Present: President – Peter Ridgway; Vice President – Kris Vanacore; Secretary – Dana Drysdale; Membership – Iain McNeill; Activities – Bob Morgan; Treasurer – Johnny Musser
Additionally, Activities Chairs – Dave Dunwoodie, James Turk, Emilie Highley, Safety and Tour – John Reed
Not Present, Sent in Report: Member at Large – Steve Graham
Guests: John Gould
August 3, 2021 7:06PM to 7:56 PM
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:06PM.
Board Member Reports:
President – Peter Ridgway, including Sponsorship (no longer Advertising)
President Peter asked the group to please review the minutes of the last meeting carefully. After that, we will review corrected minutes.
Peter is checking for more new sponsor opportunities. He also checked with Kevin Bennett to see about printing the directory to improve sponsorship opportunities and to keep the members updated. There was a further discussion about using the directory to invite people to the members’ picnic, and that this is successful.
There followed a discussion of different points of view of communications about various subjects.
Vice President – Kris Vanacore
Guest total: 88
Total cost of picnic: $2401.08
(Just under my $2500 budget)
About $23.75 per person
After polling the “LPR Influencers” the Annual Awards Dinner (Saturday, Dec. 4, Inn at Pasatiempo) will be a more casual affair this year. Details to follow. Budget for this event as approved by the board is $7k.
There are currently no GTGs planned. I’m conflicted with where we are with the Covid variant about planning anything at a restaurant. I will try again to contact the Tyrolean Inn for an Octoberfest brunch on their patio.
Attempting to contact Tyrolean Inn for future activities, may simply go there and check in with them. There was a further discussion of Thirsty Thursday and local conditions. And a discussion of various members interests in tours and traveling.
Secretary – Dana Drysdale
Nothing to report. Met with Eureka! Beers and Burgers and Bobbie’s Restaurant since Hapa’s is evasive just now.
Treasurer – Johnny Musser
Recap: July Financials
- Expenses: $ 4,986
- Income: $ 7,623
- Net Income: $ 2,637
• Income was Sponsorships & Autocross
• Expenses were Autocross & Family Picnic
Recap YTD Financials
- Expenses: $ 51,347
- Income: $ 33,530
- Net Income (Loss): $ (17,817)
LPR-PCA Assets on June 30, 2021:
Current E-checking account balance is: $ 4,480
Current Main Checking balance is: $46,200
Savings, CD and Petty Cash $: $20,514
LPR-PCA’s other financial asset is the Timing Trailer, on the balance sheet as an asset of $4,708.
Membership – Iain McNeil
- New Members from PCA 2
- Transfers in 0
- Transfers out 1
- Non-Renewals for the month of May: None
Total Membership for the month of May:
- Primary Members 326
- Affiliate Members 210
- Total Members 536
New Categories
- Test Drive Participants 0
- PCA Juniors 7
Anniversaries (June)
40 Years
Larry and Juanita Brisson
20 Year
Jan & Michael Herauf
15 Years
Hugh & Nancy Calvin
10 Year
Ronald & Margaret Long
New Members and Transfers In – April and May- all received Welcome packages
William Bauer of San Jose, driving a 1987 944 turbo
Sasha Navarro of Santa Cruz, driving a 1995 911 Carrera
Welcome packages were sent to William and Sasha.
Proposal: Accept the new members. Motion: Iain McNeil; Second: Kris Vanacore; Ayes: 6; Noes: None
There followed a discussion of purchasing badges for members, for example, Region of the Year did new badges for all new members, and this was noted in PCA Board meeting.
Activities – Bob Morgan
There was a discussion of the Covid waiver, and there is an idea that it may come back.
Lake Tahoe
Autocross dates up to date on Calendar.
Concours for Monterey and Silver State region are on Calendar.
LPR Calendar
Is up to date.
Please note, no communicable disease form required as of July 1.
See VP report for Family Picnic July 18.
Werks Reunion is August 13.
- Lake Tahoe Tour is September 25 & 26.
- Jacob’s Heart Tour is October 23.
- Crow’s Nest Tour is November 6.
If anyone wants to host a tour, let Bob know and he will add to calendar.
