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Deconstructing the New Porsche Boxster:
A Rare Look
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My name is Laurie Delimon and I'm a Gear
Head. There, I said it. It's out in the open for
all the world to know.
Prieta Post Co-Editors Pam
Ryder & Laurie
Delimon | So how did I
arrive at this state of being? Could it be the
plethora of car magazines that fill our mailbox
weekly, the continual feed of Speed Channel shows
and car auctions queuing up on the DVR, or the
multitude of car shows that I've attended over the
years? Hmm, I think it would be safe to say, "all
of the above". So what is this language
known as Gear Head and why don't Berlitz or
Rosetta Stone offer crash courses in it? Well, for
starters, there are many different dialects and it
is very difficult to learn them all. I happen to
speak the most common version. This allows me to
converse somewhat intelligently with car owners
across all marques. Some automotive elitists might
look down on this, but I find that it serves me
well. Whether we are at the Good Guys show
in Pleasanton, at a Saturday morning Cars &
Caffeine event or a full-on Concours, I can
usually strike up a conversation with anyone
showing a car. I must confess that my Gear
Head immersion was with another German marque so I
am a bit behind the curve when it comes to the
myriad of models and options from Porsche. When in
doubt I always ask. Luckily my husband and mentor
(Kurt), has a vast catalog of knowledge about all
things automotive stored in his noggin.
After years of participation in the car
show culture, I have come to appreciate the
Italian car designers whose body styles cross many
automotive marques and whose influence can still
be seen today. From Bertone and Ghia to Zagato's
inimitable "double bubble" and Pininfarina's
sensuous stylings for Ferrari, I truly love the
lines and the curves of these artists' designs.
While I am not as well-versed in engines
and all the trimmings that make a car go fast,
along the way I discovered that many car model
names give a hint as to what is under the hood.
Turbo or Supercharged are pretty obvious but there
are more discrete monikers such as S (Sport), LS
(Luxury Sport), or I (Fuel Injected). Some marques
even integrate the engine displacement into the
model name, i.e. the BMW 330 is a 3-series with a
3.0 liter engine while the Audi A6 and A8 boast V6
and V8 engines, respectively. As a seasoned
Gear Head, who is wise to the ways of car shows, I
can let the Gear Head novice in on a little
secret. People who show and/or race their cars
LOVE to talk about them. They especially like it
when someone takes an interest in their "labor of
love". If you want to learn Gear Head,
just start a conversation, ask questions and
listen to the back story behind the car. Learn
about its lineage, the owner's search for the car,
the condition when purchased and the restoration
process. Before you know it, you'll be speaking
fluent Gear Head
too! ~Laurie | |
| |
Inside Track |
| Seems
like holiday decorations are popping up in just about
every store--an odd conglomeration of Halloween,
Thanksgiving and Christmas all rolled into one. It
appears to have arrived a bit earlier than usual. Maybe
because the time change is happening later? Regardless,
the year is drawing to a close and it's time to reflect
a bit on the year passed and the year to come.
congratulations to Anne, Larry and the entire Autocross
Team for a spectacular racing season! We kicked off AX
2012 with a rainstorm that took us all by surprise and
got the cars, drivers and equipment wetter than we
thought possible. We had the best weather of our series
in October for our ending event-AX #8 and the Zone 7
Race of Champions. You can read more about it in Larry's
Off-Camber column. As you know Anne runs a tight and
very efficient ship providing a high level of safety and
more track time for the drivers. We look forward to
another great season in 2013. Thanks guys!
for the Annual Awards Banquet at Paolo's is moving ahead
and I hope you all have your calendars marked for
December 8th. Don't miss it! Thanks Kris and Emilie for
planning this favorite event.
back over this last year as LPR President, I think one
of the most impressive experiences that I had was
attending Porsche Parade in Salt Lake City in July. And
while there were many things I could comment on, I think
the highlight for Pam and me was the final Saturday
parade of some 300 Porsches up State Street and around
the Tabernacle and State Capitol. That was very cool. It
was raining pretty steadily, but crowds gathered anyway
to watch as we took the half-hour procession up and down
the boulevard. I mention it here because the 2014 Parade
is in our own backyard - Monterey. That provides a level
of convenience you won't find again. If you've never
been, don't miss this opportunity.
year has also allowed me to see LPR from a different
perspective. I'm convinced that we have one of the best
regions in all of the PCA organization - but I am also
concerned. I am concerned about the future and our
ability to embrace change and welcome new members. LPR
has a wonderful legacy and rich history of dedicated
volunteers that made a difference. But today there is a
need for an open and inviting environment to bring in
those who will carry-on the traditions and values of
this club. And it means change. Change is inevitable and
is necessary if we are to remain a viable region.
has been a year of great change and success for LPR.
