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2012 PCA Member
Only Raffle Winner Bob
only takes one ticket to
| |
| | |
Porsche Friend,
Ryder & Laurie Delimon
Prieta Post
Co-Editors |
Doug and I just
returned from our very first Porsche Parade, which
was held in Salt Lake City. And it was quite an
often we refer to those in PCA as "enthusiasts".
And nowhere is that more evident than at Parade as
close to 1400 club members gathered to celebrate
Porsche. With a daily activity roster of tours,
rallyes, autocross, socials and tech sessions it
was hard to choose what to do! While us newbies
gave it our best shot the majority of attendees,
who had Parade experience in double digit years,
had it down to a science! Doug and I tried to
attend a variety of activities to get a broad view
of what Parade is all about.
first day of Parade was the Concours d'Elegance on
the Capitol lawn. The Porsche family: Hans Peter,
Wolfgang and young Ferdinand were out mingling
with the attendees amongst the beautiful cars that
bear their name. Later that evening Doug and I
attended the Presidents Reception at La Caille,
one of Salt Lake's most enchanting dining venues.
During the week we really got to know Salt Lake
City. We explored on our own, driving through Utah's scenic canyons and
visited the zoo, which has an area that is
designed to look just like Cannery Row in
Monterey. The Gimmick Rallye took us to the
Olympic Training Center and trendy Park City where
we shopped and dined. One of the tours took us to
Snowbird, Alta and beautiful Solitude. However not
all sightseeing was done with PCA or even driving
our car. Our downtown hotel was conveniently
located just blocks away from the famous Temple
Square where you could visit the Mormon Tabernacle
and a history-filled visitor center. The Family
History Library is open to the public and I know
that a few LPR members were able to gather some
great information for their family trees. And
while we couldn't enter the temple, the building
is breathtaking. On Thursday evening, after an
amazing meal at a Brazilian Steakhouse, a few of
us went to watch the Mormon Tabernacle Choir
rehearse in the LDS Conference Center, a 1.4
million square foot building that seats 21,200
people. With 360 choir members supported by a full
orchestra and a massive pipe organ, it was an
unforgettable experience.
me, Saturday's Parade of Porsches was the
highlight activity of our trip. PCA's yearly event
gets its name from the very first Porsche Parade
in Washington DC where a group of enthusiasts
gathered and drove their cars around our capitol
city. I was anxious to take part in this Porsche
tradition. Organizers staged about 300 Porsches by
type and year as we waited for 30 motorcycle cops
to begin to clear our route. Even though raindrops
were falling, it was exciting to drive down one
of Salt Lake's main streets and loop the Capitol
building on our return. Confused Salt Lakers
stopped in their tracks and pulled out their
cameras as the history of Porsche design passed
before them.
addition to the activities offered, Parade is the
time when National Awards are presented. From
individual to region awards, LPR went home with an
armload of trophies. You can read about all our
wins in Doug's President's column. I was
especially honored to receive an award for our new
website. Back in September 2011, my son Greg and I
tackled creating a new site from top to bottom
that would launch January 1, 2012. We shed our
parent/child relationship, collaborated and agreed
and disagreed in a "professional" manner, at least
most of the time! Greg brought youthful and edgy
ideas and design concepts to the project and the
knowledge to implement them. With a website that
had only been live four months at the time of
judging, we were so proud to place third in our
class. I just wish Greg could have been there to
share in the excitement!
last but not least, I'd like to give a shout-out
to Parade veterans John and Angie Reed for their
hospitality and kindness in making sure our first
Parade was a good one! Thank you both so much!
Click on the Flickr icon below to see
some of Pam's favorite photos from
Ryder | |
| |
Inside Track |
2012 was quite an event. Some of it I was prepared for,
the rest was organized chaos. Twenty-six brave LPR
members joined the other 1400-or-so attendees for a full
week of activities and events. These folks are all
enthusiasts. You have to be willing to drive some 3800
plus miles to the Parade like one member from
Newfoundland did.
rookies, Pam and I sorted out the details of signing up
for and confirming each activity we wanted to attend. A
helping hand from our more experienced attendees saved a
lot of time that first day.
year's event was held in the heart of Salt Lake City at
the Little America Hotel and the Grand America Hotel
across the street. The hotels did a remarkable job in
light of the number of people and Porsches they had
arriving that first Saturday. Most of the action was in
the Little America Hotel, but all of the banquets were
held in the main ballroom of the Grand America. We
attended five banquets and the food was excellent--not a
single rubber chicken dinner! At each banquet, winners
of various competitons were presented with their awards
and I was taken aback by the elaborate nature of each
award and its impressive achievements.
And how did LPR do? We cleaned up!
| Our
first award was 2nd runner-up for Region of the Year and
LPR was recognized due to the efforts of Tom
Provasi who pulled together a great submission that
presented LPR brilliantly.
next big award went to LPR's Prieta Post for Steve
Mitchell's outstanding work in 2011 as Editor. The Post
was first in its class for the second time in three
years - a remarkable record!
another major competition, the new LPR Website,
conceived, created and executed by Post Co- Editor, Pam
Ryder and our Web Master, Greg Ryder, took third-place
honors for best Website in class.
to top it off, LPR received the second place Public
Service Award for our charity work headed up by Sue
Sickal. PCA cited the money raised in the annual
Cherry's Jubilee, and events like the Reed's brainchild,
Porsches and Police.
following are all the Autocross winners. I won't break
them down by class but identify the
Larry Sharp
- 1st Place finishes by Larry Sharp and Mike
Lommatzsch and Sandy Provasi
- 2nd Place finishes by Tom Provasi, Ed Tefankjian
and Barry Pangrle
- 3rd Place finish by Peter Smith
- 4th Place finish by Suzette Pangrle
on top of it all, Larry Sharp competed in the 964/993
trivia contest and won First Place. If that wasn't
enough, he also earned top score overall!
were many proud moments and I wish to personally
congratulate everyone on a job well done!
