By Johnny and Kathy Musser

Porsche 356 ’57 Speedster

Saturday, October 17 promised to be a beautiful day for a drive. After all of the restrictions due to covid-19, we were very relieved to be able to enjoy some of the wonderful back roads in Santa Clara and Santa Cruz counties. Our start point was in Santa Clara county. Santa Cruz county is very restrictive about groups getting together. Ten beautiful Porsches and one BMW gathered together at a parking lot off of Almaden Expressway. This was quite a sight and several people stopped by to check out all of the cars.

We had a new member to LPR join us. Eric Jacobson had brought his beautiful 1957 Speedster complete with a Labradoodle. Alex and Amy Estuesta joined us. This was their first tour. Alex is active in Auto-Cross and decided to enjoy a casual drive. Steve Graham and Iain McNeill, also Auto-Crossers, joined us for this very worthwhile event.

Our Porsches departed the parking lot followed by Mike Zampiceni in his BMW Z4. It was great to see Mike and everyone. With the cancellation of so many events this year, it was wonderful to see each other. Of course, no hugs or handshakes and lots of face masks. I think that we all will be very happy when the “new normal” becomes more like our “old normal”.

The day was perfect for driving. The roads were very smooth (until we got to Santa Cruz county), little traffic, and not too many bicycles. Although the hills are all brown, the trees are definitely looking like it is fall. Lots of leaves are beginning to change their color which makes the scenery quite impressive. Our drive was an hour and a half to Jacob’s Heart. Unfortunately, we were unable to tour the facility or have a social gathering after the drive. We were able to stage our cars for a photo taken by John Reed. Hopefully, next year we will not have all of the restrictions and be able to have our post drive festivities.

I delivered the checks that we collected to Jacob’s Heart. The total amount donated on the tour was $1300.00 and the “Go Fund Me” site has collected $1650.00. Jacob’s Heart is so appreciative for the generosity of the members of LPR. Thank you very much for helping to make this charity event successful. This could not have been accomplished without the wonderful members of LPR.

See more photos in our online album here: