Dings & Dents
Dings & Dents LPR
Tech Session
04/02/11 | |
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Pam Ryder & Laurie
Delimon Prieta Post
Co-Editors |
to the inaugural issue of the Prieta Post online!
We are so excited about our new endeavor and hope
that you will be too! Your new Editors are Laurie
Delimon and Pam Ryder. Laurie has been a member of
LPR for three years and is proud to call her
Boxster her daily driver. Pam has been a passenger
seat Porsche fan for years, but just as
took this position as part of LPR's exciting new
marketing initiative. With advertising and
sponsorships shrinking in these tough economic
times, it became clear that LPR needed to make
changes to stay relevant to both our membership
and advertisers. Laurie started our Facebook page
more than a year ago and Pam followed shortly with
the creation of our YouTube Channel. In June
we both joined former President Ed Tefankjian's
Marketing Committee along with Bill Highley and
Anne Roth, tasked with the issue of addressing the
club's financial security. At the end of six
months, we unveiled an innovative marketing plan
which includes a new method of delivering the
Prieta Post-an online version that will save
money, give our advertisers greater exposure and
provide our membership with the most current and
in-depth information in an easy-to-read format.
hope you'll join in our excitement. We know that
change can be difficult and we ask for your
patience and support. If you are unable to read or
print the Prieta Post from home, please let us
know and we will be happy to assist you in getting
a copy.
the meantime, read, explore and enjoy. Everything
you need is only a click away!
Delimon & Pam Ryder
Co-Editors |
Inside Track |
Doug Ryder LPR
President |
have so much to tell you in this first message
from your new president that I almost don't know
where to begin!
first, let me thank all of you for your words of
encouragement and commitment to pitch-in during
this next year. I will do my best as your
president to fill some rather large shoes, worn
by recent leaders of our club. Special thanks
to Ed Tefankjian for his guidance and help in
preparing for the "changing of the guard". We
have a very impressive group of board members that
I am looking forward to working with, both in our
normal course of providing leadership for our
members as well as a number of initiatives I'll
get to in a minute.
a personal note, my door is always open and I
encourage you to contact me directly with
questions, comments, suggestions or complaints.
It's important to me and the board that your voice
is heard.
coming year will be a year of change in some
respects. LPR will be expanding, enhancing and
modernizing its marketing and communications
activities. Ed and his board, along with the
Marketing Committee he established and led during
2011, have developed a comprehensive plan that
will grow our revenue through expanded offerings
to our advertisers and partners. The committee
consists of Ed, Pam Ryder, Laurie Delimon, Bill
Highley and Anne Roth -- all very experienced and
talented folks and they will continue their work
through 2012.
short, there is a new website
set to launch this month, being developed by Greg
Ryder, a new LPR member and certified obsessive
autocrosser. The design is dynamic, easy to use
and full of information and fun features. Our
page, launched in 2010, is an active meeting place
with up-to-date information on what's happening.
Did you know that LPR now has its own YouTube Channel?
Check out the 20 videos and slide shows of club
activities from autocross racing to tours, tech
sessions and rallyes.
final piece of the plan is the Prieta Post. High
costs of the current publication combined with the
need to expand the exposure and value we offer our
advertisers forces the move to an electronic
version of our monthly newsletter. It will be
emailed to you each month and available on the new
LPR website. It can be read online taking
advantage of all the links to detailed information
or easily printed for reading wherever you'd like!
And always in full color, too!
look forward to the coming year. With your help
and support I am sure we will have a very exciting
and successful 2012.
you are planning your social life, make sure to
check out the 2012 LPR calendar on our website.
It's loaded with great activities. If you haven't
joined in, come on out and get acquainted
-- we always have a good time!
safe and see you soon.
Doug | |
| |
It's the
People -- December 2011 Membership
Report |
Tom Provasi Membership
Director |
would like to welcome Peter Kuepper who joins us from
any of our overseas members travel to the San Francisco
Bay Area,
let us know that you'll be here! Perhaps you could join
us on a tour, rallye or even a social gathering where
you can meet fellow enthusiasts. Send me, or any board
member an email, and we would be happy to welcome you in
new year brings a packed calendar of events for 2012. Check it
out and make a New Year's resolution to become active in
LPR. There is a full slate of activities to choose from.