Many of those changes mandated by the Board of Directors
in 2011 under Ed Tefankjian's administration have been
accomplished. The new marketing program has positioned
us to be leaders as we plunge deeper into the 21st
century. It's fun and invigorating for the club and its
members but we all need to be on the same page. The
improvements we have made in our Website, the Prieta
Post, Facebook and YouTube have created a foundation
upon which we can now build and continue to expand our
capabilities, providing greater communication and more
value to the membership and our advertising partners.
These programs are still in development and have yet to
be optimized in some areas. This next year we should
make those refinements to ensure we are meeting the
needs of the membership and partners.
you all a very Happy Thanksgiving surrounded by the
warmth of family and friends,
It's the
People -- October 2012 Membership Report |
Director |
to our new members this month, Roger Haeuptli from
Switzerland, and David Larwood from Redwood City. There
are no transfers in to report this month.
not often that I get to congratulate a PCA member of 35
years. Larry and Carole Goodwin have been LPR members
since joining PCA in November of 1977. Although they
moved to Texas a few years back, they have remained in
LPR. They have both been very active in the club,
hosting GTGs and serving the club in several capacities
including President and Prieta Post Editor. We miss you
guys and hope to see you at an event next time you're in
is a great time to take the Porsche out for a drive in
the great surrounding mountain roads. Hope to see you
soon at an upcoming event.
New members from PCA: 2
Transfers in:
Transfers out: 1
Memberships that expired September
2012: 10
Total renewals September 2012:
LPR Membership as of 10/01/12
Total = 513 (Primary = 295 ,
Affiliates = 218)
Respectfully Submitted,
Tom Provasi
Miss These Upcoming
Events! |
2 LPR Fall Charity Event
Dinner for the Residents of the San Jose Family
Shelter November 6 Board
Meeting November 13 2013 Calendar Planning
Meeting November 17 Don's Autowerks Tech
Session December 1 TRC 2012 Toy
Rallye December 8 LPR Annual Awards
For more details and sign up information
go to the Event Calendar on
our website.
LPR Winter Coat
Drive |
Let's help out our
neighbors in need this winter with a
coat drive for Sacred Heart Community Service. We are
looking for clean and like-new coats, hats, gloves,
blankets and full & travel size hygiene items such
as shampoo, soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, combs and
Bring your donations to the November
6th Board Meeting. If you can't make it to the meeting,
please contact Sue Sickal at
408-712-5550 or email Sue at smsickal@yahoo.com to
coordinate a convenient date, time and
location to make your donation.
Report |
Roth AX
Co-chair |
2012 AX Season has come to a close. It has passed so
drivers, 87 runs, 4700 laps/runs, 4.30 miles of course
designs, 2512.60 miles driven, 172 DNF's and 788 cones
hit. I get a kick out of the numbers at the end of
the season, but the numbers don't tell the
The real story is the 430 drivers that
came out and ran the 4700 laps/runs. I want to thank
each and every one of you for coming out and making all
eight autocrosses memorable.
You guys and gals are the best!
have heard me say it many a time; autocrosses would not
be possible with out YOU. Thank you so much!
part of the story is our Sponsors. Without their
support, autocrossing with LPR would be a very sad
affair, indeed.
you Borelli Motorsports
for keeping our trailer safe, sound and easily
accessible. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
you to Cecil Beach
(Bodystyle) and Don
Wise (Don's Autowerks).
Your support has made the 2012 LPR series one of the
premier autocrossing series in the greater Northern
California area. Thank you!
must tell you all that putting on an AX, not to mention
eight of them, takes a village. LPR's village is the
2012 AX Team: Barry, Bill, Carol, Chris, Chuck, Dave,
Kevin, Kris, Les, Rena and of course, my Co-Chair,
Larry. You all contribute so much to each and every
autocross-it has been a pleasure working side by side
with you this season. I could not do it with out each
and every one of you. Thank you. I hope all of you
return as part of the 2013 AX Team.
thanks have to go to the Ryder family and to Laurie and
Kurt Delimon. Transporting the trailer to Marina is the
most important elements of autocross. If trailer isn't
in Marina, we can't autocross. Thank you so very, very
hope to see many of you at the Holiday Awards Banquet on
December 8th. Of course, we
all run the risk of not recognizing each other all clean
and gussied up. Maybe we should wear our helmets?
