Present: President – Peter Ridgway; Vice President – Kris Vanacore; Treasurer – Johnny Musser; Secretary – Dana Drysdale; Membership – Iain McNeil; Member at Large – John Gould; Activities – Bob Morgan; Additionally, Activities Chairs – AX – Dave Dunwoodie, Webmaster – James Turk, Safety and Tour – John Reed; Prieta Post – Donald Chaisson; Social Blast – Dana Ambrisko
Not Present, Submitted Report: Hospitality – Emilie Highley
Additionally: Honore D’Angelo, VP-Elect; Sheila Dunwoody, Secretary – Elect; Andrew Ward – Treasurer-Elect; Bill Bauer, Hugh Calvin, Andrew Ward; Les Schreiber
December 6, 2022, 7:00 PM to 8:11 PM
Call to Order
Pres. Peter called the meeting to order at 7:00PM.
Board Member Reports:
President Peter Ridgway –
a) New Zone Rep: Brian Adkins is our new Zone Rep; Pres of Diablo last 4 years, Peter has good experience with him and hoped he would be Zone Rep;
b) PCA Membership: Grown to 153,000 this year. LPR grew by about 30 members, best of all, many are active!
c) New Board Coaching: Peter has been coaching Dana, and he knows Kris and Johnny are working with their Board replacements, and also Dana is working with Sheila.
d) New Board Slide: Peter attached this to his notes, please check and see if it needs changes. This will be posted at our sponsors next week, so, speak up!
Vice President – Kris Vanacore
The first GTG of 2023 will be the 1/28/23 Blues and Brews event at Mr. Mojitos. Bill Weir, with Peter’s help, has run headfirst into the New Year with a GTG featuring Bill’s band Blues Rockers. $10 cover charge and beverages and meals are on your own. Chris Dyer made a flyer that will be featured on the LPR website, Facebook and sent to membership via the Blast.
Membership Family Appreciation Picnic:
The 2023 Membership Family Appreciation Picnic will be at Roaring Camps. Kris proposes the board approve a $225 deposit to hold our Saturday 7/15/2023 location. Roaring Camp has proved to be a very successful location for our picnic but their meal prices per person have increased by about $7 per plate. It is still a bargain and a great location for the club. Honore and Kris will work on a budget with the possibility of guests bringing their own beverages and a munchie to share.
Proposal: Kris proposes that we approve a $225 deposit to Roaring Camps for Membership Family Appreciation Picnic. Second: Bob Morgan Ayes: 7 Noes: None Motion passes
Awards Event:
2022: I’ve reached out to get the final bill from the Inn at Pasatiempo. My approved budget was $7k. Fingers cross we come in close to that number.
2023: Kris has a soft hold at the Inn at Pasatiempo for the first Saturday in December 2023. Their prices are also going up. I will work with Honore to see if she would prefer to find another location. Otherwise, we can stay at the Inn, but it will cost our members more than $50 per person. Typically, the club subsidizes the per person charge and loses a little money.
Secretary – Dana Drysdale
Received a nice Email from Ken Iles observing how great things are going with LPR. Ken came to many AX to take pictures, that is how I first met Ken. He congratulated Don and LPR for the new POST.
Continued thanks for sending in your reports early so we have a better meeting! 2023 is already shaping up to be another great year for our club. Part of Peter’s training for me is both of us saying how lucky and amazed we are to be in LPR with our Chairpersons and Volunteers.
Treasurer – Johnny Musser
Recap: November Financials
LPR-PCA Assets on November 30, 2022:
Current E-checking account balance is: $2,726
Current Main Checking balance is: $53,666
Savings, CD and Petty Cash $: $20,519
LPR-PCA’s other financial asset is the Timing Trailer, on the balance sheet as an asset of $673.
Membership – Iain McNeil
New Members from PCA 3
Transfers in 1
Transfers out 1
Total Membership for the month of November:
Primary Members 348
Affiliate Members 219
Total Members 567
Test Drive Participants 0
PCA Juniors 8
20 Years
Selva Naidu
10 Years
Patrick Haley
5 Years
Warren Paradise
Mark & William Christie
New Members and Transfers In
Robert Baty of Boulder Creek, Robert drives a 2006 Cayman S
William Palajac of Santa Cruz, William drives a 2017 Boxster S
Fabio Cerdeiral of Los Gatos, Fabio drives a 2018 Macan
Achyutram Bhamidipaty of San Jose, Achyutram drives a 2021 Cayman S
New member packages will be sent to all new members this week
Proposal: Iain proposes we accept the new members. Second: Kris Vanacore Ayes: 7 Noes: None Motion passes
Activities – Bob Morgan
LPR Calendar
Planning meeting was conducted and the LPR calendar is up to date. Let me know if there are changes and/or adds.
Question: Next Board Meeting 1/3/2022? Continue with 1st Tuesday? After discussion, Board settled on 2nd Tuesday to help allow time for books to be closed. We will continue with Zoom for now.
Toys 4 Tots Tour on 12/11/22, Certificate of Insurance received
Bob is ready to add 2023 AX dates as they are received
Concours, Rallye, Tech
Many dates available in the spring!
Thirsty Thursday TBD – Also looking for place in SJ that will allow chips and dips brought in, but order food. Kris feels this is more of a popup event, and reports that Beer Thirty would be cold in January.
Cars & Coffee at Carpo’s on 1/15 and 2/12/23? Jim will communicate dates as they are known, this is also more of a popup event.