Let the Good Times roll!
in becoming a PCA member? Complete information is
available here.

Off 2012 in Santa Cruz and Death
2012 activities calendar is packed with fantastic tours,
rallyes, autocross events, tech sessions and social
start out the year with a January 15 tour and brunch to
the Crow's Nest Restaurant with its
beautiful waterfront views of the Monterey Bay Marine
Sanctuary.You can join us for the tour leaving from the
San Jose area, or just meet us for
Les Schreiber mailto:Les996@me.com?
with questions or to RSVP for this popular event!
Sharp's Presidents Day Death Valley Tour, February
18-20, is an exciting new addition to LPR's calendar! We will travel over the
southern part of the Sierras to enter Death Valley from
the northwest. The route is isolated and scenic going
from high alpine peaks to the lowest spot in the western
hemisphere. Think sand dunes, desert wildflowers, Scotty's Castle, Furnace Creek, craters
and of course, great driving roads.
who has done the tour twice, once as a participant and
once as an organizer notes, "There is a special road on
the way to Death Valley that lets you explore your car's
limits...I always giggle when I drive it!"
![Death Valley View]()
will need to prepare for winter weather as the tour
passes over the Sierras in winter. Final routes will be
determined taking into account weather and road
closings. And while this is a Porsche tour, participants
should feel free to drive their "other" car.
The tour
will leave at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday from the Best
Western Plus Town and Country Lodge in Tulare. Room
rates are reasonable and most will probably arrive there
on Friday for a more relaxing Saturday. There will be a
potluck lunch on the way to Stovepipe Wells where a
block of rooms has been set aside at the Stovepipe Wells Village Hotel for
Saturday and Sunday nights.
Saturday night there will be a group dinner with Sunday
free to enjoy the day exploring all of Death Valley's
sights. Sunday night you'll be free to choose your
dinner location with fine dining available at Furnace
Creek resorts.
On Monday
we will travel back home with no formal route. However,
in the past groups have gathered for an informal tour
back home.
can be found on the LPR
Calendar or email Larry (mailto:larrysharp@comcast.net?) with
questions or your RSVP.
Holiday Prelude in the Vineyards Tour ---
an Annual LPR
Tradition |
couldn't ask for better weather for a "top-down" drive
to Livermore's annual Holidays in the Vineyard
celebration where area wineries celebrate the season
with a weekend overflowing with Christmas
cheer. The tour is a tradition for Paul Seidel
Smith and Nanci Bishop who had planned visits to four
fantastic wineries where the tasting rooms were filled
with arts and crafts vendors,
music and special tastings.

cars gathered at our starting location, Ruby
Hill Winery. Their wines are designed to be rich,
with a good balance between fruit, oak, acidity and
tannins. Here you'll find Zinfandels and Petite Sirahs
and some Italian varietals such as Sangiovese and
Barbera.After a bit of socializing, tasting and
shopping, the group headed to nearby Crooked Vine/Stony Ridge winery. A
beautiful courtyard beckoned us to relax, enjoy the
weather, the wines and a fantastic pizza oven that was
turning out delectable selections like pear and goat
cheese pizza. With an outside shopping fair, we almost
had to drag ourselves to our next stop, La Rochelle
Winery. However, once we were through the door we
were handed beautiful souvenir crystal glasses for a
wine and snack pairing including a port-style wine with
some intensely dark chocolate. Finestra Winery was our last stop where
we tasted wines and shopped in a rugged barn filled with
wine aging in huge barrels.
As the
sun dropped low in the sky, Paul and Nanci led us to our
dinner stop, Johnny Garlic's in Dublin. The
specialty of this Guy Fieri Signature restaurant is the
Hunter's Creation: wild boar tenderloin served over a
bed of celery root puree which was the most popular dish
at our table and did not disappoint! Paul capped off the
perfect dinner with a gift of a single dark chocolate
that burst into a mouthful of delicious port!
dinner our group split up, some north to San Francisco,
others south to San Jose and Santa Cruz, but we all left
feeling a bit more like Christmas, with some great new
friends, new favorite wines and a few holiday gifts!
