Present: John Reed, Angie Reed, Margie Jensen, Anne Roth, Lisa Radding, Dave Dunwoodie, Jim Turk, Iain McNeill, Steve Graham, Kathy Musser, Emilie Highley, Kris Vanacore, Robert Morgan, Kat Hsueh, Peter Ridgway.

Guests: Ed Tefankjian, Dana Drysdale.



September 1st, 2020     7:00 PM to 8:02 PM

Call to Order

August 2020 Board Meeting Minutes (distributed via email)

Suspend reading of August BOD meeting minutes. Robert proposed, Kathy seconded, no discussion voted unanimously.

Any corrections

Approval of the August BOD Meeting minutes. Iain proposed, Kathy seconded, no discussion voted unanimously

Board Member Reports:

President – John Reed

I received the monthly region report from PCA along with other correspondence which are available upon request.

Vice President – Lisa Radding

Presently working with Inn At Pasatiempo to verify details and scheduling for awards banquet.

Will provide more details re reservations and options in upcoming post. Looking unlikely for indoors Christmas/Awards event, Lisa will keep checking with the Back Nine. Possibly defer the awards to the 50th in March 2021.

Secretary – Iain McNeill

Nothing to report.

Treasurer – Margie Jensen

  • Recap: August 2020
  • INCOME: $ 1,457.00
  • EXPENSES: $ 4,932.99
  • NET INCOME: – $3,475.99

Income: PCA Quarterly Refund

Expenses were from: Autocross, Post

2020 Year to Date Financials

INCOME: $ 19,940.06

EXPENSES: $ 23,208.67

NET INCOME: -$ 3,268.61

As of August 31, 2020   1:45 p.m.

Current E-checking account balance is:  $ 3,370.64

Current Main Checking balance is:  $ 54, 190.59

Savings account balance is:  $  8,873.39

Need approval to renew CD in Sept. Comes up in March & Sept, 6 month CD, automatically renews.

Emilie asked about lost deposits for cancelled events. Kris recommends moving current deposits forwards for next year. Margie received refund from Cow Palace for AX last weekend.

Membership – Kathy Musser/Angie Reed

A membership welcome packet was sent to last month’s new member. I will send out welcome packets to the new members once voted in by the board. Name badges are available.

New Members from PCA (4)

William Condon from Capitola, 2013 Carrera S

John Franich from Scotts Valley, 1969 912 Targa

Dusty Hookey from Ben Lomond, 1990 911 Carrera 2

Chris Pruden from Great Britain

Vote to accept new members proposed by Iain,  seconded by Kathy,  no discussion, voted unanimously.

Transfers in (0)

Transfers out (3)

Non-Renewals for the month of August (7)

Member Renewals for the month of August (14)

Total Membership for the month of August:

Primary Members   324

Affiliate Members    208

Total Members      532


5 Years

David Whitlock

Gene Bettencourt

10 Years

James Thompson

30 Years

Dave Dunwoodie

Activities – Bob Morgan

Cancelled AX, others are still on the calendar, Rallye is October cancelled, moved Jacobs Heart from 3rd to 17th. Fremont in favor of keeping concours but waiting for final word from Pete.

Member-at-Large – Steve Graham

Board Member Status:   (A huge thanks to Emilie’ persuasiveness, and to those who have accepted to carry on the charge at LPR!)

  1. President:  No Candidate  …Peter Ridgway? (To be confirmed, has complications.  Possible joint President to be shared with John Reed)
  2. VP:  Kris Vanacore (Confirmed )
  3. Treasurer: Johnny Musser (Confirmed)
  4. Secretary:  Dana Drysdale (Big thanks!!!)
  5. Activities:  Bob Morgan continues  (Emilie has confirmed)
  6. Membership:  Iain McNeill (confirmed)
  7. Member At Large:  Steve Graham continues (confirmed)

Precedent set for sharing chairs so no changes needed to bylaws, which would have to be voted on anyway. Emilie is talking with a number of folk. Dana suggested that bylaws should be amended to reflect how we operate. If we can’t find board members then maybe the 2 year limit should be revised.

Steve proposed that bylaw amendment be circulated before next meeting and a recruitment message be placed on the website. Margie seconded, no further discussion, voted unanimously.

