Present: President – Dana Drysdale; Vice President – Honore D’Angelo; Secretary – Sheila Dunwoodie; Treasurer – Andy Ward; Member at Large – John Gould; Membership – Kathy Musser, Additionally, Activities Chairs – AX – Dave Dunwoodie; Charity – Kris Vanacore; Webmaster – James Turk, Safety – John Reed; Tour – Hugh Calvin; Prieta Post – Donald Chaisson; Social Media – Dana Ambrisko; Technical – Peter Ridgway
Absent: Activities – Bob Morgan; Hospitality – Emilie Highley
April 11, 2023, 7:01 PM to 8:28PM
Call to Order
President Dana called the meeting to order at 7:01PM.
Board Member Reports:
President – Dana Drysdale
March Board Minutes: John Gould asked the Board to approve the March, 2023 Board minutes.
Ayes: 6 Noes: None Motion Passed
Vice President – Honore D’Angelo
4/8/2023 – Campbell Easter Parade is back – any reports on how the Easter Parade went?
5/4/2023 – Thirsty Thursday – BeerThirty – Santa Cruz – Following are the details:
Address: 2504 Main Street, Soquel – 5PM-7PM
Food: We will provide chips and dip and The Carpo’s Window in the Beer Thirty beer garden offers food 7 days per week, M-F 5 til 9 and Sat & Sun 12 til 9, if you prefer something more substantial.
Parking: Parking is very limited and they ask that you and your guests try to carpool / Uber / Lyft. There are 9 spaces in front of their building and 50 spaces available in their overflow parking lot at 2590 S Main Street. Please do not park in any of the neighboring businesses lots on either side of them, or across the street.
Here is the link for the restaurant:
7/15/2023 – Annual Picnic at Roaring Camp – $7,000 budget has been approved by the Board for this event.
12/2/2023 – Awards Banquet – $9,000 budget has been approved by the Board for this event.
Secretary – Sheila Dunwoodie
Thank you for your reports in advance of the meeting!
Treasurer – Andy Ward
A few items to note:
Discussion: Offline meeting will occur between departments that deal with receiving and sending money to discuss e-payments.
Membership – Kathy Musser
New Members from PCA (5)
Ryan Bane from Watsonville, 2011 911 Carrera S
William Brooks from Santa Cruz, 2013 Boxster S
Mihai Damian from Los Gatos, 2022 Macan GTS
Greg McNair from Salinas, 1972 914
Don Minami from Monte Sereno, 2016 Boxster
Transfers in (1)
Kevin Laird from Golden Gate, 2011 911 Turbo S
Transfers out (2)
Non-Renewals for the month of March (5)
Member Renewals for the month of March (18)
Total Membership for the month of March:
Primary Members 356
Affiliate Members 227
Total Members 583
10 Years
Christopher Dyer
Christopher D’Aluisio
15 Years
Scott Schreiman
Troy Souza
20 Years
Bill Pickering
Proposal: Kathy proposes we accept the new members. Second: John Gould Ayes: 6 Noes: None Motion passes
Activities – Bob Morgan
Absent – Report submitted.
LPR Calendar
The LPR calendar is up to date.
Let me know as there are changes and/or adds.
Upcoming events:
Tour de King City on 5/27/23 (insurance requested)
Shasta Region 4-day tour 6/8-11/23
The next AX is on 4/16/23, then 5/6/23.
Insurance has been received for all sites and dates, please advise if the schedule changes.
Concours, Rallye, Tech
Concours Judges school (virtual) on 4/16/23, hands-on will be on 5/14/23.
Zone 7 Concours #1 on 6/4/23 (Rocklin Porsche)
Possible Swap Meet on 6/4/23 (Steve Douglas is investigating).
Crab 38 4/21-23/23 by SVR
Thirsty Thursday at Beer Thirty on 5/4/23
Cars & Coffee at Carpo’s on 5/14/23
Porsche Brunch 6/3/23 at Alice’s Restaurant.
Email your ideas for 2023 tours, GTG’s and other events to me at
Member-at-Large – John Gould
Our first meeting is planned for Wednesday April 12.
LPR nominating committee for 2023
Section 4 Nominations
Not later than July 1 of each year the Member at Large (MAL), shall recommend to the Board of Directors a Committee of no less than, but not limited to, four (4) volunteers, not current Members of the Board of Directors to serve as the Nominating and Awards Committee.
Chairperson Reports:
Autocross – Dave Dunwoodie
AX #2 and our Zone 7 AX went very well with 74 drivers. The lunchtime sandwiches were appreciated by all.
The LPR Trailer is back at its home in Salinas ready for our May 6th AX. I still need to find a driver for the 6 south bay events this year.
Our next AX will be April 16th & it is our last event at Crows Landing until November.
Registration closes tomorrow night but we are in good shape with 55 drivers registered so far.
For AX #3, I would like to get board approval for $1800 for the site, $500 for portables, and up to $800 for sandwiches.
For AX #2 there were Zone 7 fees of $240 that need approval.
For AX #4 coming up May 6th at Salinas Airport I will need approval and a check soon for $2500 for the site, up to $1000 for sandwiches, and $650 for portables.
