Toys ? for Tots

by Emilie Highley


At 12:15, Santa ? (Tony Vanacore) arrived with Mrs. Clause  ? (Kris Vanacore) at the North Pole’s warehouse (aka 1468 Lesher Court). We loaded up their sleigh  ? (aka Porsche Cayenne), with all the toys collected from LPR members for the “Toys for Tots” program. The sleigh was packed, but there was still room for me to ride in the sleigh’s side car (OK, really the back seat).  We Elf’s don’t take up much room.


Off we went to one of the official Toys for Tots collection centers located at the Silicon Valley Moving & Storage facility. We were warmly greeted by Cheri Childs and the staff.   We unloaded all the toys and carefully put them alongside the many that had already been collected. Cheri shared with us a story about her son, Joey, who since the age of 6 has collected toys to help make the holidays merrier for those less fortunate.  Joey, now a teenager, last year collected over 2000 toys for the program and he hopes to beat that number this year!


Thank you LPR members for your generosity. . .Today definitely was “A Feel Good Day”.

Kris Vanacore

Kathy Musser

Emilie Highley

LPR’s Charity Committee