Motion Passed
On Record Thank You to Holiday / Awards Crew and All Attendees – This is a wonderful party, really the best and one to always look forward to. Thanks to everyone, thank you!
Zone Awards – Timing for Zone awards is going to be applications due January 1; Presidents meet during January; Brian works out by January 31. Z7 Awards Banquet will be early March.
Future timing will be due on November 1, to try to seek people that are a fit for National awards. National Enthusiast of the year came out of Z7 – Shasta and was based on a Z7 Award application.
January 6 Car Show at VA Rehab – Checking on this; our contact is out until July. We contacted her Supervisor, we will hear back, we think we will still have the event. We have 3 cars to date, will keep everyone posted. What we do is just go there independently (no tour), park in the front lot, and describe our cars, features, colors and sounds to the Vets. There are donuts and coffee. If our contact being off work impacts us, we will get this event rescheduled, it is a great idea and opportunity for LPR.
Discussion: Supervisor stated that our contact is out just until December 18. They want to have the cars available from about 10:30AM – 2PM so when various groups that become available, can see the cars. Honore will plan to coordinate bringing lunch for the Porsche participants.
Vice President – Honore D’Angelo
12/10/2023 – Toys for Tots Tour
2/08/2024 – Thirsty Thursday – Beer Thirty – Santa Cruz
3/07/2024 – Thirsty Thursday – Kelly Brewing Company – Morgan Hill
3/16/2024 – St. Patrick’s Day GTG
3/30.2024 – Campbell Easter Parade
4/21/2024 – 4/25/2024 – Treffen Wine Country
5/02/2024 – Thirsty Thursday – Beer Thirty – Santa Cruz
6/06/2024 – Thirsty Thursday – Kelly Brewing Company – Morgan Hill
6/09/2024 – 6/15/2024 – Porsche Parade Birmingham
6/16/2023 – Forest Bathing Tour
7/13/2024 – LPR Summer Picnic – Roaring Camp
8/01/2024 – Thirsty Thursday – Beer Thirty – Santa Cruz
8/03/2024 – Dana’s Club GTG – Details to come
8/08/2024 – Werks Monterey
9/05/2024 – Thirsty Thursday – Kelly Brewing Company – Morgan Hill
9/14/2024 – Jacobs Heart Tour
10/03/2024 – Thirsty Thursday – Bear Thirty – Santa Cruz
10/12/2024 – Octoberfest Tour
11/02/2024 – Ole Amigo’s Tour
12/02/2024 – requesting a change of date from 12/15/2024 – Toys for Tots Tour
12/07/2024 – Awards Banquet – BackNine Restaurant in Pasatiempo
Reservations have been made for the Summer Picnic and the Awards banquet. Budgets will be presented in January.
Discussion: Jim stated that Cars & Coffee will start again in either April or May depending on the weather and end in October. Don put out an idea to possibly add Car races in the calendar as “meet ups”.
Dave believes that the Werks date might be 8/16. Honore will re-check.
Secretary – Sheila Dunwoodie
Thank you for your reports in advance of the meeting!
Treasurer – Andy Ward
The Treasurer’s reports for the November BOD meeting, covering the month of November, and cumulative Income & Expenses for 2023 is shown below.
Just a reminder that I will be visiting relatives in Europe from Dec. 6 through Dec. 22, and it will be difficult to process reimbursements during this time.
Recap: November Financials
Income was: Autocross, Tours, Concours
Expenses were: Autocross, Awards Banquet, Tours
Recap YTD Financials, Jan 1 to November 30, 2023:
The financial figures are slightly wrong. A check for a $200 difference was needed for BackNine. Financials will be corrected next month.
I have a reimbursement request from President Dana for $520, from last month’s joint MBR-LPR Octoberfest tour/lunch. Dana paid for lunch and a drink for our LPR tour participants in advance of the tour. Tour fees were collected by Hugh Calvin and forwarded to Andy for deposit.