You all ate 40 batches of brownies this
Larry Sharp
Co-chair |
2012 Zone & Race of Champions
It's now official.
The 2012 Zone 7 Race of Champions is now over and in the
books. Before I get into the details I want to give a
huge thank you to Borelli Motorsports for their support
and the use of the rental Miata for this event. The
drivers in this event not only had to adapt to a
race-prepared Miata for this event but I threw them all
an off-speed pitch by also providing a Fiat 500
automatic car as the second vehicle. The rules were to
take one run in each car. Then if you hit cones or
thought you could do better than the first place driver
after round one, you could take a rerun in the car of
your choice. One time in each car would be combined for
total time. Your rerun would take place of one of your
times if you took it.
contestants all had serious concerns in their adaptive
skills to this challenge. The clutch in the Miata was
very touchy, and the Fiat was, to say the least,
non-responsive to aggressive driving. Entering the Miata
was a challenge with a full roll cage as
The drivers all showed their
very competitive side in the 7ROC but it was nicely
tempered with all of the friendly teasing going on. In
the first round the only one to hit cones was Terry
Zaccone driving the Fiat. So he was, of course, going to
do his "Mulligan" in the Fiat. Other than that, all of
the times in the first go-around were very, very close.
Trevor Ridgely had the best time in the Miata and Steve
Lau was fastest of those who took the first run in the
Fiat. In the second round the drivers drove the car they
didn't drive in the first go-around. Trevor was first
out in the Fiat and achieved a great time of 48.484
which would stand as the fastest time of the day in the
little Italian car. So Trevor was not allowed to take
his rerun in any car unless someone
could beat his combined time. Steve Lau took his rerun
in the Miata but was a touch too aggressive at the end
and hit more than just a few cones. Dave Dunwoodie, Clint
Smith, Brad Boardman, Terry Zaccone, Bob Peake and Grady
Carter all tried to dethrone Trevor to no avail and we
are proud to announce Trevor Ridgeley as the 2012 Men's
7ROC Champion! The Woman's side was contested as well
with Carol McNamara and Lisa Thomas duking it out like
the talented drivers they are. They adapted to the cars
just as well as the male drivers did. So every woman out
there should see that autocrossing is not just for the
males of our species.
Below are the final
Trevor Ridgeley |
93.76 |
Dave Dunwooodie |
94.352 |
Clint Smith |
94.949 |
Brad Boardman |
95.017 |
Terry Zaccone |
97.153 |
Bob Peake |
97.238 |
Mike Koozman |
97.258 |
Grady Carter |
98.028 |
Steve Lau |
98.297 |
Carol McNamara
105.274 |
Roth and I want to thank all of our team
members who helped make this event happen.
We should do this every year.
To see photos of the Zone 7
Race of Champions,
click on
the Flickr icon below
LPR volunteers will be
preparing and serving dinner to the residents (about 100
people) of The San Jose Family Shelter on Friday,
November 2. This event will be a donation of both food
and time. We already have the 6 to 8 volunteers needed
for to prepare and serve dinner that evening . If you
would like to help, we will gladly accept donations of
food items for the dinner or help preparing menu items
in advance, to be served that night.
is a great opportunity for LPR to give back to the
community and we encourage your participation. If you
would like to help, please contact Susan Sickal at
408-712-5550 or via email at
Contributed by Johnny
is very nice to awaken to a beautiful sunny October day
that makes living in Northern California and getting
together with friends to drive our Porsches such a great
experience. Kathy and I were enjoying the drive from
Santa Cruz to Dublin, using the GPS to find the address
of the start location. All of a sudden Kathy is telling
me that the GPS is sending us a different way than the
instructions from our tour leaders, the Reeds and
Bennetts. With great confidence, I told her that our
navigation device would know the most efficient way to
get there. After winding around through back streets for
an extra 10 minutes we did finally arrive. Apparently
the computers really are plotting against us.
