Present: John Reed, Angie Reed, Anne Roth, Lisa Radding, Margie Jensen, Emilie Highley, Dave Dunwoodie, Jim Turk, Iain McNeill, Steve Graham, Kathy Musser, Kris Vanacore, Robert Morgan, Peter Ridgway
Guests: Ed Tefankjian, Les Schreiber
December 1st, 2020 7:00 PM to 8:20 PM
Call to Order
November 2020 Board Meeting Minutes (distributed via email)
Suspend reading of November BOD meeting minutes; motion by Lisa, seconded by Robert, no discussion, voted unanimously.
Any corrections
Approval of the November BOD Meeting minutes; motion by Margie, seconded by Robert, no discussion, voted unanimously.
Board Member Reports:
President – John Reed
I received the monthly region report from PCA along with other correspondence which are available upon request. I sent a congratulatory message to Collin Fat on his appointment by the PCA Executive Council to another two year term as the Zone 7 Rep.
Vice President – Lisa Radding
Social gatherings are once again in question as the year draws to an end.
Nothing is presently scheduled until next year.
All major events are rescheduled and contact info passed onto Kris Vanacore, incoming VP.
Tyrollian Inn is tentatively booked for 17th Jan GTG, they are closed until mid Dec. Unsure of outcome.
Secretary – Iain McNeill
Transferring record keeping to PCA cloud for data retention. Need to use secretary account for continuity.
Treasurer – Margie Jensen
- Recap: November 2020
- INCOME: $ 9,638.70
- EXPENSES: $ 1,542.99
- NET INCOME: 8,095.71
Income: Autocross, Advertising, Charity, Quarterly Refunds
Expenses were from: Autocross, Administrative, Charity, Hospitality
2020 Year to Date Financials
- INCOME: $ 39, 230.66
- EXPENSES: $ 31,941.89
- NET INCOME: $ 7,288.77
As of Nov. 30, 2020 2:00 p.m.
Current E-checking account balance is: $ 3,024.29
Current Main Checking balance is: $ 65,587.80
Savings account balance is: $ 8,873.62
Membership – Kathy Musser/Angie Reed
New Members from PCA (2)
Terry Boyle from Salinas, 2014 Boxster
Brian Sussman from Santa Cruz, 2009 Cayman
Transfers in (0)
Transfers out (1)
Non-Renewals for the month of November (2)
Member Renewals for the month of November (11)
Total Membership for the month of November:
Primary Members 325
Affiliate Members 212
Total Members 537
5 Years
John Gould
Tim Clark
10 Years
Chris Dyer
15 Years
Patrick Kuhn
25 Years
Gary Goelkel
Dave Achabal
30 Years
Kevin Bennett
Motion to accept new members by Kathy, seconded by Bob, no discussion, voted unanimously.
Three new member packets were mailed to those who joined in November. I will send out the packets to those voted in at the December BoD meeting. LPR name badges will be distributed at upcoming events.
Activities – Bob Morgan
LPR Calendar
The LPR calendar is up to date, including new events for 2021. Everything on the calendar is tentative.
Please note, the Communicable Disease waiver (PCA Form) is required for all events
The Toys for Tots Tour is no longer a tour, it is a donation drive. We are expecting guidance from PCA.
No AX dates have been scheduled yet.
No concours have been scheduled yet
There are some GTG’s on the calendar.
2021 Calendar Planning
Thanks to all who attended the Zoom meeting. We have a tentative calendar of events for 2021
Feel free to email me with your ideas and proposals for events. I will add them to the calendar and we’ll see how the year goes.
Please provide information to Bob Morgan ASAP (, so I can update the calendar with RSVP information, etc.
Member-at-Large – Steve Graham
Perpetual Awards: Had to be on Ballot, cannot move forward with these. No actions taken.
Recognition Awards:
- Cow Palace:
- Create a plaque for Cow Palace as a gesture award for their efforts to schedule our events
- Jean from Cow Palace stated that some awards have been received in the past.
- …get a small gift for Jean (completed)
- Committee agrees that a plaque might be a good idea for the PR for Cow Palace.
- Remembrance plaque for Joe Weinstein
- Steve to use MAL budget for three plaques to be designed and procured by Anne (get help from Peter for checks)
- Joe Weinstein award to send to his family for years of contribution to LPR
- Anne to arrange for the three plaques (in progress) with her contacts, with button/crest, paid for by Board member budget! (Peter to coach Steve on process)
- Recognition: General call out to “all” of those who created tours and events during a difficult 2020 who should be recognized for their efforts. Write-up to be featured in the Prieta Post.