Mr. Mojito GTG on 1/28/22
2023 Calendar
Email your ideas for tours, GTGs and other events to
2022 and 2023 Calendar
Email your ideas for tours, GTGs and other events to
Suggestion from Kris to publish Tour and GTG guidelines on the blasts, which will be done.
Member-at-Large – John Gould
Elections wrapped up successfully. Nothing further to add at this time.
Chairperson Reports:
Autocross – Dave Dunwoodie
Nov. 5 AX was great! Lots happening right now with multiple sites, Dave expects to start having solid dates in the next week or two.
Dave made a last request for business cards, everyone agreed to get their information in. Kris made a pitch for more business card use, and for the generic cards – double order for the generic ones.
Proposal: Peter proposes that we approve spending $225 for new cards. Second: Kris Vanacore and John Gould Ayes: 7 Noes: None Motion passes
Charity and Hospitality – Kathy Musser, Kris Vanacore, Emilie Highley
Charity –
Charity has been quiet this month now that the Jacob’s Heart Tour and Kill-A-Cone has taken place.
The Charity Committee says, ‘thank you’ for awarding us the “Kevin & Debbie Bennett GTG of the Year (this was the Jacob’s Heart Tour)”. This award was shared with John & Caroline Eiskamp who hosted the pizza party in their home after the tour – this is a party that no one should miss! It was unfortunate that Kathy & Johnny Musser missed the Awards Banquet due to Covid. . . Kathy will proudly display the award given to Charity in their home!
Don’t forget that the Toys for Tots Tour, December 11th is just around the corner headed up by John & Honore D’Angelo – See the LPR Calendar for more information. All toys donated at the tour will be taken by the Charity Committee to the collection site. Special note: At the Awards Banquet, an additional $165 selling raffle tickets was collected – all proceeds will go to Toys for Tots. . . PLUS, Tony and Kris had a truck full of toys brought by the members to the Awards Banquet to take to the collection site. Thank you LPR – Because of you, there will be many less fortunate children that will experience joy this Holiday Season from the toys that LPR members have donated!
One of our newer members, Sung Chang recently lost his mother – a sympathy card was sent from LPR.
John Gould’s wife, Valerie continues to recuperate at home since her surgery as a result of a fall that shattered her left arm.
A ‘thinking of you’ card was sent. Get well Valerie!
Prieta Post Editor – Don Chaisson
The next issue, the Jan/Feb: The Concours issue is essentially complete, with respect to overall layout and “articles”. There are four “articles” this issue and the usual “department” contributions. The plan is to publish the last week of the year.
Here is what’s left:
Photos for the “Cover Shot Photo Contest” continue to Trickle IN… but they are pretty good with 3 of the 4 photographers submitting cover quality shots — so, I’m thinking why have only ONE winner !!
Themes for upcoming issues might be:
Any ideas are welcomed !!!!!
Post Editor Admin: Don submitted invoices for Adobe InDesign as approved at last board meeting.
Public Relations – Open
We are looking for someone to take this position – basics are sending photos, possibly an article into Panorama. John is happy to continue taking pictures, but anyone should feel free to take photos.
Safety & Tour – John Reed
Safety – The Observer’s Reports for the November LPR Autocross and Tour were sent to PCA National in a timely manner. The release forms were received by the LPR Activities Director. There were no incidents to report.
Tour – The Ole Amigos Tour on 11/12 was well attended, everyone enjoyed the drive and ordering individual lunches from the menu was a plus. The Toy for Tots Charity Tour and Lunch is on tap for 12/11. Details have been sent to those attending. John & Honore DeAngelo are the event chairs.
Anyone wishing to add a tour to next year’s calendar should contact the LPR Activities Director or the LPR Tour Chair.
Public Relations – A photo and caption has been sent to From the Regions. Linda Goodman sent a message confirming its receipt and a possible month it will appear.
Social Media – Dana Ambrisko
Tech – Peter Ridgway
Bill Weir and Peter signed up BRR Racing as a new premium sponsor. BRR also sponsor GGR, but they’re located in Los Gatos and expanding their service capabilities. Very competed people.
We also reconfirmed Elephant Racing, Custom Alignment, Modderman, Wardell Interiors and both Porsche of Stevens Creek and Porsche of Fremont for next year. Still working on Dell Auto.
Dave D. checked with Brad at BTM Motorwerks and BTM wants to continue sponsorship. Just working out the details now.
A Superior Collision in Campbell signed up for a half page ad sponsorship. These guys just completed full Porsche certification ( which was a major pain in the A**). I expect to sign them up as sponsors. Not sure what level yet.
Both A Superior and BRR will do tech sessions next year as will Wardell. Wardell’s is almost done with the new car wash/detail center, and it looks great. Will nail dates down in Jan.
Webmaster – Jim Turk
Website maintenance is being performed. We are at the current release of WordPress, v6.1.1, but our WordPress theme is woefully out of date and updating to the latest version destroys the website.
Old Business: None
New Business: Kris Vanacore: The last club directory was published in 2019. Would it be possible to publish a new one? If so would it be less expensive to have a web based directory? As you may recall, an email blast was sent to the membership asking them to choose to opt out otherwise their info was going into the directory. I use the directory often to reach out to members for events. It’s my experience that an email from a specific person is more personal and folks respond.(must make them feel obligated.)
Adjourn Meeting: Meeting adjourned by Pres. Peter at 8:11PM