had hoped to arrive early, not late, since John Reed had
told me that his CB wasn't working and wanted to use one
of the LPR loaners. When we tried to hook up the loaner
CB we found that it was the cigarette lighter that was
bad, not John's CB. The thought of a tour without John's
golden voice entertaining us during the drive was
unthinkable, so while the driver's meeting was going on,
I rushed over to Safeway and purchased batteries. We got
the batteries loaded and the CB working just as the
group that John was leading was ready to leave. We had
21 cars and went in two groups so that it was easier to
keep together.
left Dublin and got onto I-680 and transited north
across the Benicia-Martinez bridge until we got to some
two-lane roads that are much nicer to drive in our
Porsches. We left the freeway and drove through
beautiful hills with Oak trees covered with Spanish Moss
gently waving in the breeze, and deciduous trees with
their leaves turning golden. This part of the tour made
you realize what a special time of the year fall is in
Northern California. The green and golden trees, golden
hills, blue lakes and great driving roads winding over
the hills and through the valleys were magnificent.
Kathy and I weren't the only ones enjoying the drive.
There were many comments on the CB about what a
beautiful day and drive it was. We drove through Wooden
Valley, north on highway 121 past Lake Hennessey and
then north on the Silverado Trail through the Napa
Valley until we arrived at Calistoga for our lunch stop.
We were on our own for lunch and a
large group ended up at the Hydro Bar and Grill which
had a great selection of delicious sandwiches and
salads. We sat with George Jansen, who told us
that he was there without Virginia because she was
getting ready to leave the next day for Spain and
Portugal. After we ate we had time to walk around town
and visit the many interesting shops.
lunch and shopping we left Calistoga and continued north
on Hwy 29 through vineyards with red and gold leaves and
purple grapes waiting to be picked and turned into wine.
At Middletown we turned onto Hwy 175 through Forest Lake
and Cobb and then onto Loch Lomond Rd and Seigler Canyon
Rd which ran up one canyon and back down the other side
until we were back on Hwy 29. We were no longer in wine
country but now traveled through farm country near Clear
Lake. There were many apple and walnut orchards with
trees ready to be harvested. Soon we were at our
destination the Lodge at Blue Lakes.
must mention the roads on the tour. The Bennetts and
Reeds not only found great winding roads over mountains
and through canyons but they were all very smooth and
most seemed to have been recently repaved. I don't
recall a drive with that many miles of smooth fun roads.
My hat is off to our leaders for a great job of route
we checked in to our rooms we all migrated to the back
deck of the hotel for the usual LPR pre-dinner (and in
this case pre-boat ride) gathering. The
lake is crystal clear, about ¾ of a mile long, ¼ mile
wide. It is surrounded by pine trees and was a beautiful
setting for our gathering. I didn't get to talk to
everyone at the gathering because we had to split into
two groups to find enough shade so that no one melted in
the afternoon sun. When our group headed for the shade
we did manage to snag enough hors d'oeuvres to go with
the wine we were sharing to make the time very
enjoyable. Soon it was time to put away the food and get
on the boats for our ride around the lake.
had the use of three electric boats for an hour sailing
around the lake. On our boat we
had Barry and Suzette Pangrle, Justin and Julia Gross
(with Luigi her service dog), John and Angie Reed,
Debbie Bennett and our esteemed captain for the trip,
Leslie Orlando. As we were getting ready to leave, our
hosts at the Lodge Peter and Maryann Schmid, gave each
group a bottle of champagne for the cruise. It was
beautiful, with the sun setting behind the hills and the
shadows of the pine trees lengthening across the lake
and a made it a very relaxing trip around the
the cruise we went to the event room for a buffet dinner
with beef, chicken, salad vegetables, dessert and we
shared some great wine. We had a nice time talking to
the people at our table: Peter and Jacqueline Ridgway,
Don and Leslie Orlando and Barry and Suzette Pangrle.
After dinner I talked with Jennifer Bryant, Vince and
Christine Vincent, and Ken and June Iles about what a
great day it had been and how much fun it was to be a
member of the "Good Times Region".
next morning we were up early (at least early for me)
for a great breakfast. There were eggs cooked to order,
bacon, toast, bagels, and secret recipe French toast. We
kept running out of the French toast and every time that
a new batch was brought out there was a rush to get some
of it. We were sitting with Rudi and Joanna Herz and it
took Rudi three tries to get some for Joanna. Kevin and Dede Seward were at our
table and it turns out that Kevin really is an early
riser and had gone fishing. He said that the fish were
biting and he had hooked a couple but, not having a net,
they got off as he tried to get them on to the dock.