It's the
People -- July 2012 Membership Report |
Director | Welcome
to our new members this month, Andrew Fisher &
Caroline Pomeroy
from Santa Cruz, Gil & Aprille Lucero from Mountain
View, Brian Schwarz from Scotts Valley, and Scott Wong
from Fremont. Transferring in is Dean Maragos from San
Jose, Randall Nacamuli from La Selva Beach, and Jimmy
Upton from Ben Lomand.
I said last month, many of us were headed to Salt Lake
City to attend the Porsche Parade. LPR was there in
force with almost 30 members in attendance. Check out
all the stories and recaps elsewhere in the Post. We all
had a great time with the Good Times Region at the
national Parade.
is flying by fast. Don't miss out on the great events
coming soon. Hope to see you there.
New members from PCA:
Transfers in: 3
Transfers out: 0
Memberships that expired June
2012: 7
Total renewals June 2012:
Membership as of 07/01/12
Total = 520 (Primary = 299 ,
Affiliates = 221)
Respectfully Submitted,
Tom Provasi
Miss These Upcoming
Events! |
2 Pre-AX Open Shop Night at Don's
Autowerks August 4 AX
5 Zone 7 Carlsen Porsche
7 LPR Board Meeting
10-12 Lost Coast Fun Run Tour August 17-19 Historics
at Laguna Seca Raceway
25 Moonlight Steam Train Dinner Party
September 4 LPR Board Meeting September 8 GGR
AX September 14 -16 Cherry's Jubilee September 16
Zone 7 Niello Concours September 22 Dings and
Dents Tech Session September 29 Passport to the World
For more details and
sign up information
go to the Event Calendar on our website.
Report |
Roth AX Co-chair |
is hard to believe that LPR's autocross season is so
close to coming to an end, with only two events left on
the calendar for the season. Ahh, but those two events
are something that you won't want to miss!
Sept. 9th will be LPR's turn to host day two of our
2-day Zone 7 Event. Our neighboring region, GGR, will be
hosting on Saturday, Sept 8th. You will get to see
amazing Porsches and enjoy two full days of autocrossing
with a whole bunch of fun people!
Oct 14th will be the last AX of the 2012 Season. This
year, LPR has designated this last autocross "7ROC". A
takeoff on the IROC's that were run in years past within
the professional racing communities. By invitation, the
best drivers within Zone 7 will be driving the same car
for a lap or two for the title of Zone 7
two events are classified as "do not miss" on my
calendar! Make sure to put 'em on yours!
of the 'do not miss' events, I am trying my hand at
organizing a social event for LPR. I have arranged for
an evening at Roaring Camp in the Santa Cruz Mountains,
on Saturday, August 25th. A steak dinner, train ride,
live music and Porsche friends make for a 'do not miss'
information and registration can be found by clicking
here: Register
ya in Marina and at Roaring Camp!!
Larry Sharp
Co-chair |
so the numbers are BIG.
Lake City PCA National Parade Autocross
drivers from 139 regions
Men's and Ladies' Classes for any Porsche
runs each
cone is a 2-second penalty if you hit one
volunteer workers each day
drivers From PCA Zone 7
drivers from Loma Prieta
to the hard work of PCA AutoX Chair Henry Hoe, this
Parade AX went off almost without a hitch. The hitches
had nothing to do with Henry's fine planning. One oil
spill (dang old Porsches), one coolant spill (dang new
Porsches), and one broken stub axle was all that
prevented a nonstop affair of racing Porsches. The
course was laid out in the Mavericks Center hockey
center where the 2002 Olympics were held. The lot
provided some very cool elevation changes that Henry
used with great cunning and skill. Lap times averaged
around the mid 50 second range so the course was a
decent length. The one odd part about this lot's surface
was that all the tires would scream like bloody murder,
even the race slicks of the modified cars. Weather on
Wednesday was tolerable with an overcast sky and a few
sprinkles. The rain hardly hit the ground so times
weren't affected at all for the Showroom Stock cars.
Trophy winners from Loma Prieta in Showroom Stock
Lommatzsch Class S01 first place
Pangrle Class S05 second place
LPR Member Liz Shaw S05L first place
the drivers weren't so lucky with the weather. Bright
and sunny with a high of 105 and no breeze. Ugh. It was
a tough day. The second day of the Parade autocross was
for the more serious drivers and cars. The Production
classes allow for a few suspension modifications and
little else, plus they can use R compound Dot race
tires. Trophy winners for Loma Prieta in the Production
classes were:
Zaccone class P05 first place
Sharp class P09 first place
up were the improved classes. These cars are classed by
engine displacement and are allowed many changes but
must have the same number of seats still in the car they
were delivered with. This is where the big guys start
showing up. We will talk about these guys at the

last group to run was the Modifieds; the all-out race
cars. They only have a few safety rules and are classed
by engine sizes. They are loud, wild, and fun to watch.
LPR had three drivers to watch in this group. Tom and
Sandy Provasi in the Orange crate 914-6, and Peter Smith
in the screaming 911 GT track car. Tom has won top time
of day at Parade multiple times and Sandy has done TTOD
Ladies a few times as well. Peter on the other hand
barely knows what an AX is. This is where the drama
begins. Remember those two guys I mentioned who ran in
the Improved classes? Well Steve Lau and Monty Pack of
Golden Gate Region had posted some very fast times.
Steve did a 48.9 and Monty had posted a 49.4. Tom and
Peter both knew that the bar had been set very very
high. Peter had one more goal, he had to beat my time or
he would have to face shame and ridicule on Facebook
from me for a long time. Peter took four runs to go
faster than I did but ended up third in class with a
51.1. Tom had added pressures since the heat had made
Sandy out of sorts and she had to take a time out in the
air-conditioned comfort of the Michelin trailer. Tom's
judgment was affected as well and on his third run he
did as he was told and didn't wait for the mandatory
five minutes between runs. Of course, his time was good
enough for the class win and TTOD but his run was
disallowed because of grid personnel not making him sit
for five minutes. Tom ended up with a second in class
trophy. Sandy, even though she didn't take all of her
runs, took first in class in M05L.
the rest of the drivers in Zone 7 who attended Parade
will have their regions point out what a fine group
showing we all had. And if you were counting, 8 of our 9
region drivers won trophies at this year's Parade.