Proposal: Kathy Musser proposes that a reimbursement be approved in the amount of $520 to Dana Drysdale as described above. Second: Honore D’Angelo Ayes: 5 Noes: None Motion passes
Discussion: Andy said that the Checks for Stanislaus County for approximately $6,000.00 will be voided for Autocross. Dave mentioned that they have been in contact with them, and checks may need to re-issue checks. While Andy will be out of the country through December 22, he is available to reimburse individuals through his phone. He also mentioned that his desktop version of QuickBooks may be moved to on-line.
Membership – Kathy Musser
New Members from PCA (1)
Benjamin Ridino from Aptos, 2022 718 Spyder
Transfers in (3)
Grant Garson from Palo Alto, 2000 911 Carrera
Tim Evjenth from Golden Gate, 2014 911 Turbo S
Valerie Moselle from Golden Gate, 2010 Caymen S
Transfers out (1)
Non-Renewals for the month of November (4)
Member Renewals for the month of November (16)
Total Membership for the month of November:
Primary Members 375
Affiliate Members 232
Total Members 607
5 Years
Michael LaBouff
10 Years
Keith Milne
Carl Treadwell
Proposal: Kathy proposes we accept the new members. Second: Honore D’Angelo Ayes: 5 Noes: None Motion passes
Activities – Bob Morgan
Absent – Report submitted.
Honore has covered the upcoming calendar. Thank you!
I will be meeting with Greg Sickal this week to train him on the LPR Calendar, Insurance submissions and recordkeeping.
Member-at-Large – John Gould
Absent – Report submitted.
Member at Large has nothing to report.
I am just thankful for all of the help I have received.
Chairperson Reports:
Autocross – Dave Dunwoodie
The 2023 AX season is wrapped up and some of the trophies have been handed out. I should have our 2024 season dates later this week.
In regards to the trailer, when the old stickers were removed from the trailer, some of the paint was either dissolved or came off when trying to remove the old adhesive. Now it’s not just a simple job of putting new graphics on. I’ve looked into getting the trailer painted and two MAACO shops say that their paint will not adhere very well. I’m now looking at a shop to put a white wrap over the whole trailer, and I have a verbal quote for $2000. I’m considering going with that shop and also see about them doing our graphics and expect it will be about $2000 more. The approximate quote I got from my local shop was for $1500-$2500 for the graphics depending on how many we have. Also, we need new tires for next year.
BUT, another alternative is buying a new slightly larger trailer. Ours is 12’ x 6’. I spent the morning at Orlandi Trailer and the afternoon at TrailersPlus. We (Peter Ridgway, Mike Koozmin, and I) looked at a half dozen trailers at Orlandi and decided that 14’ x 7’ would be ideal for our use. I’ve received 5 quotes from Orlandi for $9K and up but none are for the size I asked for and none include the “Concession Window” that we need (looks like the concession window adds $2,000 to the cost). Orlandi says 12-14 weeks for delivery.
I have one quote from TrailersPlus for a perfect trailer, 14’ x 7’ x 7’, with the side door on the opposite side, and a 6’ concession window installed. The quote is for $11,610.00 and tax & license would add about 10%. Delivery is 6-8 weeks. We would still need to add graphics to the new trailer for about $2K. The old trailer could be sold to someone like a landscaper for maybe $4K.
Let’s discuss.
Discussion: It is agreed that since the Trailer is 22 years old, it is time to purchase new instead of trying to update the current trailer. Peter Ridgway states that Dave found the best trailer and price through TrailersPlus.
Proposal: Dana Drysdale proposes that we pay up to $15,000 for new Autocross trailer. Second: Kathy Musser Ayes: 5 Noes: None Motion passes
Charity – Kathy Musser, Kris Vanacore, Emilie Highley
The D’Angelo’s Toys for Tots tour is the last charity event of the year. Members who could not attend the tour dropped off their toy donations at the Awards Event. Toys will be taken to Silicon Valley Moving and Storage on December 22.