10 a.m., after we checked out and loaded up the cars, we
took a group photograph with the owners of the Lodge
Peter and Maryann Schmid. They did a great job of making
our stay go smoothly resulting in a very pleasant
experience. The meals were very good, (I still want the
recipe for the French toast) the boat ride beautiful,
and the champagne a nice surprise. After the group photo
we were on our way to lunch at the Coppola Winery in
Healdsburg. We drove west on Hwy 20 from Blue Lakes to
Hwy 101 and then south on 101.
Then it was west on the Booneville Ukiah Rd for 20
miles of beautiful scenery and great Porsche driving. At
Booneville the Bryants and Mitchells decided that they
wanted to stay and explore the town while the rest of
the group went south on Hwy 128 for more fun driving
until we got back on Hwy 101 at Cloverdale. From there
it was a short trip to the winery. At Coppola it is easy
to forget that it is a winery. They have a giant
swimming pool, two restaurants, a retail souvenir store,
a movie memorabilia gallery, bocce ball courts and yes,
even a tasting room. Half of the group stayed to have
lunch and the rest of us headed for home. It had been
another great Reed/Bennett tour with great roads,
beautiful scenery, good food and most importantly great
people spending the weekend
To see more photos of the Blue Lakes
click on the Flickr icon below.
2013 Calendar of Events
Session |
November 11th 5
- 7 PM As
2012 is becoming history, 2013 is just around the
corner. Here's your opportunity to become involved in
planning next year's events. What's your pleasure? Good
Time Gatherings? Tours? Autocross? Tech Sessions?
Rallies? Specialty Events? Let's continue the
tradition of the Good Time Region with an abundance of
good time events! Any
event your imagination can conjure up involving Porsche
and the people involved in LPR is on the table...all we
need is your participation! To paraphrase JFK, "Ask not
what LPR can do for you, ask what you can do for LPR."
planning session location is the Round Table Pizza on
the corner of Camden Ave. and Union Ave. in San Jose.
Grab your 2013 calendars and let's create another
exciting year of outstanding
big bonus: Pizza and sodas for all attending, even
JFK would approve!
or comments? Call or email LPR Activities Director John
Reed (408) 371-1965 or
LPR PCA Awards Banquet |
Saturday, December
6:30 - 11
Enjoy an
evening of cocktails and fine dining at beautiful
Paolo's Restaurant! After dinner we will present the
2012 Awards, introduce the 2013 Board members and then
enjoy the rest of the evening socializing and
The evening will kick off with a
no host bar and hors d'oeuvres such as assorted
crostini, tuna tartar canapés, fried zucchini, grilled
chicken rollatini and Italian cheeses and
will begin with a salad of Belgian endive, baby spinach
and radicchio, roasted beets, bacon, balsamic dressing,
candies walnuts and Gorgonzola. Entrée selections are a
choice of Creekstone Farms grilled dry aged Angus 14oz
rib eye with garlic braised seasonal greens, mashed
potatoes, forager mushroom and red wine reduction or
grilled fish of the day with grilled pepper and caper
relish, seasonal vegetables and mashed potatoes.
This delectable dinner with be finished off
with a choice of New York Cheesecake or flourless
chocolate torte. Wine will be served with
cost for LPR members and guests is $50 per person.
RSVP BY 11/27/12
Kris Vanacore,
or by calling
Register at
or via check made out to LPR
PCA. Send check payments to Kris Vanacore, 1122
Roycott Way, San Jose, 95125
Parking in the on-site RiverPark
garage will be validated for all
Paolo's Restaurant
West San Carlos St.
Block Information
limited number of rooms have been reserved at the
Jose Marriott (0.3 miles from
South Market St., San Jose, CA 95113
Telephone: 1-800-228-9290 or
Double Rooms $125.00 +
Reference LPR PCA room block Dec2012
and M-P5BOGA when making your
DEADLINE for room
reservations Friday,
Please do not hesitate to contact
Kris Vanacore at 1-408-978-1101 or Emilie Highley at
1-408-267-6877 with any
to the World |
Contributed by Diana Hallock & Pam
The Hallocks are LPR members with a
reputation. When it comes to Good Time Gatherings, one
hosted by Diana and Hal goes on the "not to be missed"
social calendar.These two make you feel like treasured
guests in their home and their attention to detail makes
it evident that they have entertaining down to an
Their October Passport to the
World event was no exception. They began earlier in the
summer with a teaser to what was in store for guests.