Congrats to all!
Click here to see Photos from AX
and to see photos from AX #5 click here
Tour to
Porsche Parade
Contributed by Steve & Jackie
Tour to Parade participants met early at
Mimi's in Dublin on Friday, July 6 to enjoy breakfast, a
long two day drive and camaraderie on the way to the
2012 PCA event in Salt Lake City. Joining the tour this
year were Chuck Bloom (Cayenne S), Efren & Cindy
Casamina (Boxster S, Design Edition 2), George &
Carol Grialou (Boxster S), Rick Jiloty and Mary Wollesen
(Boxster), John & Angie Reed (996 Carrera), Vince
and daughter Christina Vincent (996 Carrera), Mary
Watanabe (Honda 2000) and me & Jackie (recently
renovated 996 Carrera 4S). Along the way we picked up
Rik Larson of Sacramento Valley Region in his Turbo
group anxiously finished breakfast by 8 am with the 8:15
am departure time in mind. We covered all the details of
an LPR tour, full fuel, empty bladder, lights on, and CB
tuned to channel 15. With the LPR loaner radios handed
out, everyone had "ears".
After a
short fuel and bio stop somewhere around Sacramento, the
group looked forward to a photo opportunity arranged by
Carol Grialou. Carol's daughter planned to be on an
overpass in Auburn to photograph our little convoy on
the road below. Carol's daughter held a colorful
umbrella on the overpass so we knew when to smile and
folks were ready for lunch around Reno and the thought
was that there are a variety of places just East of
town...well we found out that you needed to think fast
because it doesn't take long on the East side of Reno to
leave civilization completely. Luckily we found an
outpost with a new BBQ. Guy's was open for business next
door to a soon to be opened Subway. Guy and his wife
left the Bay Area to build their business in an area of
Nevada that they say is surrounded by 6,000 people
working at nearby distribution centers for Lowe's, Tire
Rack, and a couple of other major retailers. As Guy was
finishing out the decorating of his BBQ joint, he
couldn't let us go without a Porsche photo opportunity
with all the cars in front for his wall. 
Elko was
our first night destination at the Best Western with
dinner for our group arranged at Luciano's. We arrived
in Elko at about 5 pm with plenty of time to freshen up
before dinner. Luciano's, owned by another Bay Area
transplant, made dinner easy by offering us a family
style meal that included a variety of appetizers and
entrees. No one was complaining and everyone was pleased
with the service and quality of the food. If you're ever
in Elko and crave Italian, you won't go wrong at
tanks refilled and a Best Western full breakfast
finished, our Parade tour was off again. Shortly after
leaving we were in Utah and with Exit 4 marking the edge
of the Bonneville Salt Flats it was time to stop for
another group photo. 
We spent
the rest of the day driving across Utah with a lunch
stop along Interstate 80 near the Great Salt Lake. The
salt air and seagulls in the parking lot make us crave
shrimp but salad buffet and cheese steaks were on the
The last
few miles were only eventful because our Porsche
navigation system has a 2003 disk...no update is
available. As a result I can only follow roads that were
around 10 years ago. Salt Lake City has done a great
deal of freeway renovation and as a consequence we flew
by our exit. About half of our posse followed their
newer add-on nav units and arrived at Little America
about 20 minutes before the rest of us. I was warmly
greeted by other LPR members with a "hey, I heard you
made a wrong turn"...notwithstanding, I think our tour
group enjoyed the trip, enough so that some decided to
join our little ad hoc tour back home.
morning after Parade we met at yet again another Mimi's
in Murray, Utah a short distance South of Little
America. Angie & John, Vince & Christine and
Mary joined us for a drive through Bryce Canyon and Zion
National Parks and on through Las Vegas for our return.
The only stipulation was that we had to make a short
trip down to Cedar City to see Clint our nephew who is
there at college. We spent the week taking Kimberly, our
15 year-old niece to Parade, so now we sort of had the
obligation to see Clint. I had told the group that we
would meet them at the Bryce Canyon resort but they
insisted that we stay together and joined us for lunch
in Cedar City with Clint. His favorite place was Mexican
fast food, but that is expected when you're in
The rains
came on the journey to Cedar City and on to Bryce...and
I mean torrential rain. Jackie asked Mary if she would
like to stop to put the top up on her car but the
response was "don't slow down" as with the speed, the
windshield was defecting all the rain over the car.
consensus of the group was that Bryce was amazing and
even better than the Grand Canyon. We all took some
great photos from the several vantage points in the
park. As the rain left us, the rainbows formed, painting
a spectacular portrait. Bryce Canyon is the only place
geologically like it on earth.
Our night
at the Bryce Canyon Resort and Restaurant gives new
meaning to "two stars"...but we survived the night.
Off to
Zion with a stop for lunch in Soup Town, otherwise known
as Orderville...yep you got it, a religious town based
on an order of the Mormon Church. Orderville is very
historic with a history book at every table. The soup
was incredible. We can now add Soup Town to our list of
"food towns", the last was when we went to Porsche
Escape in Albuquerque and visited Pie Town, New Mexico
on the continental divide. The town consisted of two pie
Zion is
an easy drive through the park. Without many turnouts
there were not many photo opportunities but again the
views were amazing. The Western entrance to Zion (our
exit) has a great little village with many shops,
restaurants and lodging...much better than Bryce
arrived in Las Vegas later that afternoon with the Reeds
staying with us at the Cosmopolitan, Mary at Paris and
Vince and Christina with family. The Cosmopolitan had
only lower floor rooms available at the time we were
checking in and our receptionist said we probably
wouldn't like the noise from the night clubs...so, we
both received a very nice upgrade to a condominium suite
on one of the top floors. My 25 year loyalty to Marriott
and all those points finally paid off. With two nights
in Las Vegas we had time to relax.
night we gathered for dinner at the Cosmopolitan for
dinner at Jaleo, the Spanish Tapas restaurant. The food
and fun reflected the spirit of the "good times
The next
morning we headed off to see Hoover Dam and the new Mike
O'Callaghan, Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge. At 840 feet
above the Colorado River, it is the second-highest
bridge in the United States, following the Royal Gorge
night was show night. John, Angie, Vince, and Christina
went across the street to see old time Vegas with "Las
Vegas the Show", Jackie and I were off to the Rio to see
Penn & Teller.
