Present: President – Dana Drysdale; Vice President – Honore D’Angelo; Secretary – Sheila Dunwoodie; Activities – Greg Sickal; Member at Large – Homer Pitner; Membership – Kathy Musser, Additionally, Activities Chairs – AX – Dave Dunwoodie; Webmaster – James Turk; Tour – Hugh Calvin; Prieta Post – Donald Chaisson; Social Media – Dana Ambrisko; Technical – Peter Ridgway; Charity – Kris VanacoreAbsent: Treasurer – Andy Ward; Hospitality Chair – Emilie Highley; Safety – John Reed; Prieta Post – Donald Chaisson
Additional: Brian Adkins, Bill Bauer
President Dana called the meeting to order at 7:04PM.
July Board Minutes: President Dana asked the Board to approve the July 2024 Board minutes.
Ayes: 5 Noes: None Motion Passed
Thank You Board and Chairs: Thank you to everyone for the great work being done this year.
I know how lucky we all are to have each of you doing this. It is amazing to get to be President and witness. Record turnout at Carpo’s – this seems like a “rising tide lifts all boats” effect because of what all of you do.
Thank you!
Zone 7 Concours Series Banker Job: I have more details. Would like a show of hands poll to make sure I am not headed for a dirt bath. Facts:
Discussion: Any discussion
Show of hands to move ahead / not: Same method as a vote. Next step will be to complete paperwork and have formal motions. Board approved to move forward.
Potluck: Missy and I enjoyed this tremendously. Great way to meet more experienced members. Thanks to all for all the help and great times. The kids swimming at the club and the neighbors loved the cars. Thanks!
Werks Reunion: Hope to get list of LPR participants from National and have a meet up at the stage. All judging is to be done by 1:30. How does 1:30 sound?
Honore, can you please bring the banner? I will send the email blind if I can get a list, asking everyone to meet at the stage.
Decided on meeting at the stage at 12:15PM. Honore will bring banner.
Oktoberfest: Registration and many other details are in play or handled. Thank you Honore!
MBR requires a lunch / program only option for their 80- & 90-year-old members.
Experienced LPR members at the Potluck said they would come to a lunch / program only option.
Checked in with Honore, and we will offer lunch only.
Multi Region 3 Event Subsidy: Brian Adkins, Z7 is in the loop, and he believes we will qualify. $750.
Diablo Region: Would like to invite Pres of Diablo and others he may want to bring. Anyone see a problem with that? Okay to invite.
7/13/2024 – LPR Summer Picnic – Roaring Camp – we had 79 members signed up and 74 attended, 14 new members and 1 couple from GGR.
7/14/2024 – Cars and Coffee – Carpos in Santa Cruz
8/01/2024 – Thirsty Thursday – Beer Thirty – Santa Cruz – pretty good turnout – about 15 members attended
8/03/2024 – GTG at Dana’s Club – Cupertino Hills Swim and Racquet Club – 22090 Rae Lane, Cupertino, CA 95014 – 4:00 – 9:00 p.m. – Potluck – Home – Cupertino Hills Swim and Racquet Club – This was a great event and member turnout – 27 members attended – the venue was wonderful as well as the weather!! Hats off to Dana and Missy for hosting this excellent event.
8/11/2024 – Cars and Coffee – Carpos in Santa Cruz – about 31 members participated and 4 new members.
9/05/2024 – Thirsty Thursday – Jakes of Saratoga – Saratoga – reservation has been made
9/8/2024 – Cars and Coffee – Fremont Porsche – 8 AM to 10 AM. Refreshment will be provided.
9/15/2024 – Cars and Coffee – Aptos at Edna Vilozny’s and Julio Ortiz’s Insurance – 7545 Soquel Dr STE B, Aptos, CA 95003 (in the Parking Lot)
9/21/2024 – Oktoberfest Tour – LPR and MBR gathering – Tour through the Santa Cruz mountains and end up at Brookdale for lunch – please see calendar for more details
9/22/2024 – LPR Concourse – Fremont Porsche – 7 AM to Noon. Lunch will be provided.
10/03/2024 – Thirsty Thursday – Bear Thirty – Santa Cruz
10/13/2024 – Cars and Coffee – Brookdale, Brookdale CA
12/01/2024 – Toys for Tots Tour
12/07/2024 – Awards Banquet – BackNine Restaurant in Pasatiempo
Received contract today from Brookdale for the Oktoberfest. They are requiring a fee of $450 for the rental of the facility on 9/21. I would like to request board approval for this expense. Brookdale is asking for this fee upfront with the signed contract. I will pay with my credit card then get reimbursed, if this expense is approved by the Board.
Proposal: Honore proposes we approve the fee of $450 for rental of Brookdale’s facility. Second: Homer Ayes: 6 Noes: None Motion passes
Thank you for your reports in advance of the meeting!
Absent – Report Submitted
Good morning, everyone. Please see attached Treasurer’s reports for the month of July. Just a reminder that I will not be able to attend the August meeting because I’ll be travelling the entire month of August.
As far as I know we are all caught up with any outstanding bills, but if a need for a payment arises while I am gone President Dana has both the Club Debit Card as well as the checkbook.
We received the yearly PCA charity contribution for the Morgan Autism Center yesterday, and at Kris’s request I forwarded that directly to the charity, as we have done in previous years. This transaction will be reflected in our August report, for our September BOD meeting.