Thanks to Paul and Nanci!
photos here!
Off-Camber Report |
Anne Roth
Autocross Co-Chair |
to all of the 2011 AX
winners! Our drivers were well represented at our
Annual Awards Banquet last month. LPR handed out a
record number of trophies for 2011 Class Awards. Job
well done, guys!!
also go to the 2011 AX Team, that hard-working group of
folks that makes our autocross program so fantastic. The
group was the proud recipient of the Harry Reed Memorial
Worker of the Year Award selected by our LPR members.
Besides their individual trophies, the team is listed on
the perpetual plaque making them part of LPR history! It
is a well-deserved recognition and I am so proud of you
With the
new year, I'd like to welcome Larry Sharp as AX
Co-Chair! Larry has been a PCA member since 1988 and is
a two-time President of Golden Gate Region as well as a
Zone 7 Rep from 2005-2008. He began AXing in 1974 with
an MG Midget and a Chevy Vega. He graduated to a 1972
911T Targa in 1988. He has won numerous class
championships with LPR, GGR, Zone 7, GGR Pax and Zone 7
Pax as well as one First Place finish and a few Second
Place finishes at PCA National Parade!
arrangements and the details for the 2012 AX Season are
coming along. Check the LPR website calendar or sign in to Motorsportreg.com to see dates. Mark
your calendar for our AX Ground School that will be held
at Borelli Motorsports on March 10. Old-timers,
new-timers and not-yet-timers are all invited! Last
year's Ground School was fun and informative, and
included brownies and margaritas! After class, of
As a
reminder, LPR's helmet requirement for 2012 will be Snell
rated at 2005 or 2010. If you are using a 2000 or
older helmet, it's time to get a new one! PCA requires
us to accept M (Motorcycle), SA (AutoSports), MX
(Motorcross), and K (Karting) rated helmets. LPR must
also replace all of the loaner helmets we presently
have. Donated helmets, new or used will not be turned
again I must plead for trailer transport! This need not
be a commitment for the whole season. Sharing the
transport duty with a few other people makes it easier!
If you, or anyone you know, can help us out by towing
the timing trailer to Marina, please contact me.
If we do not have a way to get the trailer to
Marina, there will be no AX.
looking forward to the 2012 Season. Not only do I have
to reclaim 1st place in AX 16, (yes, I am talking to
you, Tony) my neighbors are going into brownie
withdrawal. They, too, get brownies. I use them as a
peace offering -- Martina is a bit loud at o'dark thirty
on AX mornings!
See ya in
Larry Sharp Autocross
Co-Chair |
pleased to be Co-Chair of AX this year with Anne. Her
enthusiasm and commitment has made our program one of
the best in the area! We hope to continue the good times
we had in 2011 by doing the same great things as before,
but with a few extra treats! Look forward to having a
Zone 7 Race of Champions (ZROC) at the last event of
2012! If you really want to race heads up with the best
in Porsche Club of America, plan on being one of the top
drivers in LPR to be eligible. We'll give you more
details next month.
We also
plan to spotlight results more in the coming year. After
each event you'll find my commentary about everyone's
efforts in our monthly AX column in the Prieta Post.
Everyone likes seeing their efforts recognized but we
also hope the stories will spark interest in our members
who haven't yet tried Axing.
If you
haven't already, take a moment to LIKE LPR on Facebook! You'll enjoy checking out the
great links and find the most up-to-date AX information
like course maps and results. And of course, the virtual
camaraderie and witty banter with fellow
I am
pleased and proud to be on the LPR team this year. My
goal is to help everyone have as much fun as I do with
Loma Prieta Region.
Sharp LPR AX Co-Chair
LPR Salutes Volunteers at Annual
Awards Banquet |
Restaurant in Santa Clara was the festive location for
LPR's Annual Awards Banquet on December 3. More than 60
club members enjoyed a fantastic meal and great music
with their fellow enthusiasts as awards were presented
and the 2012 Board of Directors was announced.