The next
morning for us was the uneventful 500 mile drive back
home with stops in Baker for breakfast and Harris Ranch
for a late lunch.
was great but the journey there and back was more than
half the fun.
To see the tour photo album,
click on the Flickr icon below.
Report from the
Reeds |
by John & Angie
First and foremost this year's
Porsche Parade in Salt Lake City was an outstanding
event. We enjoyed the state capitol and grounds as the
Concours setting. This was a wonderful
backdrop for some of the world's most beautiful
Porsches. The Gimmick Rallye was a hoot and, as usual,
very easy, after all it's a tour and a rallye all in
one. The driving tours were plentiful and our favorite
was the Canyons Tour. Canyons to the left of
us, canyons to the right of us and some very nice
well-paved Porsche roads. There were 70 cars on
this tour and everyone, believe it or not, stayed
together throughout the entire tour. Amazing!
Toss in the social camaraderie during
the week - award dinners, ice cream social, wine
and beer tasting, chatting over popcorn and sodas in the
hospitality suite and before you could say "great
Parade" it was over. Next we were off for home via Bryce
Canyon, Zion National Park and Las Vegas with the
Mitchells, Vincents and new member Mary
Two items during Parade week we
especially liked: The Harmon Cooking School on Monday
night was something special. Almost three hours of
watching the chef and his assistants prepared our meal
with lots of show and tell along the way. Angie
volunteered to help roll out the pasta dough, or should
we say get pasta dough all over herself and few
bystanders. Laughs all the way around, but a good sport
she was. Next was the free evening on Thursday. We went
to dinner with the Ryders and afterwards walked a few
blocks to the Morman Convention Center where we listened
to an hour and a half of the Morman Tabernacle Choir
rehearse and sing. The Vincents and Pangrles joined us
and we must say hearing this world-renowned choir sing
was a feast for the ears. They noted during the evening
that this is the 84th year of national radio
broadcasting, quite an accomplishment indeed!
you've never been to a Porsche Parade? We say give one a
try and find out what 1,500 plus people already know...a
week long PCA adventure on a grand scale. There is
really something for everyone. Our Parade total so far:
John 19. Angie 6. And that's nothing when you see how
many people have attended multiple Parades over
the years! Our own Tom and Sandy Provasi are going
on 36, or is that 37? Keep in mind that the 2014 Porsche
Parade will be in Monterey, right in our backyard. Now
we've got your attention, right?
see the Parade photo album,
on the Flickr icon below.
LPR Named 2nd Runner Up
for PCA Region of the
Year |
by Tom Provasi
following are excerpts taken from the 7 page award
submission for the "2011 Region of the Year"
competition. LPR was awarded 2nd runner up at the
Concours banquet at the Parade in Salt Lake City and all
of us in attendance stepped up to receive the award. Dr.
Wolfgang Porsche and Hans Peter Porsche presented the
award. There were so many of us, the photo couldn't fit
all of us in.
An ongoing theme when talking about
Loma Prieta Region is "a small region with big
ambitions." For 40 plus years this has been a
reoccurring philosophy for the members of "The Good
Times Region".
Loma Prieta Region's geographic
territory is limited to Santa Cruz County, which
explains it's smaller membership roster. While many of
our members are from San Jose and surrounding south Bay
Area cities, those zip codes are in Golden Gate region
territory. Due to our diverse quality and quantity of
events many San Jose area members choose to cross
boundary lines and request Loma Prieta as their region
of choice.
Level Of
This small region of approximately 295
primary and 230 affiliate members enjoy a wide variety
of events: from monthly dinner events AKA Good Time
Gatherings, a full series of autocross events, numerous
one-day and overnight tours, rallies, tech sessions at
local Porsche related facilities, drivers ed and charity
events. You can see from this active slate of activities
why we believe we have big ambitions for a small
There were a total of 56 events hosted
by LPR in 2011: 13 meetings, 14 socials, 5 tech
sessions, 8 autocrosses, 3 rallies, 1 concours, 5
one-day tours, 4 overnight tours and a funkhana. All of
the events averaged between 35 to 65 attendees at each
event. With five events per month, there was always
something for everyone. Our diverse calendar of events
is what makes LPR so attractive and enjoyable to the
LPR has always had a deep involvement
with community service and charity events to support
many local charities. 2011 was no
exception and in fact, the region kicked it up a notch
by hosting three exceptional events: A car show called
"Porsches and Police"; a three day drivers education
event at Laguna Seca called Cherry's Jubilee; and the
6th annual, "Let the Good Times Roll",
which featured a silent auction, a
giving tree,
hors d'oeuvres and hosted
Multi-Region &
National Participation
Our members are not only involved in
the local activities of our region, but also travel to
participate in Zone 7 events as well as National events.
In addition to zone participation, LPR also hosted a
Zone 7 autocross weekend, and a Zone 7 councours and
swap meet. Les Schrieber is Zone 7 concours chairman.
Our members have a broad commitment to other regions in
the zone and nationally. We have several members that
are national volunteers. Mike Lommatzsch - National
Parade Competition Rules Committee Chairman. Peter Smith
- National Technical Committee Chairman. Sandy Provasi -
National Parade Staff, Hospitality Chairman. Tom Provasi
- Rennsport Reunion Organizing Committee, 911 Historical
Display Chairman.
Tour Season
Porsche touring. The open road.
Exciting locations. Friends enjoying each other's
company for a day or two of Porsche driving bliss. One
of the most popular events, the LPR tour season kicked
off in March and continued throughout the year...and
what a year it was for touring!
Final Count: There were five one day
tours and four weekend tours, enough to fill any tour
junkie's heart with joy! All of these tour events were
enthusiastically attended as we filled the California
back roads and byways with abundance of LPR members
enjoying the climate, good friendship and, of course,
their Porsches!
