Present: Margie Jensen, John Reed, Angie Reed, Kris Vanacore, Anne Roth, Steve Graham, Lisa Radding, Dave Dunwoodie, Jim Turk, Iain McNeill, Bob Morgan, Kathy Musser, Doris Britschgi, Russ Britschgi, Emilie Highley, Peter Ridgeway

Guests:, Brad Boardman, Chris Dyer, Ed Tefankjian, Larry Sharpe, John Gould

Apologies:  Kat Hsueh, Ken Iles        


June 2nd, 2020     7:00 PM to 8:43 PM

Call to Order

May 2020 Board Meeting Minutes (distributed via email)

Suspend reading of May BOD meeting minutes, proposed by Kathy, seconded by Margie, no further discussion, voted unanimously.

Any corrections.

Approval of the May BOD Meeting minutes, proposed by Steve, seconded by Kathy, no further discussion, voted unanimously. 

Board Member Reports:

President – John Reed

Received the monthly region report from PCA as well as several updates on the corona virus and its impact on region events. These updates were sent to the LPR BoD and the Committee Chairs.

Vice President – Lisa Radding

We’ve updated the picnic to Sept 26th and have a possible August 8th on Hold. The Highley/Bennett 4th of July GTG will be postponed until further notice.

Secretary – Iain McNeill

Nothing to report

Treasurer – Margie Jensen


  • Recap: May 2020
  • INCOME: $ 1,333.00
  • EXPENSES: $ 00
  • NET INCOME: $ 1,067.18

Income: PCA Quarterly Refunds

Expenses were from Post, Post Office, refunds for 50th Anniversary

2020 Year to Date Financials

  • INCOME: $ 17,858.06
  • EXPENSES: $ 9,128.78
  • NET INCOME: $ 8,729.28

Much discussion on how to spend excess funds to prevent additional year-end tax filing requirements. Donations to charity were discussed but there were doubts as to whether our bylaws allow donations from general funds. Steve will look at language for new bylaws to be written.

Option of putting money in the CDs was discussed but it was not clear if this resolved the issue with the IRS limit.

Proposal to spend $3250 for trailer repairs and upgrades was proposed by Kathy, seconded by Steve, no further discussion, voted unanimously.

Membership – Kathy Musser & Angie Reed

New Members from PCA (3)

Rick Hochler from Scotts Valley, 2008 911 Carrera 4S Cabriolet

Eric Jacobson from Boulder Creek, 1958 356 Speedster

Richard Myers from Aptos, 2019 911 Carrera GTS Cabriolet

Transfers in (0)

Transfers out (0)

Non-Renewals for the month of May (11)

Member Renewals for the month of May (20)

Total Membership for the month of May:

Primary Members   329

Affiliate Members    208

Total Members      537


10 Years

Uwe Schaefer

Damian Hajduk

15 Years

Charles Leiter

20 Years

Barry Pangrle

45 Years

Ronald Reak

Bob Ross

The new member welcome packet will be sent soon. Name badges are still on hold.

Margie proposed accepting new members, Kathy seconded, no discussion, voted unanimously.

Activities – Bob Morgan

LPR Calendar

The LPR calendar is up to date showing cancellations for upcoming events until early July except as noted below

Please provide information to Bob Morgan ASAP (, so I can update the calendar with RSVP information, etc.


Tony Vanacore’s Wild Weiner Tour is on the calendar for June 13. Insurance form has been received. Communicable Disease waiver (PCA Form) is required of all participants, see new business comments. Facemasks are also required.


Waiting to hear of new plans.


The LPR/Zone 7 Concours at Porsche of Fremont has been rescheduled to October 11th.


The 50th anniversary Rallye has been cancelled. Waiting to hear if it has been rescheduled


Thirsty Thursday for June has been cancelled, July is tentative.

The July 4th Highley/Bennett GTG is still on the calendar.

New Business

PCA has issued a new Communicable Disease waiver which will need to be signed by any/all participants in any/all LPR events. The waiver, once signed, is valid till May 26, 2021. This will be discussed during New Business.

Member-at-Large – Steve Graham

Need to gather a proposed list of events for awards. Steve will send out email for ideas to augment existing awards for this light year.

Chairperson Reports:

Advertising – Peter Ridgway 

I’ve talked to a few advertisers and most seem OK with moving to non-printed POST but a few are not excited about it.  Without being able to sit down with them to discuss the issues, it’s impossible to resolve.  I’ve tried a few phone calls and it’ll take more than that for the ones that don’t get it.

Autocross – Anne Roth & Dave Dunwoodie

3 AX dates at Cow Palace, Aug 29/30, Sept 13th, Oct 24/25 (kill-a-kone) will be shared Zone 7 weekends with GGR. Insurance needs to be filed promptly. Invoices for Cow Palace need to be paid quickly to lock in these dates, Anne, Dave, Ed, Bob and John will coordinate paperwork.

Covid 19 waivers need to be signed in advance, Anne will work with Bob & Dave to get legal paperwork flowing through Motorsportreg in efficient manner.

The vote to send the autocross deposit check of $1,875.00 was approved following the meeting via email vote. John Reed made the motion. Bob Morgan seconded. There was no discussion and the motion passed.

Charity – Kathy Musser, Kris Vanacore, Emilie Highley

Hope to have Kill-A- Kone this year and are working on plans for a Jacob’s Heart tour. Everything depends upon shelter-in-place.

Emilie Highley – Hospitality

While LPR Members are still Sheltering In Place, Bill Highley had a Mitral Valve Surgical Procedure.

He is home, getting stronger and under the care of Nurse Emilie. . . aka Miss Hospitality!

Many members have called to check in on us which is very much appreciated.

Emilie is spoiling Bill with all of his favorite foods and root beer floats AND In n’ Out Burgers (his favorite)

Please reach out to me if you know of someone that is ill, lost a loved one, or just needs a card of ‘cheer’. . .

Prieta Post Editor – Kat Hsueh

– Chris Dyer has volunteered to help with the newsletter – Jim and I have pulled him in to look at more digital features we could have for an online newsletter

– May/June POST just posted online–contains two months of meeting minutes and Collin Fat’s articles.

Public Relations – Ken Iles

Submitted an appropriate photo of June Iles in her Porsche wearing a face mask, and waving goodbye to the Coronavirus.

Rallye – Bob Frostholm

Nothing to report.

Safety – John Reed

We’re still all safe and well!

Social Media – Peter Ridgway

Still trying to keep up with the Blasts.   Considering maybe a 1st of the month Blast in addition to the mid-month.   With so little going on, it’s really not an issue until things open up.

Tech – Peter Ridgway

Nothing to report.

Tours – Russ and Doris Britschgi

The Vanacores’ Backroads Tour will take place Saturday, June 13 with social distancing at the drivers’ meeting and no stops. Details are in the May-June POST.

Kris proposes to waive the $5 tour fee, Kathy seconds, no discussion, voted unanimously.

Kris will make sure everyone signs the Covid 19 release form.

There’s nothing else to report due to the Corona Virus unknowns.

 Webmaster – Jim Turk 

Added a WordPress block editor (Elementor) to the Staging site for potential use

as a drag’n’drop editor for the POST as a blog.

Covid-19 release form is on the web site for one and all.


Old Business: 

LPR 50th Anniversary Update


 New Business:

COVID-19 Release Form is now a 1-page document, once you sign it, its good for the year. 

Adjourn Meeting:      

NEXT MEETING – Tuesday, July 7th at 7:00pm – Conference/video Call Pending

Round Table Pizza, 14940 Camden Ave, San Jose