Dates updated on the LPR Calendar, and an updated Certificate of Insurance received. See Chairperson Reports Below under Autocross.
Concours and Rallye
SVR is hosting Zone Concours 1 on August 1. Calendar is updated.
No Rallye’s have been scheduled.
See report from Kris Vanacore, Vice President.
Porsche Brunches are back on starting August 7; October 2 and December 4.
Potential GTG in September.
There followed a discussion of potential to have a tour to Kelly McKnight’s in Pescadero. He has an exceptionally large front yard, room to park many cars, so, no need to worry about cars.
Please send ideas and proposals for events to Bob – – for processing and adding to calendar. Bob will add the RSVP information, etc. to the calendar.
Member-at-Large – Steve Graham
Nothing further to report currently.
Chairperson Reports:
Autocross – Anne Roth & Dave Dunwoodie Back on for September dates. September 4. There was a general update and discussion of Autocross. We lost our August event; we lost our original September dates. Cow Palace has offered September 4, 5, and we will take it.
Proposal: Request funding for September Autocross dates. Motion: Iain McNeill; Second: Kris Vanacore; Ayes: 6; Noes: None
There was further discussion of charity donation to enable people with instructors so that people are covered by insurance.
Charity – Kathy Musser, Kris Vanacore, Emilie Highley
1. “Porsche Patio Pizza Party” – donated to Morgan Autism as an auction item for their Starry Starry Nights Gala. Emilie has been contacted by the lucky winner, Bill Gerber of LWG Construction. Details are being worked out for a group of us from LPR to host the event at LWG Construction for their 10 employees. More details to follow. LPR approved $500.00 for the auction item.
2. Jacob’s Heart – Still on schedule for a tour to Jacob’s Heart and lunch, Saturday, October 23rd. Stay tuned. Kathy is ‘on this’ !!!!!!
3. Toys for Tots – Kris has taken the lead on this. She has reached out to John & Honore D’Angelo asking if they were interested in doing a Toys for Tots tour this holiday season. If we do not hear back, there are 2 other options: (1) Organize a “Lights of Willow Glen” tour – meeting at the Highley’s where toys will be delivered – hot chocolate and holiday cookies will be served, OR (2) Request that attendees of the Annual Awards Banquet bring a toy. Kris will keep us posted on event details.
4. Kill -A-Kone. . . Kris is ‘on this’ – more details to follow as they are firmed up!!!!
Emilie Highley – Hospitality
Great News! Nothing to report! Please reach out to Emilie if you know of someone who is ill, needs cheering up, or has lost a loved one. A card from the club will go out immediately.
Prieta Post Editor – Open position for POST editor
We are posting articles to website and potentially Facebook while searching for a POST editor.
Public Relations – Open
John Reed sent two articles to Panorama – Wardell event was the last one – John does not want to see Ken’s position be abandoned.
Safety & Tour– John Reed
Safety – The Observer’s and Post Event reports for the July LPR autocross was sent to PCA National in a timely manner, thank you Ed and Dave. There was an incident to report, no injuries only structural damage. PCA received the report from Ed and all is resolved.
Tour – The September 25-26 tour to Lake Tahoe has five rooms still available, there is an 18 car limit. Sign up with Hugh & Nancy Calvin prior to the August 27th deadline. Any future tours that may be planned please contact the LPR Tour Chair and Activities Director so these can be added to the LPR calendar.
Social Media – Peter Ridgway
Peter is sending out email blasts about two times / month, these are well received. Peter would like a replacement for this job.
Tech – Peter Ridgway
Working with DRR Racing, they are happy to do a tech session. They do race cars, they have 2 shops, Los Gatos is mostly race cars. Popular tech talk is PPI, GGR liked that topic.
Also, very interested in Do-It-Yourself tech session. Peter thinks it is a good situation – they rent out lifts, they are receptive to a Saturday morning walk through and demo with Iain’s car. 10 lifts, rent out 5. Iain question – how about if more than a day? They can do by the week, by the month, etc. and they can supply some tools. Peter will send out a blast about this.
Webmaster – Jim Turk
This month was site maintenance, keeping the homepage events and system software up to date.
Old Business: None
New Business: None
Adjourn Meeting: Meeting adjourned by President Peter at 7:56PM