The autocross season started of with a
ground school for newcomers. The 40 plus attendees were
now ready to enjoy a full slate of autocross events. The
LPR autocross season consisted of 8 events scheduled
from March through October. The 8 event season also
included a two day Zone 7 autocross weekend in July,
cohosted with the Golden gate region.
Final Count...8 days, 465 drivers,
5,864 laps, 4.20 miles of course designs, 3,060.8 miles
(of smiles) driven, 66.901 hours of 'seat time', 846
cones killed, and 30 award winners. Of course, let's not
forget the 32 batches of brownies!
Newsletter & Web
Site Effectiveness
The Prieta Post that members fondly
refer to as "the Post" detailed the activities of the
upcoming two months and covered all the activities of
the past month. Within the Post's pages, members found
creatively illustrated flyers detailing upcoming events,
great photography and articles to make certain the
special moments are captured for the readers.
Along with the Post the region sends
mass communications via email and now with the inclusion
of Constant Contact as an email resource to broadcast
Upcoming Events. The use of Constant Contact along with
the LPR website provides the basis for the online
communications with the membership. LPR has also
integrated Google calendar as a tool for members to
maintain the event calendar on their personal computers
or smartphone.
As was stated at the beginning of this
submission, Loma Prieta Region is a small region with
big ambitions. LPR not only has big ambition, but it has
a big heart. With involvement in 3 charity events
raising nearly $40,000, the membership of LPR came
through big time for local charities.
With its diverse calendar of events (56
in total) there was always something for our members to
participate in. An average of 1 event every week was an
ambitious feat even for regions with 4 times our
membership. LPR hosted a wide range of activities from
socials to autocross to tech sessions to drivers ed to
rallies to tours to concours to swap meet to even a
funkhana! There was absolutely something for
Our members are not only involved with
LPR, but reach out to other regions in zone 7 by hosting
competitive events in the Zone 7 series. In addition to
their Zone 7 involvement, a large number of the
membership are involved in the national organization,
both on staff and in Parade and Escape
Great membership involvement, check.
Diverse activities, check. Charity and community
involvement, check. Great newsletter and communication
tools, check. Zone and National involvement, check. Our
trademark - "The Good Times Region", check.
These accomplishments are what make LPR
a standout among PCA regions. It would be an honor for
the members of Loma Prieta Region to be the 2011
recipient of the Ferry Porsche Trophy. Thanks for your
To see the Parade awards
click on the Flickr icon
to download
a PDF of the Legends of the Autobahn flyer
by Don
 Curious to know more about
your fellow LPR members? Haven't heard a good car
story in awhile? Maybe you need a new cool driving
road or are just curious to
know who's driving what.
We'll answer these questions and more each month as we
feature a different member of LPR. Remember, it's not
just the cars, but the people too.
Hey, it's a good thing this month's featured
members had such a good time on their first tour (ah
humm), or they may not have become so active in our
club. Much like our first tour years ago (with John Reed
in the lead), Leslie and I had a blast - we were hooked.
As a result, we got involved. The difference here is how
one defines involved.
These members have exploded onto the scene by
not only participating in all things LPR, but both have
taken active leadership roles at a significant and
occasionally difficult time in the club's evolution.
Whether you're a fan of change or not, change is
inevitable. And, when someone performs so well under
difficult circumstances, I applaud and appreciate their
outstanding efforts.
So, do you like to tinker on your car? Want
to make a minor/major change or wonder just how to fix
that small nagging problem and our all-knowing Peter
Smith isn't available? Well, I can tell you, the next
best thing is our man here. He's always the first to
offer a lending hand, has some great ideas (not to
mention the right tool) and I haven't found anything he
isn't willing to tackle. Better still, his bride is
always there with a supporting smile and offering us a
cold beer!
Occasionally, you stumble upon a new friend
only to discover they're a real keeper, I'm certainly
glad I stumbled upon these two. Take the time to know
them and you'll agree.
Porsche Personen Presents
Doug and Pam Ryder
Current Car:
I've owned six great Porsches over the last
37 years. Currently I drive a 1996 993 Guards Red
Cabriolet with a tan interior and black top.
Modifications include Fab Speed Exhaust mufflers and
tips, Bilstein PSS 9 Coil Over suspension, three spoke
steering wheel and a high-end stereo system. We also
have a 1987 Carrera that we autocross. I have had the
Porsche "bug" since high school and I bought my first-a
1968 911L in 1974 and just out of college. Since then
I've owned a '71 911T, a '62 356 coupe, and a 1996 C4S
and my two current rides.
Member History:
Pam and I have lived in Monte Sereno for 19
years. We have two kids, Greg (29) and Kristen (23). For
the past 34 years I have managed worldwide sales
operations for various semiconductor capital equipment
companies. Pam has always worked in PR and Marketing and
now has her own consulting business focusing on social
media and websites. We have been PCA members since 2002
but became more active once our kids were grown. I was
Activities Director for two years and am the current LPR
President. Pam is a co-editor of the Prieta Post,
creates and maintains videos on the YouTube Channel, is
one of our Facebook admins and writes and designs for
the LPR website with our son Greg.
Favorite driving roads: From
our house up Highway 9 to Skyline, then north to Alice's
Restaurant for breakfast. Alice's is a great central
location with so many roads nearby that just beg for a
little spirited driving. Pam likes Highway 1 from Half
Moon Bay to Santa Cruz. As a passenger, she prefers more
scenery and less spirit! 
Interesting Porsche Story:
With an ownership history of six cars and a wild guess
at having driven the combined lot an estimated 150,000
to 200,000 miles I've had only one ticket in a Porsche.
It was on the drive bringing our current Porsche home
from Alexandria where we bought it. We were in the
middle of Nowhere, Nebraska and I got a ticket for going
85 mph in a 75 mph zone.