Masters of Ceremony for the evening were outgoing
President Ed Tefankjian, and the always-entertaining
Tony Vanacore! The Annual Awards Banquet has been a
tradition since LPR's early years, as have the following
2011 LPR President, Ed
Tefankjian |
Harry Reed Memorial Award for Worker of
the Year is presented to someone who consistently works
to makes events successful, enjoyable and smoothly run.
The 2011 winner was LPR's Autocross
group of volunteers, under the direction of AX
Chair Anne Roth, runs one of the premier AX events in
the area. Their dedication and hard work makes AX events
run efficiently so that participants get maximum run
time on the course!
Jim Kershaw Memorial Awards for Tour of
the Year honors the memory of Jim Kershaw, a charter
member of LPR who especially loved tours where he helped
LPR earn "The Good Time Region" reputation. Tony
and Kris Vanacore earned the award for their
one-day tour, Sippin' at the Ranch, a beautiful tour
through the Morgan Hill area that took us to Martin
Ranch Winery and culminated in a great meal at Morgan
Hill's famous Trail Dust BBQ.
One Day Tour Award |
winning overnight tour was Tour de San Juan hosted by
the Bennetts and Reeds who took us on
great back roads to Pebble Beach and the 17-Mile Drive
for lunch at Roy's and ending in an overnight in the
quaint town of San Juan Bautista.
Event of the Year is chosen from the
year's Good Time Gatherings, parties and competitive and
educational events. In the category of Good Time
Gatherings, the award was given to the
Provasis, Highleys and
Tefankjians for their Toys for Tots
Progressive Dinner.
Event of the Year Award
Winners |
great holiday event took us on a mini-tour through the
decorated streets of Willow Glen as we moved from house
to house for our different meal courses. The winning
specialty event was Porsches &
Police organized by the Reeds.
This fantastic event was held in May at History San Jose
where more than 80 Porsches lined the streets. With live
music, great food and wine this event brought
enthusiasts together in a way few events have in past
Specialty Event
Award |
Ken Iles Competition
Driving Award is
given to the LPR member who best exemplifies the
competitive spirit demonstrated by Ken Iles when he was
an active autocrosser. The award honors involvement and
commitment particularly to the sport of AX and rallye.
Doug Ryder was honored to be the 2011
recipient. Since becoming active in LPR a few years ago
you'll find him at almost all functions and this year
not only Axed, completing his rookie season, but also
towed the timing trailer! He has been Activities
Director for two years and is our in-coming
Kathy Reed Memorial Award for the
Enthusiast Woman of the Year is given to the woman who,
like Kathy Reed, has demonstrated enthusiasm and warmth,
a willingness to organize, compete, host events and do
whatever she can to make LPR "The Good Time Region". The
2011 winner is AX Chair Anne Roth. If
you've watched Ann organize AND compete during the AX
season most people would agree that she is well
deserving of this prestigious title.
Chairman Bob Frostholm was named the
Enthusiast Man of the Year. The award
is presented to the man who best exemplifies the spirit
of LPR. He enjoys and participates in all aspects of the
club as an organizer or participant. Bob has brought
rallyes back to LPR with several creative approaches
such as the Hops & Barley Poker Rallye and the
Scribble Scrabble Rallye. Choosing great roads,
fantastic stops for food and libation along with an
interesting game make his rallyes must-attend events!
year, the President's Award honored
Vice President Emilie Highley for her
continual can-do attitude!
Autocross Award
Winners |
awards for place in class in the 2011
season were given by AX Chair Anne Roth as well as a
Cone Killer Award that this year went to Greg
Ryder for his rookie season. See the final AX
results for all classes here.
New Year also ushers in a new Board of
Directors. LPR would like to extend thanks to
outgoing Board Members Ed Tefankjian, Suzette Pangrele,
Peter Ridgway and Jennifer Bryant. Your 2012 Board is
headed by President Doug Ryder, Vice Presidents Emilie
Highley and Kris Vanacore, Secretary Leslie Orlando,
Membership Director Tom Provasi, Treasurer George
Jansen, Activities Director John Reed and Member at
Large Jackie Mitchell.
thanks to all who donated raffle prizes:
Borelli Motor Sports, Bascom Trim &
Upholstery, Custom Alignment, Dings and Dents, Dell Auto
Body, Don's Autowerks, Parts Heaven, Fremont Porsche
and LPR members Les Schreiber, Sue
Sickal, Mike Zampiceni, the Provasis,
the Highleys, the
Iles, and the Reeds.
photos here!