Hospitality – Emilie Highley
A card was sent to Kate Weir (Bill’s wife) who recently lost her 95 year old father. He had been in hospice care. Losing a parent is never easy and is hard on the family. The card from the Club let Kate know that we were thinking of her.
Prieta Post Editor – Don Chaisson
We’re in a “mid issue” part of the POST calendar — meaning the next POST issue is starting to be put together. The goal is to have the issue ready first week of Jan 2024!
The cover article will be a report on our Mele Kalikimaka Awards Banquet, then a follow up to the 2023 LPR Concours with an interview with Fremont Porsche’s Customer Experience manager, Elita Gamboa. This being end of the year, fresh content is generally sparse, so just thinking of some different articles — maybe something on SIM racing, maybe promoting a SRO Motorsport event at Sonoma Raceway in April. I’m going and maybe we can get some other LPR folks to show up for some fun racing in a pretty laid back atmosphere. It’s GT racing by lower level Pro teams and many very well-to-do amateur racers. But is fun and only $50 for a three day pass.
Any other ideas??
The Mar/Apr edition will also be up for novel content as LPR event season is thin for the Winter.
On a personal note, I was “over the moon” to join Dana Ambrisko for recognition of our LPR communication’s work. Thank you.
Discussion: John Reed will send Don photos from the Christmas party. The group photo was a good idea.
Public Relations – Open
Submitted by John Reed – Looking over the LPR year end dinner photos for a suitable submission to Panorama’s From the Regions. John will also take photos on the Toys for Tots tour and determine which photos to submit.
(We are looking for someone to take this position – basics are sending photos, possibly an article into Panorama. John is happy to continue taking pictures, but anyone should feel free to take photos. )
Safety – John Reed
All 2023 event Observer’s Reports were sent to PCA in a timely manner as were all of the event release forms which were archived by the LPR Activities Director. A very safe year for LPR! Looking forward to the same for 2024.
Tour – Hugh Calvin
The Joint LPR-MBR Oktoberfest! Tour was completed in early November. Tour fees ($5) waivers apply to remaining tours this year.
Next up is the Toys for Tots Tour on 10-December, and that’s it for Tours this year!
Discussion: John Reed mentioned that he and Peter Ridgway will be planning a memorial tour for Ken Isles. Might be an overnighter and may be in April.
Social Media – Dana Ambrisko
Discussion: Kathy Musser asked that Dana include a message in the next Blast that name badges that had been ordered are ready for pick up at upcoming events. Jim Turk volunteered to email the members that have badges to pick up so that there is no confusion on which badges are available for pick up.
Tech – Peter Ridgway
Nothing to report.
He will gently request more funds from sponsors to help with Autocross trailer costs.
Webmaster – Jim Turk
1) WordPress plugin and theme updates.
2) Updating the In the Zone, Board Minutes and POST Anniversaries.
3) I will be starting file page updates for 2024, AX, Home, Board of Directors…
4) I would like to ask the new board members to do the following:
a) please submit a selfie that I can place on the Board of Directors page. For those members continuing on from 2023, if you would like to change your current picture, please send me a replacement.
b) If the new board members would like to provide a small Porsche biography, that would be great, otherwise your entry on the BOD page will be a bit “skinny”. Check out the current BOD page for the information that I would like to collect for you biography.
c) we use “generic” email addresses for board and committee members which are redirected to the email destination of your choice, so please send me the email address you would like to use for your @org emails.
d) And, of course, if current members wish to change their biography, send me the information and I will update your information.
Discussion: Jim had a question about a Golden copy of the By-Laws. Dana Drysdale said Jim can update it and send to Dana Drysdale to put in the Glove box.
Old Business: None
New Business: None
Adjourn Meeting: Meeting adjourned by President Dana at 7:49 PM