Interest in the club: My
favorite activities are touring and AX. Don and Leslie
Orlando got us hooked with their first Bass Lake tour in
2007, which was our first with the club. Of course, we
went over Patterson Pass Road and what Porsche driver
doesn't get a thrill there?! This is my second year
autocrossing. We were introduced to it by volunteering
to tow the AX trailer and now the whole family goes! Pam
and I will tow the trailer and Greg and Kristen drive
down in the Porsche to meet us. The three of us race
while Pam takes photos. It's a great family bonding
experience but three drivers sharing one car is tough on
Worst Speeding Ticket: This
is more like what could have been my worst speeding
ticket. In 2000 I bought a pristine 1996 993 C4S with
only 8,000 miles on it. I flew to Las Vegas, bought the
car and began my drive home via Interstate 15 to L.A. I
got on the freeway and it was wide open with no cars to
be seen in either direction. I had owned the car for 15
minutes and naturally thought it was about time to see
what it could do! Back down to 4th gear and the
speedometer needle started climbing. Soon I was in 5th
gear and driving hard to redline, but then I decided
that there was no reason to keep accelerating (Yes. I
chickened out!) And Pam was more than happy to hear
that! But oh my - what a ticket it would have
To see more photos of Doug & Pam,
click on the Flickr icon below.
Trains, (No) Planes and
Automobiles |
Steam Train Dinner Party
Treat yourself
to an evening of fun and relaxation at
Roaring Camp's Western Themed
Moonlight Dinner Train Party. Start with a
hearty barbecue steak dinner in the
moonlight followed by a leisurely train
ride aboard vintage railway
cars. The steam train stops atop Bear Mountain to a
glowing campfire, hot cider and musical
sing-along. Upon returning to Roaring Camp, hot apple
pie and a country western band await
you. Get in the swing of things by line dancing or
two-stepping the night away. LPR members and their
Porsches will have premier, car show-like parking in the
town of Roaring Camp, in front of Bret Harte Hall. The
event runs from 6:00 to 10:30 p.m. This promises to be
one of the best family events of LPR's summer season,
you don't want to miss it!
Register today at
Blackberry Farm, Here We
Come...Take 2!!! |
Story by Bill & Emilie
Photos by John Reed
9:00 a.m. and the Bennetts roll into our driveway ready
to pack the vehicles up with all the "stuff" for the
Family Picnic. Personally, I was a little (okay, a lot)
cranky not having that cup of mojo to start my morning.
Debbie looked at me and said, "Suck it up Buttercup and
get over it!" Whatever you say Deb!
drive to Blackberry Farm was smooth; Kevin and Bill led
the way while Debbie and I followed, catching up on
whatever girls need to catch up on. Once again, we
reserved the Sycamore Picnic site-nicely shaded, lots of
tables, big BBQ, and close to the pool. Within minutes,
the Vanacores and Iles arrived ready to pitch in for
Tony and Chef Kevin quickly took over the BBQ area,
preparing it for the feast that we would soon have. Chef
Tony had sautéed onions the night before, perfect for
the day's juicy hamburgers. The rest of us spread
out tablecloths, prepared the appetizer table and
chilled the wine, beer, soda and water. Of course, Kris
Vanacore was quick to convince us that it must be wine
drinking time somewhere in the world, so we broke open
one of the bottles. Aah... so much for missing that cup
of coffee!
site looked pretty festive with red and white
tablecloths and napkins, the LPR Banner strung between
the trees (thank you John Reed for bringing it) and
black and white checked flags marking the spot for
everyone to find us.Kris organized "Kids Korner" for the
beanbag toss and various other games.
11:00 a.m. folks began to arrive: Steve and Jackie
Mitchell and their daughter Melissa; the
rest of the Bennett Clan - son Chris, wife Kelly and
Emily and Alex; John and Angie Reed and their family;
Anne Roth; Barry and Suzette Pangrle; Janet AuKrug; Bob
Morgan minus wife Karen, who was vacationing in Ohio;
Hal and Diana Hallock; Tom and Sandy Provasi; the
Weagers; the Wallaces; Dick and Cal Graham; the
Vincents; the Schaefers with their children Kayla and
Parker; Matt and Kathy Lord, and 4-year-old Austin (once
again, Roycott Way was well represented); Dave
Dunwoodie; Clemson and Mable Chan; Larry and KC Sharp;
Rosie and Ed Tavares; Doug and Pam Ryder with
daughter Kristen; Kurt and Laurie Delimon; Mary
Wantanobe, and many more (really tried to mention
everyone's names).
families headed off for the pool, while others enjoyed
the appetizers and "liquid" refreshments - everyone
eating and drinking in usual LPR style!
chefs had the BBQ "lump coal" red hot and ready for
those big, juicy hamburgers and sausages. The food table was laid
out with salads galore, corn on the cob, and every
condiment one could think of! Everyone lined up and
anxiously awaited their burgers or sausages, cooked to
perfection by Chef Tony and Chef Kevin. The lines were a
little long, so some of us just stayed behind and poured
another glass of wine! After awhile, it was pretty quiet
as everyone enjoyed their lunches.
and I had a few "VP" announcements to make; we thanked
everyone for coming, and our Chefs Tony and Kevin for
their culinary expertise making this the best picnic
the height of the celebration, chilled champagne was
brought out and corks popped as we made the announcement
that LPR had a lot to celebrate: At the recent PCA
National Parade in Salt Lake City, LPR was a star, a
real winner, walking off with the many awards including
Steve Mitchell's 1st place award for the Prieta Post.
Loma Prieta took 2nd place for the Public Service Award
(which included a $1,000 check!) and 3rd place as Region
of the Year, thanks to Tom Provasi's excellent
submission. And Greg and Pam Ryder received a 3rd place
award for the fabulous new website. Our eight
autocrossers had fantastic finishes and Larry Sharp won
1st place in his class and 1st place overall for the
Tech Quiz! A toast went to all the winners and those
that made these wins possible, as well as the 58th
wedding anniversary of Charter Members Ken and June
Iles...because, after all...LPR is the Good Time Region
- it's all about the people, our friendship
and those fabulous cars we drive!
picnic isn't a picnic without a game or two. For the
kids, it was the beanbag toss and a dice game organized
by Kris, all with fabulous prizes because everyone is a
fun and games isn't reserved for the kids. The adults
indulged in their own form of play--the Beer Drinking
Contest! Participants included Tony Vanacore, Bob
Morgan, Steve Mitchell, Rosie and Ed Tavares, Sandy
Provasi, and June (never drank a beer in her life) Iles.