Editor's Note:
The following letter is from Bob & Deb
Frostholm, who were unable to attend this year's Annual
Awards Banquet.
To all the members of
At a small Holiday
gathering at my home I was surprised and honored to have
been awarded the "Enthusiast Man of the Year - 2011".
I must confess that the three events, a Blackjack
GTG, A poker rallye and a scrabble rallye, would not
have been possible with out the assistance and support
of my wife, Deb... We will consider it the "Enthusiast
Couple of the Year Award" as we display it in our home
office. We want to thank everyone who participated in
one or more of our events last year and found them
worthy of their vote.
Bob &
Session Report |
AJ Auto Detailing hosted a
Tech Session on December 17. Since 1985 they have
maintained the highest standards of car care in the
industry and have been named "The Best Detailing Shop in
Silicon Valley". With the parking lot filled with almost
30 Porsches, Chris Schaut was the lucky owner to have
his car selected in a raffle to be the day's
car-detailing model. Click on the video image below to
watch the highlights of the Tech Session.
LPR Tech Session: AJ Auto
Detailing |
If you
visit AJ's, and many LPR members will after seeing their
attention to detail, make sure to let them know you're
an LPR/PCA member and get special pricing!
Chris Schaut's story below:
final tech session of 2011 proved very informational as
we spent the pre-noon hours with the folks at AJ Auto
Detailing in San Jose. This is a class act. AJ runs a
very organized and efficient group of detail-minded and
experienced employees, some of whom have been with the
company for 10-plus years.
A large
group gathered in the parking lot bringing a great
display of various Porsches. The morning air was chilly
with the autumn sun shinning brightly as we enjoyed hot
coffee and doughnuts. It was nice having the opportunity
to meet new faces.
to me, AJ was having a raffle drawing for those who
attended. We all collected around to hear the winning
number. It was me! Or was it? Several weeks prior I
attended my wife's company holiday party and they had a
raffle. On that night I heard my number called, walked
up to the head of the banquet room and in front of 205
people found out that I kind of missed it. So I
sheepishly walked back to my table. Maybe nobody
noticed. So when I heard my number called at AJ, I was a
little hesitant. But I was indeed the lucky winner. I
figured that I may have won some professional detailing
products, but when I was asked for my keys it became
clear! AJ took my car and performed a complete detail.
this is where the soapsuds hit the clear coat, so to
speak. My car received a thorough hand wash and hand dry
before parking it inside their front detail bay for all
of us to watch the procedure. Immediately the clay bar
came out and they removed any of the grit that was stuck
to the finish. Run your hand over your car after washing
it, if you feel little bumps of grit - you need to have
your car treated with a clay bar. The rubber window
seals had protective tape applied to them. Two
technicians then swooped down with polishing machines
and special "ointments". I figured this was the final
step, but I was incorrect. The team then brought out a
two-wheeled buffing machine that minimizes swirl marks
that develop over time. This is a crazy looking
apparatus. I think my dentist may have one in his
office. It didn't end there...more buffing machines,
more experienced employees and more attention to detail.
Small brushes came flying out of pockets as though we
were bystanders at a high-noon gun draw. The detailers
removed any polishing dust that accumulated between body
panels and then attacked the inside with the same
attention to detail. This procedure took almost 3 hours
- that would be 10 to 12 hours if I were to do this
myself and the end result would fall far short. I
purchased our 2008 in 2009. The car sat on the lot for
nearly one year, and although I thought the car looked
great, the black exterior had in fact lost its showroom
finish. Now the car looks amazing, much better than the
day we purchased it.
am very grateful to the friendly and generous folks at
Auto Detailing. They certainly have a new customer.
Go check them out!
