Another Chapter Closes…

This is my final column as LPR President, at least for this two year go-around.  Normally, most outgoing leaders of any organization would fill their last missive with glowing accolades of the past glorious year. Unfortunately, the past glorious year wasn’t too glorious. The COVID-19 pandemic took

So why bother to vote?

As I write this it’s two and a half weeks before the U.S. national election, as you read this it’s probably past this election. So why even mention it? I recently read and listened to news reports that state only 60% of eligible voters actually vote, the

Cruising Through 50 Years…

Cruising Through 50 Years… I recently received an email from the PCA headquarters reminding me that it was time, once again, to renew my PCA/LPR membership. This renewal will be my 50th and as such reminds me of how rapidly time has passed  over these 50 years. 

Remembering a Friend…

  It was four years ago last month that long time active LPR member Steve Mitchell passed away. Steve was, for many years, the Editor of the Prieta POST.  Steve co-hosted with wife Jackie several good time gatherings at their home, most notably the Annual Academy Awards

When Cows Come Home to Roost…

When Cows Come Home to Roost…

This is about a silly a statement as a covey of Chickens finding solace eating hay in an open field. The cow reference is about LPR’s upcoming autocross adventure at the Cow Palace parking lot in South San Francisco. LPR autocross has finally found a place to