Wasn't Ken Iles surprised to see his June getting ready
to "suck it up"; of course, June blamed it all on Sandy
Provasi who "made" her do it. On the count of three,
everyone filled their vials with beer and proceeded to
drink, fill, drink, fill, until their bottles of beer
were empty and consumed, even though some of it was
spilled in all the excitement. After endless cheering,
the winner was Sandy Provasi! Again, everyone was a
winner and had a choice of great prizes!
time meant pies, cakes, cookies and Debbie's homemade
brownies! Yummy! Talk about being
the afternoon came to an end, everyone agreed it was a
perfect day--a fun old-fashioned Family Picnic in true
LPR Style! Thank you everyone for making this a special
event! So, same time next year?
To see the event photo album,
click on the Flickr icon
2012 Tour
by Porsche of Fremont
It's not too late to join in the
Lost Coast Tour
August 10-12,
us for a fabulous weekend tour to the Lost Coast and
through the forests of Northern California. Friday's
drive up will include a lunch stop in Geyserville
followed by dinner at the Scotia Inn, our hotel for the
tour. A complimentary continental breakfast will
served on Saturday morning before we tour the Humboldt
Redwoods State Park, Lost Coast and the Avenue of the
Giants; 31 beautiful miles of two-lane road lined with
giant redwood trees on each side. Dinner will be at a
Ferndale Restaurant. Sunday you'll be free to explore or
head back down the coast home. With only 22 rooms
available in the Scotia Inn, this tour is sure to be
sold-out quickly! Make your reservations now by calling
the hotel directly at 707-764-5338 and mention the
Porsche Club tour for a 20% discount. Reservations and
discounts are not available through the website. Tour
fee: $15 Questions? Contact Justin Gross at
408-848-0072 or
6 - 7, 2012
Join the Reeds and Bennetts for
this Blue Lakes Special. Mark your calendars now for
this exciting tour on October 6-7. Enjoy a leisurely
drive through the Napa-Sonoma vineyard-laced backroads.
We will lunch in eclectic downtown Calistoga before
challenging more back roads as we wend our way into
the Upper Clear Lake area. The day's activities will
culminate at the Lodge at Blue Lakes with a relaxing
cruise on the placid waters of Blue Lakes followed by
the usual good-times party.
On Sunday we will visit the Francis Ford
Coppola Winery, near Healdsburg, for shopping, tasting,
food, movie memorabilia and more. The cost will be $260
per couple, $195 single. Included in this package is
your lake front or mountain view room, dinner and
breakfast overlooking the lake, the LPR tour fee and an
electric-glide boat ride on the Blue Lakes.
This tour is currently sold
out. To get on the waiting list, please
contact Debbie Bennett at 408-926-1788
or lajeanbenet@yahoo.com.
to download a PDF of the Blue Lakes
Tour flyer
A Cheesy Photo
Substitute |
Contributed by Peter Ridgway
canceling the Really Cheesy Rallye due to cheesy issues,
I quickly substituted a Photo Rallye through the Santa
Cruz Mountains to Pescadero for lunch. Easy ride, nice
scenery and a few new roads. It wasn't until lunch that
Ken Iles told me I did the photo rallye wrong. I
politely disagreed. My rallye, my rules. I think the
results speak for themselves. It was an eight-car rallye
with Ken and June teaming up with Kevin and Debbie
Bennett in an SUV. Bob and Deb Frostholm joined the
rallye in their Jag along with John and Angie Reed, and
Steve and Jackie Mitchell in their Carreras. We also had
newcomers Seth and Ally Mills in their Boxster, Mike
Zampencini in his 944 and Tim Harris in his beautiful

Since we
were following one another, I gave each car a list of
the photos I was looking for and noted that judging
would be for both quality and quantity with special
credit for creativity. We got that in spades! The
winning photos by category are as follows:
stations or fire trucks: Kevin and Ken. They
went inside and did some recruiting!
John and Angie for quantity and tenacity
Looking for a blue bird: Jackie Mitchell for the cute
hand drawn picture of the Blue Pheasant restaurant's
Port-a-Potties or other "outdoor facilities":
The Ken and Kevin team captured Angie Reed in what I
considered a quality photo. But I did like the drive-by
port-a-potty shots.
Animals: Ken and Kevin. Also in contention for
strangest pic and Moons.
animals (road kill): Very close decision goes
to Ally Mills for taking a photo of Bob Frostholm
staging a road kill photo. Ally didn't realize Bob was
fooling around and decided to get the pic BEFORE
checking to see if he was OK! That's competitive.
Welcome to LPR Ally! Honorable mention to
Bob and Deb for their staged shot.
No one took any lake pictures, but to be honest, they
were hard to see from the road.
Space Park Signs: A tie between John and Angie,
and Ken and Kevin.
Definitely the Ken and Kevin team for quantity and
creativity. The quality is questionable!
Picture: Another close one but it goes to all
the pics of the Alice's Restaurant sculpture which was
what I was thinking when I included this category.
winners were Ken and Kevin, mostly because I'm still
laughing at their pictures.
See for yourself by clicking on the Flickr
icon below.
And to see the photo album of the Rallye
tour click here
the Road: LPR Favorite
We are a lucky bunch. We drive Porsches
and have access to some of the best driving roads in the
country. From our beautiful coastline and winding
mountain roads to the desert and ritzy city boulevards,
no place offers the driver diversity of California. In
fact, California's roads are often used for new car
testing. Death Valley is the favorite spot for hot
weather tests. In Southern California the Angele's Crest
Highway is often used to test new vehicles because of
its frequent and dramatic changes in
So where to go on that early morning
when you just have to hit the road? Our LPR members know
the best roads in the area. So tell us, what's your
favorite drive? Send your faves to lprpca@gmail.com. This
month's submission is from Porsche Personen Editor, Don
Hitting the Road with
There are too many great roads to
choose from, but these three are certainly at, or near,
the top of my list.