Meet the
Borelli Team |
Your Borelli Motor Sports Team: Addison Lee,
Chris Drysdale, Scott Riechers and David
Graff |
Motor Sports is known for providing the best service for
Porsches and other German nameplates in Northern
California. That shouldn't be surprising when one looks
at the two men who are leading the team: Chief
Technician, Scott Riechers, and
Director of Suspension Services, David
was with Dave's German Auto in San Jose for more than
three decades before making the move to Borelli Motor
Sports. The ASE-certified technician is considered one
of the very best at his craft, and can handle anything
from complete engine rebuilds and drive-train or
electrical work to regularly scheduled
joined Borelli Motor Sports in late 2010 when Borelli
acquired the former Performance Art of
Gilroy.Graff - who had been shop foreman, service
technician and chief technical instructor for
Performance Art - is Borelli Motor Sports' Porsche
suspension-tuning and alignment specialist, who also has
expertise with highly sophisticated Hunter equipment for
"touchless" tire and wheel mounting and servicing, as
well as brake adjustments.
Riechers, Graff and the other Borelli Motor Sports
technicians help Porsche owners achieve exceptional
performance, maximum drivability and the utmost
of the unique ways we operate is by offering owners
direct access to the technicians who work on their
vehicles," said Addison Lee, general
manager of Borelli Motor Sports. "You can stand
side-by-side with Scott or Dave as they inspect your car
and discuss the various options. It's this personal
touch and commitment to quality that ensures your
satisfaction in a job well done."
the General Manager of Borelli Motor Sports, Lee ensures
that every vehicle and customer receives first-class
service while at BMS. Along with the full-time job of
managing Borelli Motor Sports, Addison doubles as a
race driving instructor for BMS during
track events. Addison held two racing licenses before
reaching the legal age to obtain a California drivers
permit. After successfully racing a '92 Mustang in
NASA's "Camaro-Mustang-Challenge" for six years, he
moved on to the "American Iron" series with a '02
Mustang that he raced for two seasons. Feeling the need
for more speed Addison progressed to a Radical SR3
sports racer that he currently campaigns in the Radical
Cup, SCCA's CSR and NASA's SU series'.
Chris Drysdale is an expert at
customizing and fabricating race cars. As both a former
driver and pro pit crew chief, Drysdale knows his way
around a track. He has built a number of race cars and
trucks from the ground up, and takes the lead in
providing expert race prep services and truly
professional on-track support.
a driver wants to improve his or her skills, Borelli
Motor Sports has a stable of young professional drivers
- such as Max Hyatt, Perry Richardson
and Addison Lee - who can be
pro drivers are great at helping those who are new to
racing - or simply want to refine the skills they
already have - to get the most out of their track
driving experience," owner Ralph Borelli
is proud to have Borelli Motor Sports as a 2012 Gold
Seal Partner. From storing our autocross trailer to
being the venue for our Autocross Ground School and 2011
Charity Event, the team at BMS is always there for us.
If you'd like to know how Borelli can get your car
running at peak performance go to the Borelli website to schedule an
appointment or sign up for their newsletter. Or give
Addison a call at 408-770-1220 and mention that
you heard about them in the LPR Prieta
Protecting Your Car's Finish from the
Winter Weather
Tips from
Auto Detailing
mud, snow and salt are all tough on drivers. But have
you ever thought how tough these elements are on your
car? Most drivers don't think about washing their car
during the winter months. Some even think that washing
their car in winter will damage their vehicle.
your car in the winter months can be one of the most
beneficial things you can do to maintain the value of
your car. If left on your car, mud, salt, rain and snow
can damage your car's clear finish. Mud and salt caked
on the undercarriage can even help promote rust -
especially in older vehicles - and can also affect how
well your car drives.
to studies, one of the most critical times to wash your
car is immediately after a rainfall. As rain falls, it
collects pollutants from the air, a concept commonly
referred to as acid rain. Even after a light rainfall,
rainwater and pollutants fall on your car. The water
eventually evaporates, leaving behind a thin film of
pollutants that can damage your car's finish.
longer you leave these pollutants on your car, the more
damage they will inflict on your car's finish. Washing
your vehicle immediately after a rainfall helps prevent
Snow and
sleet can also result in the same damaging
as acid rain and are often compounded by chemicals in
road salt. To prevent winter damage, it is recommended
that you wash your vehicle every 10 days.
minimize, and possibly eliminate, damage to your car
this winter, follow these simple tips:
- At a full-service car wash, ask the attendant to
thoroughly dry around the inside of the door and
trunk, as well as the joint where power antennas
attach to the vehicle. At a self-service or exterior
only car wash, bring a few towels with you so you can
do this yourself.