"Play close attention to the Olympics," they suggested.
A few admitted to studying up but Ken Iles took the
matter seriously bringing a cheat sheet full of
statistics. But would it help?
More than 30 guests enjoyed the event
including first-timers Chip and Laura
Alexander; and special guests neighbors Ron
and Lois Hayes, and Joann and Rene Omo, Diana's mom and
After too many fabulous
appetizers brought by half the guests and
before scrumptious desserts brought by the other half,
the Passport dinner by Diana included filet mignon bites
and chicken breast bites with rice pilaf,
dinner rolls and haricot verts. Guests chose a
variety of meat bites, dipped them in the 12 sauces and
tried to
figure out the name of
the sauce and country of origin.
Between courses guests worked on a variety of
quizzes in their passports including flags,
currencies, capitol cities and sauces --the
toughest category with two winners! We couldn't do
the national anthems section because we couldn't hear
the recordings over the laughter and conversations. Hal
was the bartender and poured generous libations, which
may also have added to the noise and
When the award
ceremony began,we were without LPR anthem
and flag but nonetheless, the

winners proudly
accepted their honors. The Vincents took
home a German wine for their knowledge of
sauces joined by the Alexanders who won the Chilean
wine. The Sickals nabbed the Italian wine for their
geography prowess; the Ridgways knew their flags
claiming the French wine and Joanne and Tony Antonowictz
were pros at currency and took home
the Argentinian wine.

The 12 Sauces
of the Passport to the World
- Mole - Mexico
- Chimmichurra - Argentina
- Wasabi Cream - Vietnam
- Hot & Sweet Mustard -
- Hollandaise - France
- Teriyaki - Japan
- Romesco - Spain
- Tzaziki - Greece
- Marinara - Italy
- Curry - India
- Satay - Thailand
- Hoisin - China
thanks to Diana and Hal for hosting another
unforgettable event!
To see the event photo album,
click on the Flickr icon
by Don
This month we feature a couple that
literally lives the Porsche experience! The vast
majority of their lives have included all aspects of
Porsche, from various local club activities to roles on
the National PCA scene, including various positions on
the National Board as well as Zone 7
When I asked these two to be our
Featured Members, they returned a nice, modest response;
too modest for me given what I know of their activities.
I pressed them a bit so I could share with you the
extent of their involvement and commitment to our club
and all things Porsche. Their story reads like a
"Who Done It."
A brief synopsis:
- They have attended 31 consecutive
Porsche Parades (He has 34 to his credit!)
- National Enthusiast of the Year
- National Family of the Year
- Parade Autocross "Top Time of the
Day" (7 times for him and 3 times for her - Yeah,
she's quick too!)
- National Parade Staff (last three
And, he's had a nice selection of
Porsches too. Hell, he bought his first (356 Cabriolet)
when he was still in high school! If you're like me, you
might be thinking "What a lucky turd." But, the truth of
the matter is they're just like the rest of LPR, good
people who don't seem to take for granted their good
If you're active in the club, you know
them and their accomplishments/contributions. If you're
not and would like to know more about the local LPR or
National PCA scene, read below to get a hint of their
knowledge and experiences, then attend just about any
club event to say hello.
Note: If you're thinking of challenging
either of them on the AX course, better bring your "A"
game; they're both scary fast.
Porsche Personen Presents
Tom and Sandy
garage currently has three Porsches:
first Porsche which is a 1963 365 Cabriolet, light
ivory, purchased in 1975 while in high school. I
purchased it in Los Angeles from the original owners.
A 1970
914 6 race car, signal orange. It has a 3.5 engine in it
currently. To our knowledge it has always been a race
car. I have done extensive research to document the race
history and would like to eventually restore it to its
original IMSA GTU look in the 70s and 80s.
street car is a 1986 911 Carrera Targa, metallic grey
with red interior.
have previously owned several 356s. Sandy's first
Porsche was a 1969 912 white with red interior which she
purchase in 1982 prior to the Reno Porsche Parade. We
also drove the 912 to Lake of the Ozarks Parade in 1983.