The Big Sur Hwy midweek (Hwy 1 between
Monterey & San Luis Obispo) headed
south so we
enjoy an unobstructed view of the coast. A
sunny day with the top down, of course! It's Hwy 1; need
I say more? Yes! See below for more!
Head south on Hwy 25 between Hollister
and Coalinga to Hwy 198 - a great and exciting road with
a variety of curves, whoops, straights, etc.
Portions of this road are a genuine "E" ticket! On the
other side of King City, catch Carmel Valley Rd into
Carmel/Monterey for wine tasting and lunch then Hwy
1/Hwy 17 home.
Saturday morning cruise (with my
Porsche buddies - wives optional). From Saratoga, go up
Big Basin Way (Hwy 9) then turn right onto Skyline Rd.
for a brisk run to breakfast at Alice's Restaurant. Sit
on the deck for a view of the cars, bikes and people. A
good option for the way home -- from Alice's, turn right
onto La Honda Rd. (Hwy 84) west (towards Santa Cruz)
then left onto Pescadero Rd., turn left again onto
Alpine Road. Alpine is a great "second gear" twisty,
which takes you back up to Skyline Rd. Cross Skyline Rd.
to Page Mill Rd. down towards Palo Alto then onto Hwy
280 south.
I paraphrase from a Road & Track
article I read many years ago:
- Car to drive: Porsche 911
- Road to drive: The Big Sur Hwy (Hwy 1)
- Who to bring: Your favorite sweetheart
- Tools to bring along: Simichrome (Do you remember
this polish? Get it? It's to polish your tools.)
- Music: None - listen to that sweet engine
Type of Porsche Owner are You?
Last month we looked at the Worrier who
frets constantly over every aesthetic or technical issue
on their beloved Porsche. This month focuses on the
vigilant Garage Queen.
These are the guys that will only drive
their Porsches if they are going to a Concours - and
only if they absolutely have to. Even if a Concours
requires that a car be driven rather than trailered, a
Garage Queen will try to figure how to trailer it
surreptitiously within a few blocks of the show, then
push it to the event so he doesn't stir up any dirt in
the engine compartment. If you are unlucky enough to
have a car that he perceives as competition, be
forewarned. The Queen will carefully scrutinize your car
while wearing a facial expression like he is examining a
turd. The Queen often has very good knowledge of the
historical details of his car because that knowledge
relates directly to how the car can be scored in a
Concours. This knowledge also allows him to lose first
place with dignity: "I guess John deserved to win first
place, although I am surprised that the judges ignored
the fact that he didn't have original tread-pattern
Continentals on his car". Garage Queens wouldn't think
of driving their cars "hard" because they didn't buy
them to drive, they bought them to collect trophies. The
best thing about Queens is that you probably won't see
them at any events other than Concours or shows unless
they also own a "driver" Porsche. The only exception to
all of this drivel is the Queen that owns, shows and
actually drives his car (even the Porsche factory pulls
out the 917's once in awhile so they can flog them on a
race track).
Cherry's Jubilee 2012 Driving
Event |
Sept 14 -
16 Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca
Cherry's Jubilee 2012 Driving Event at Mazda Raceway
Laguna Seca will be held on Friday Sept 14th through
Sunday the 16th. That's right! Three full days of track
driving. Put the date on your calendar and get ready for
a great event. This is a PCA sponsored event, but all
makes are welcome.
will open on Sunday morning, July 1st at 12:01 AM. We
look forward to seeing you at the event.
visit our new website to read about the experience and
luxury of attending our events. Details about the
upcoming September Laguna date are available here:
CDS Upcoming Events
tend to fill up rather quickly, so we will send out
another announcement before registration opens to ensure
you don't miss it.If you have friends that are not on
our mailing list and you think they might be interested,
then have them sign up at CoastalDriving.org
hotel/motel reservations now, while demand is low.
Accommodation prices are sure to increase as the date
gets closer, due to Cherry's Jubilee activities. Put it
on your calendar today!
Matthew Phillips * CDS Registrar and
Unclassified Ads |
to Sell
Boxster / Cayman (987
Gen II)
Standard mufflers that come on the Gen 2 Boxsters
and Caymans (2009 - 2012). These are NOT the Porsche
Sport Exhaust (PSE) mufflers.
Part Numbers:
These stock mufflers were removed from the car at
2,328 miles.
Price new from Porsche: $932 EACH. My price for the
muffler pair: $700.
Want to
911 transmission mount to replace '68 912 mount.
Brad Boardman @ (408) 431-0305 or brad@morgancenter.org
Unclassified ads are
available at no charge to PCA members. For inclusion in
the next issue of the Prieta Post, ad copy and photos
must be submitted to mailto:prietapost@gmail.com?subject=Unclassified%20Ad no
later than the 25th of the month. Ads must
be resubmitted each month to be included and will
run on a space available basis for a maximum of 3
months. Non-member fee is $10.00 per month per ad and is
due in advance. Checks should be made out to LPR/PCA and
sent to Loma Prieta Region PCA, PO Box 0705, Santa
Clara, CA
95052. |
| |
© 2012 Prieta Post. All rights reserved. The Prieta Post
is the offi cial publication of the Porsche Club
of America, Loma Prieta Region and is published monthly.
Written contributions and photographs are welcomed and can
be mailed to the editor. Opinions expressed are those of the
authors and do not necessarily represent the official
position of the Porsche Club of America, Loma Prieta Region,
its officers or members. Permission is granted to reprint
any material herein provided full credit is given to the
author and to the Prieta Post. PORSCHE®, the Porsche
Crest®, CARRERA®, and TARGA® are trademarks of Porsche AG. All
other trademarks or servicemarks are the property of their
respective owners. The editor shall reserve the right
to edit and publish only those articles felt to be in the
best interest of the members of the Porsche Club of
America. The DEADLINE for articles and advertisements
submitted for publication is the 10th of the month
preceding the month of publication. For commercial
advertising rates/options please email
us. | | |