a. Use LPR calendar that has all of the events:
- Autocross – 3 events
- Hearst Castle Tour (missing date)
- 10/3 Thirsty Thursday
- 10/12 Jacobs Heart Tour, auction and lunch at the Eiskamps\
- 10/19 AX#8 Kill-a-Kone
- 11/2-3 Hearst Castle Tour – Peter Ridgway
- 11/7 Thirsty Thursday
- 11/16 Tech session – Elephant Racing – Peter Ridgway
- 12/7 LPR Awards Holiday Event – Kris Vanacore
- 12/14 Gift Exchange – The Hallocks
- 1/2 Thirsty Thursday
- 1/18 Soup Night – Bonnie and Lisa Radding
- 1/25 Crows Nest Tour and GTG – The Reeds
- 2/6 Thirsty Thursday
- 2/8 Casino Nite Custom Alignment/Modderman
- 2/29 GTG-Barracuda Hockey – Lisa Radding
- 3/5 Thirsty Thursday
- 6/13 Wild Wiener Tour – Vanacore
b. Kris has updated the above list in response to this email, and has provided a draft writeup. (see attached, and nicely done!)
c. Steve to work with Kris and committee to approve and get this to Prieta Post team
Cost of awards is about $180, motion by pay this Kathy, seconded by Margie , no discussion, voted unanimously.
Anne informed the board about the efforts made by the AX team to bring an AX event season to the members in this year.
Kris wanted to do USPS mail awards with a traditional printed awards, board was amenable to such expenses.
Chairperson Reports:
Advertising – Peter Ridgway
Peter hesitant of asking for advertising if Preita post is unsure, need to secure editor position.
Kris suggested $80-100 per hour to hire a web services team, board was open to proposals for using funds to promote website & social media traffic.
Autocross – Anne Roth & Dave Dunwoodie
Nothing to report.
Charity – Kathy Musser, Kris Vanacore, Emilie Highley
The Charity Committee is currently working on the Toys for Tots Lights Tour scheduled for 12/12. We are in the process of getting PCA insurance (Thank you Bob!) Information will be submitted to Kat, Chris and James for an updated flyer and web page as soon as we know that we have the insurance. So far, RSVPs are very small so we may want to ask for another email blast (again once we have all the details nailed down).
I’ve got to say that putting on any kind of event is challenging given the Covid Virus restrictions moving target ;-(
Also during this month, the $750 subsidy from PCA was dropped off to Jacob’s Heart by the Musser’s. Kathy delivered check plus extra $50.
I am slowly pulling together the information required for the 2020 PCA Public Service Award. Submission is due before 12/31/2020.
Emilie Highley – Hospitality
All is well.
Prieta Post Editor – Kat Hsueh & Chris Dyer
The POST is published. December’s POST will be available online at noon on December 1st.
Help! We need to find a newsletter editor to replace my role (as I’m moving to the East Bay and will eventually transfer to the region I’ll be in). Also, both Chris, co-editor, and I have been slammed at work and are barely squeezing this in. Chris can continue on to help with back end technical but won’t be available to do my part. I can still post articles until we find someone.
We need an editor as well as content. We can find content from the membership but the editor is the person to pull it together. The board was open to paying to make the website more valuable,
Anne and Dave have great traffic on the Facebook page. Peter to share website ad with Facebook to broaden the search.
Discussion ensued regarding the benefit of Facebook and the website working together.
Public Relations – Ken Iles
I have nothing to report.
Rallye – Bob Frostholm
Safety & Tour– John Reed
The Observer’s and Post Event Reports for the November 7th tour were sent to PCA in a timely manner. The event release forms were given to the LPR Activities Director.
At this time it’s undetermined if the Lights of Willow Glen drive in conjunction with the Toys for Tots event will be a tour or a simply a DIY drive with no PCA insurance involved. A determination will be made soon. The next scheduled LPR tour is on Saturday, January 23rd. The Reeds will host.
Observers report and post event report can be combined. Colin Fat advised this is being considered by National. More infor to follow.
Social Media – Peter Ridgway
Nothing to report
Tech – Peter Ridgway
Nothing to report.
Webmaster – Jim Turk
November was spent doing maintenance work on the website, finishing the election stuff and posting a few pictures.
- Multiple Home page changes to plug the planning session and Toys 4 Tots.
- Website maintenance
- Plugins updates
- Moved documents essential to the website to the PCA Glovebox.
- WordPress theme updated to latest version.
- Still looking around for a replacement for Flickr/Awesome Flickr Gallery.
Flickr is fine but the WordPress plugin we are using is out of date and is causing some problems.
Old Business:
New Business: Much discussion around how to engage more than our current 10% membership in activities. To be a healthy club we need younger generations getting involved. Several ideas were suggested and the board invited proposals for actions to engage younger members in the local club. The consensus was that social media working with the website could provide the best connection to younger members. Well managed tours, AX and track days are proving to be successful, low risk ways of enjoying our cars in this Covid environment. How can we capitalize on this interaction with our members?
Adjourn Meeting:
NEXT MEETING – January 5th at 7:00pm – Zoom Conference/video-call
Round Table Pizza, 14940 Camden Ave, San Jose – TBD at a later date