Chairperson Reports:

Advertising – Peter Ridgway

No activity, however I am going to try to get out next month. Some advertisers have cancelled their payments, no reasons given. Peter wants to go and talk with advertisers and come back with a proposal for advertising.

Autocross – Anne Roth & Dave Dunwoodie

AX was cancelled and refunded. Getting ready for Oct 13th. Working with other clubs to minimize equipment transport. Anne requested Bob ask Charlotte for insurance for Oct 13th.  Maybe one more event for October – stay tuned. $325 yearly maintenance and support needed for Pronto timing system. Payment proposed by  Margie, seconded by  Steve, no further discussion, voted unanimously.

Charity – Kathy Musser, Kris Vanacore, Emilie Highley

“A Spotlight on Charity” article/ad was submitted for the Post, Social Media and the website featuring both Jacobs Heart and Morgan Autism Center. The Jacobs Heart Event was moved to October 17 so as not to conflict with AX. The annual Kill-A-Kone for Morgan Autism Center will be part of the October 25th AX.

Because we can’t tour Jacob’s Heart’s facility, a GoFundMe site has been established (Big thanks to Johnny Musser!) We will do a round trip tour from Jacob’s Heart parking lot, with a potential photo op at the finish.

All the information for the Jacob’s Heart event have been posted to the web! Thank you Jim Turk!

We will do an additional push for Kill-A-Kone for the October Post etc.


Hospitality – Emilie Highley

While everyone seems to be in good health, we have had several of our members having

to evacuate due to the fires. . . Anne Roth, Gary & Kathy Goelkel and others. . . our thoughts

are with them to remain safe and hopefully able to return to their homes.

Last month I reported that a sympathy card was sent to the family of Richard Petticrew, long time

LPR member who retired to Arizona a few years ago and passed away last month.  I received a

wonderful note from his widow, Suzanne, thanking us for the card and thinking of them. In Suzanne’s words: “We so enjoyed the club and its friendly members. Thank you for bringing back so many fond memories.”


Prieta Post Editor – Kat Hsueh & Chris Dyer

We have received positive feedback on our newsletter format. We will continue to monitor this.

We have created a new column that features our members and it has also been well received. Please submit a story about yourself and your Porsche!

Finally, our newsletter received 3rd place in our class in the national newsletter contest with positive feedback as well. This is the first time we have entered the contest in years.


Public Relations – Ken Iles

Would it be possible for one of our techie types to produce a photo of all of the participants engaged in an LPR  virtual board meeting ? If so, I would be happy to submit it to Panorama”s “From The Regions” feature, and add a 30 word comment.


Rallye – Bob Frostholm

I see no reason to keep the rallye on the calendar. Maybe it will be a safer environment next year.


Safety & Tour– John Reed

All is safe, still!

The Jacob’s Heart Charity Tour is scheduled for Saturday, October 17th. Tony & Kris Vanacore are chairing the event. Check the Prieta POST and Social Media blasts for details.


Social Media – Peter Ridgway

Nothing to report.


Tech – Peter Ridgway

Nothing to report.


Webmaster – Jim Turk 

  • Placed the updated Policies and Procedures documents on the Link page
  • Updated the schedule to cancel August 29/30 AX’es
  • Updated the 2020 autocross season page to correct zone sponsorship. October 3 is LPR, October 4 is GGR, but NOT a zone weekend.
  • Updated the 2019 AX Season page to add results for YTD AX and individual AX’s
  • Replaced picnic flyer with one that has CANCELLED across it, in red letters.
  • Added picnic flyer as the third slide in the rotation.
  • AX 2020 season
    • Reactivated the PowerBI iframe
    • Added the October 3 and 4 AX’es
  • Updated the following plugins. No backup taken before update because an automatic plugin update had occurred, and a backup was taken then.
    • Updated JetPack to version 8.8.
    • Updated Yoast SEO from 14.6.1 to 14.7.

Old Business: 

 New Business:

Congrats Jim on 2nd place for best website.

Adjourn Meeting:      

NEXT MEETING – October 6th at 7:00pm – Zoom Conference/video-call

                                      Round Table Pizza, 14940 Camden Ave, San Jose – TBD at a later date