After we married in 1984, we purchased a 1969 911E Conda
Green to keep the 912 company. We drove the 911E
to the Wisconsin Parade in Appleton, WI and Costa Mesa
Parade in 1985. We used both cars as daily drivers
before kids and even purchased a car seat to fit the 911
when our first daughter, Christine came
started time trialing in 1984 with a 1972 914 1.7 and
then moved up to a faster 1973 914 2.0 and now the 914/6
have been a member since July 1979. Sandy joined in
1982. We were married in 1984 and have 3 daughters.
Christine was born in 1986, Michelle in 1987 and
Elizabeth in 1990. I play USTA tennis and we both love
to snow ski. We are 49er and Giants fans with season
tickets. I have been a painting contractor since 1978,
but I also enjoy remodeling homes. Sandy is the property
manager and bookkeeper for the
driving road(s):
enjoy the Santa Cruz Mountains, especially with the top
down. Another favorite for us is driving through the
south county roads while stopping at one of the many
great local wineries for tasting and a picnic. Taking
the 356 down to Monterey and Carmel during the Historic
Race week in August is also a favorite drive for
Porsche or car related story(s):
of you might remember the tour/rally last year when our
rear tire went flat in Sonoma and we had 20 of our LPR
friends stop and help us change the tire and figure out
how to blow up that silly inflatable spare. Great caring
people in LPR!
in the club:
enjoy all aspects of the club that include driving and
social. We have traveled the US and Canada to drive
famous racetracks. We enjoy hosting LPR events and over
the years have held Oktoberfest and the Christmas Lights
tours at our home.
speeding ticket: We have had our share
of speeding tickets traveling to and from Parade over
the past 34 years. In 1984 while traveling to Appleton
Wisconsin for the Parade, we were stopped not once, but
twice in Colorado in the same day. Most memorable was in
Texas at the '87 Parade when the local sheriff stopped
me for speeding, took my license and had me follow him
to the post office as he watched me put the check in the
mail, before returning my license to me. Believe them
when they say 'don't mess with Texas'.
PCA Member
Sandy and Tom
Provasi |
To see more photos of Tom &
click on the Flickr icon
Kind of Porsche Owner are You?
month we will look at the
are water-cooled Porsche owners. Although this category
obviously includes 928's, 924's, Boxsters, and the new
911's, I'm thinking particularly of 944's and 968's.
They are usually a friendly lot, even though they know
that the purists are always thinking, "real Porsches
aren't water-cooled". Water-boys are well
tolerated these days because the turbo versions of these
cars are so fast and viceless on the track. If you are
an air-cooled owner and you persist in tormenting a
Water-boy, he's likely to get fed up and challenge you
to a lap or two at Thunderhill. Personally, I like
Water-boys, because they really seem to enjoy their cars
and they drive them "as they were intended". Besides,
the new water-cooled Porsches are the best Porsches yet
in terms of performance, and like it or not, they
represent the future of the marque.
Unclassified Ads |
Porsche Sport Driving School Gift
Certificate Redeemable for 2-day Performance
Class and includes optional Damage Waiver. School is
held at Barber Motorsports Track In Alabama.
Full details at www.porschedriving.com Must be 21
years of age and must be redeemed by October 2013.
Face value is $3,400 - will transfer for
$3,100. E-mail: caronsd@gmail.com
(Steve Caron)
Unclassified ads
are available at no charge to PCA members. For inclusion
in the next issue of the Prieta Post, ad copy and photos
must be submitted to mailto:prietapost@gmail.com?subject=Unclassified%20Ad no
later than the 25th of the month. Ads must
be resubmitted each month to be included and will
run on a space available basis for a maximum of 3
months. Non-member fee is $10.00 per month per ad and is
due in advance. Checks should be made out to LPR/PCA and
sent to Loma Prieta Region PCA, PO Box 0705, Santa
Clara, CA
95052. |
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© 2012 Prieta Post. All rights reserved. The Prieta Post
is the offi cial publication of the Porsche Club
of America, Loma Prieta Region and is published monthly.
Written contributions and photographs are welcomed and can
be mailed to the editor. Opinions expressed are those of the
authors and do not necessarily represent the official
position of the Porsche Club of America, Loma Prieta Region,
its officers or members. Permission is granted to reprint
any material herein provided full credit is given to the
author and to the Prieta Post. PORSCHE®, the Porsche
Crest®, CARRERA®, and TARGA® are trademarks of Porsche AG. All
other trademarks or servicemarks are the property of their
respective owners. The editor shall reserve the right
to edit and publish only those articles felt to be in the
best interest of the members of the Porsche Club of
America. The DEADLINE for articles and advertisements
submitted for publication is the 10th of the month
preceding the month of publication. For commercial
advertising rates/options please email
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