Gregg Peterson from Santa Cruz, 2023 718 Cayman GT4 R
Transfers in (0)
Transfers out (1)
Non-Renewals for the month of July (3)
Member Renewals for the month of July (23)
Total Membership for the month of July:
Primary Members 375
Affiliate Members 231
Total Members 606
5 Years
Ellsworth Wente IV
15 Years
Matthew Valente
25 Years
Bob Morgan
30 Years
Kevin Hill
35 Years
Russ Britschgi
Proposal: Kathy proposes we accept the new members. Second: Honore Ayes: 6 Noes: None Motion passes
LPR Calendar
* Updated the calendar with various additions and changes
* Email any calendar additions/changes for tours, GTG’s and other events to
* No insurance requests for July
Wrapped up meetings and have submitted complete nominations list.
Propose motion for BOD to approve Dana to stand for a third term.
Submitted for BOD approval (thanks for all the input and guidance).
File posted here:
If the BOD is ready, propose motion to approve.
Discussion: Suggested changes for the By-Laws was emailed to Homer. He will review and resubmit for approval by email to the Board.
Completed update (thank you for all the inputs!) and submitted to BOD for approval.
File posted here:
Proposal: Homer proposes we approve updated LPR Policies and Procedures. Second: Kathy Ayes: 6 Noes: None Motion passes\
We are switching to a new app called Clokkr for AX Timing and Results. It is replacing Pronto for timing and live results. It is a cloud-based system that can be used on any computer, any phone or tablet can be used for inputting car entries and penalties and live results for the drivers. Results are posted to our website automatically without having to download a spreadsheet file and manipulate for posting. Live Timing doesn’t have to be hosted by another server. It’s developed and supported by a local SVR PCA member. Also includes driver analytics when the driver logs in.
I would like board approval for the $600 annual fee.
Proposal: Kathy proposes we approve $600 annual fee for Clokkr. Second: Homer Ayes: 6 Noes: None Motion passes
October 12/13 will be our Zone 7 weekend with GGR at Crows Landing and I would like to host a dual region dinner in Patterson. In April, GGR hosted a dual region dinner in Salinas. I’ve started the application process letting Brian know, and the Prez needs to file the application officially for the National $500 “rebate”. I would like board approval for up to $500 more for the dinner. I don’t expect to spend that much, probably closer to $750 for up to 25 members.
Proposal: Dana proposes we approve up to an additional $500 for dual region dinner. Second: Homer Ayes: 6 Noes: None Motion passes
Discussion: Kris Vanacore volunteered to assist with searching for a suitable restaurant for the dinner and to submit application for the dual region rebate.
Thank you to Andy Ward for forwarding the PCA contribution to Morgan Autism Center!
Jacob’s Heart Tour is just around the corner
Saturday, September 14th from 9:30 to 1:30
The Tour will start at Canepa in Scott’s Valley – meet there at 10:00 a.m. for morning coffee and donuts. and then on to Jacob’s Heart for lunch, wine & beer! Tour sign ups have been light, so it is not too late. If you are unable to attend and would like to make a donation to Jacob’s Heart, please let Kathy know. To date, someone has made a very generous donation which we are thankful for.
Information is on the LPR Event Calendar or contact Kathy Musser at (831) 234-6371/ Please RSVP before September 7th.
June Iles Update – Unfortunately Sonnett Hill had an outbreak of Covid where several resident’s tested positive – June was one of them, therefore she was isolated in her room for about a week. I was able to Facetime her, thanks to the Sonnett staff and chat with her. She had a mild case and is now back in the swing of things. Those that visit her will need to wear a mask at this time as a precaution.
John Reed. . . John has now parted ways with his trusty wound machine. Progress is slow, but he is making progress! Thank you to Peter Ridgway who has come over and driven John’s Porsches from time to time. Still not totally sure when we will see John & Angie at an event – hopefully sooner than later! Calls and cards are welcome. When I last spoke to John, he sounded like our ‘good old John’!
Absent – Report submitted.
Work on the Sept Oct POST continues. A lot of content will come from WERKS and my incoming interview with Vu Nguyen about PCA office’s support of WERKS. Should be interesting. We will have several pages on the Annual Picnic and New Members gathering, two pages by Kevin Bennett (ex- POST editor) and four pages of information about many of the new members who attended. I anticipate getting everything together for the issue’s publication in the second week of Sept (probably not ready in the first week due to being on a road trip the last week of August.)
Report submitted by John Reed.
The latest From the Regions input can be found on page 106 of the July issue of Panorama. If anyone has photos of any interesting LPR events and are willing to share let me know.
(We are looking for someone to take this position – basics are sending photos, possibly an article into Panorama. John is happy to continue taking pictures, but anyone should feel free to take photos.)
Absent – Report submitted
The Observer’s Reports for the July 21 and August 10 LPR Autocrosses were sent to PCA in a timely manner. The release forms were sent to the LPR Activities Director for the events archives. The LPR Autocross Chair can confirm.
BoD authorized Tour fee waivers for tours in 2024.
No Tours were held in July, and none are scheduled for August.
Next scheduled Tour is the Jacob’s Heart Tour on 14-September and the Oktoberfest Joint Tour with MBR will be on 21-September.
Further out: The Ole Amigos Tour (2-Nov), and Toys for Tots Tour (1-Dec).
Discussion: Dana will also send a separate emailer towards the end of August to promote Jacob’s Heart tour.
Prepping for Cars and Coffee and Concours at Fremont Porsche.
We have a new Customer Experience Manager at Fremont Porsche: Kiki Harris.
Elita is moving into Sales. Say Hi if you’re visiting.