Proposal: John Gould proposes that we approve as per Dave’s report. Second: Dana Drysdale Ayes: 6 Noes: None Motion passes
Charity – Kathy Musser, Kris Vanacore, Emilie Highley
Nothing to report.
Hospitality – Emilie Highley
Nothing to report.
Prieta Post Editor – Don Chaisson
The May/June issue is coming together. Cover shot selected highlighting AutoX and “The Need for Speed” issue. Good photos for AutoX, and an article from Mike Koozmin titled The Spirit of Crows Landing. Will need President’s message, Calendar items in May/June mostly focusing on LPR events…. I’ve got zone and national events. I’ve got all the research and photos from the SRO races in Sonoma (article: “Stories from Sonoma”). BTW, the races were a hoot. $55 for three days entry property and paddock entry, fun racing, top shelf equipment and teams … even for the “amateur” teams and drivers. The team I was following and highlighted, NOLASport from New Orleans won their race 1 in Pirelli GT4 race and was walking away in race 2 before getting caught up in pit stop/FCY. Nice to hang with race winners. This would be a great “destination” drive for next year.. even if just for one day — Sonoma Raceway is easily drivable for Bay Area members.
Stay tuned for some new “extras” to help with the Need for Speed emotional messages.
Looking to publish by month’s end.
Signed up for the PCA webinar regarding Newsletters and also registered the Prieta Post in the Newsletter contest.
Discussion: Copies of the Prieta Post can be downloaded and printed to update Sponsor boards.
Public Relations – Open
We are looking for someone to take this position – basics are sending photos, possibly an article into Panorama. John is happy to continue taking pictures, but anyone should feel free to take photos.
John Reed may send in photos of the Campbell Easter Parade to Panaorma.
Safety – John Reed
The Observer’s Report for the LPR March Autocross was sent to PCA national in a timely manner. Thank you to Ed Tefankjian. The release forms were sent to the LPR Activities Director. There were no incidents to report.
All safety and other action items were completed on the LPR autocross trailer. Thanks to the autocross committee for completing this in a timely manner.
Tour – Hugh Calvin
Jim Turk and I met to discuss mods to the website to enhance its access and functionality. We are leaning toward using to collect tour registration fees. Conceptually, we’d provide MSR with upcoming tour information, they’d provide us with a unique link for user registration, we’d post the tour and link on our website, an LPR member would click on the link, MSR would collect registration fees, etc., and deposit fees less commission in the LPR bank account with a tour-specific notation. We need to confirm this with MSR and do a trial run. At the moment, no commitments have been made and Jim and I are working out the website details offline.
Upcoming tours:
27-May – Tour de King City Tour
30-Jul – Forest Bathing Tour (changed from 30-April)
14-Oct – Jacob’s Heart Tour
21-Oct – Ole Amigos Tour
18-Nov – Butterfly Tour
10-Dec – Toys for Tots Tour
Discussion: Reminder that tour fees are not collected for Charity Tours (i.e. Jacobs’s Heart Tour and Toys for Tots Tour).
Social Media – Dana Ambrisko
Dana will also plan to attend the PCA Webinar on Newsletters.
Tech – Peter Ridgway
Made some progress in March. Signed up our first Sponsor in Santa Cruz: Hayes European. Mostly due to the work Andy Ward did prepping the account. It helps if a member is using the sponsors services.
Elephant Racing has also committed to continuing with their full-page ad and I’m confident that Brad at BTM Motorwerks will continue as a sponsor. That’ll bring sponsorship income for 2023 to over $10,000!
It will definitely help pay for continuing fun in the Good Time Region!
If anyone has question or wants more details let me know. I don’t think it’s appropriate to publish sponsorship details. Don’t forget to patronize our sponsors. They’re very good to us.
We’ll start work on some tech sessions next month.
Discussion: Peter will meet with Kris Vanacore to visit a potential new sponsor. Peter will also meet up with John D’Angelo and/or Jim Turk to visit Fast Lane as a potential new sponsor. Peter will also contact Canepa to discuss a future tech session at their facility.!
Webmaster – Jim Turk
In March and in early April the webmaster worked mainly on maintenance issues for the website.
I also met with Hugh Calvin to begin a redo of the Tour section of the website. Good start, but stuff to do.
We really need to find someone to make nifty flyers for events. I don’t have the tools or experience to do that.
Next Cars & Coffee will be on May 14.
Old Business: None
New Business:
Iain McNeil is planning on a 993 Registry Tour during on Wednesday, September 27, which is a day before Rennsport. Would like first priority for registration to be for 993 Registry owners. The initial cap for the tour is 30 cars. Then open for LPR and other PCA drivers if the tour does not fill up. LPR tours are currently set up for LPR as priority. Maybe expand to have another run group or Iain can repeat the tour on another weekend. It acceptable to run the tour through LPR using all the forms and insurance and MSR for registration. Kris Vancore is available off-line to discuss any tips since she is familiar with planning 912 Registry tours.
Adjourn Meeting: Meeting adjourned by President Dana at 8:28 PM