- Immediately after washing the vehicle, open and
close all doors, the trunk and other parts of the car
with locks several times before parking it (this will
eliminate water freezing in locks in extreme cold).
- Periodically apply a good silicone spray to all
weather stripping during freezing weather.
- Wash your car every 10 days and right after a snow
or rain shower.
- Wax your car at least every six months. More
frequent waxing is needed if your car is not garaged.
- Go to a professional car wash that is
professionally managed, has clean facilities and uses
Beautiful Salt Lake City: the
Location for 2012 Porsche
is the biggest Porsche Club event of the year: our
annual national convention. Club members from all across
North America come together for this annual extravaganza
to socialize with fellow enthusiasts, compete in events,
go to informative seminars and enjoy the sights on
leisurely tours. For many club members, Parade is their
big vacation for the year. It provides them with an
opportunity to see new parts of the country as well as
to visit with PCA friends that they only see once a
year...at Parade!
The term "Parade" evolved in August
1956, when 64 enthusiasts gathered at a suburban
Washington, D.C. motel for four days of Porsche
enjoyment and friendship. A parade of Porsches through
the countryside caused everyone to refer to the event as
the "Parade" and the name has continued. The current
size of our convention makes a true parade of cars
logistically difficult but we still do it when we can,
and it is always a sight to see.
PCA membership, representatives from the Porsche factory
in Stuttgart, and from Porsche Cars North America also
attend, along with numerous automotive-related
spokespeople. Participants can compete in the Concours
d'Elegance, a Time-Speed-Distance Rallye, Autocross, and
a Technical and Historic Quiz.
Lake City is only a two-day drive giving LPR members an
opportunity to attend along with their car! Stay turned
for more information on PCA's Parade as well as LPR's
plans for an informal tour getting there!
Trivia: Membership Chair Tom Provasi has attended all 33
Porsche Parades since joining LPR in 1979!
Put Your Car in the LPR
LPR Garage, showcasing rides from our club members, is a
new feature we are launching in our redesigned website!
It's a chance to share with our fellow
Porsche enthusiasts what we do with our version of the
marque that is so rich in history. Maybe it's a survivor
356 that is in remarkable condition, or one that is
beautifully restored? Or perhaps it's a highly modified
track car or autocross screamer. This is your chance to
show-off! To reserve your spot in the LPR Garage send 6
or fewer photos along with captions to mailto:lprpca@gmail.com?subject=LPR%20Garage%20Entry.
Unclassified Ads |
Want to Buy
Pair of Weber IDF 40 carburetors.
Unclassified ads are
available at no charge to PCA members. For inclusion in
the next month's issue, ad copy must be submitted to mailto:prietapost@gmail.com?subject=Unclassified%20Ad no
later than the 20th of the month. Ads will run for 3
months on a space available basis. Please notify the
editor when your item is sold, or if you wish to run
your ad again. Non-member fee is $10.00 per month per ad
and is due in advance. Checks should be made out to
LPR/PCA and sent to Loma Prieta Region PCA, PO Box 0705,
Santa Clara, CA
95052. |
© 2012 Prieta Post. All rights reserved. The Prieta
Post is the offi cial publication of the Porsche Club
of America, Loma Prieta Region and is published
monthly. Written contributions and photographs are
welcomed and can be mailed to the editor. Opinions
expressed are those of the authors and do not
necessarily represent the official position of the
Porsche Club of America, Loma Prieta Region, its
officers or members. Permission is granted to reprint
any material herein provided full credit is given to the
author and to the Prieta Post. PORSCHE®, the Porsche
Crest®, CARRERA®, and TARGA® are trademarks of Porsche
AG. All other trademarks or servicemarks are the
property of their respective owners. The editor shall
reserve the right to edit and publish only those
articles felt to be in the best interest of the members
of the Porsche Club of America. The DEADLINE for
articles and advertisements submitted for publication is
the 10th of the month preceding the month of
publication. For commercial advertising rates/options
please contact Bill
Highley. | | |
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