LPR Board Meeting Minutes, April 2024

Present: President – Dana Drysdale; Vice President – Honore D’Angelo; Secretary – Sheila Dunwoodie; Treasurer – Andy Ward; Member at Large – Homer Pitner; Membership – Kathy Musser,  Additionally, Activities Chairs – AX  – Dave Dunwoodie;  Webmaster – James Turk; Tour – Hugh Calvin; Prieta Post – Donald Chaisson; Social Media – Dana Ambrisko; Technical – Peter Ridgway; Charity – Kris Vanacore

Absent:  Activities – Greg Sickal; Hospitality Chair – Emilie Highley; Technical – Peter Ridgway; Charity – Kris Vanacore; Safety – John Reed

April 9, 2024, 7:00 PM to 7:35PM

Call to Order

President Dana called the meeting to order at 7:00PM.   

Board Member Reports:

President – Dana Drysdale

March 12, 2024 Board Minutes:  President Dana asked the Board to approve the March 2024 Board minutes. 

Ayes:  6   Noes:  None    Motion Passed

Update to Subsidy Planning:  Please see the post meeting minutes for 3/12 meeting, let me know of any problems. 

Events with Stevens Creek Porsche:  Stevens Creek is putting on great events, I will work on getting earlier notice.  The Main Street Porsche and Pastry events should be great events, will see if we can encourage another. 

Update from Brian Adkins:  17 Z7 members registered for Parade.  AX is on the Barber Motorsports AX course with a carousel.

Great reports and activities from everyone.  Thanks to all!

Vice President – Honore D’Angelo

We were able to secure a date for a Thirsty Thursday on 5/23 at Jakes of Saratoga. 

Also, we have coordinated with MBR to host an Oktoberfest Tour which will be on our side of the hill and will end up at Brookdale Lodge for lunch.  The event will take place on Saturday, 9/21 and details about the tour will follow later. 

Can these two events be added to the Calendar, Facebook page and the Post?  Thank you to all for your assistance. 

Following is the VP report for March 2024 – see you all on Tuesday Evening.  

4/28/2024 – Cars and Coffee – Brookdale Lodge – Brookdale
5/02/2024 – Thirsty Thursday – Beer Thirty – Santa Cruz
5/12/2024 – Cars and Coffee – Carpos in Santa Cruz
5/23/2024 – Thirsty Thursday – Jakes of Saratoga – Saratoga
6/06/2024 – Thirsty Thursday – Kelly Brewing Company – Morgan Hill
6/09/2024 – Cars and Coffee – Carpos in Santa Cruz
7/13/2024 – LPR Summer Picnic – Roaring Camp
7/14/2024 – Cars and Coffee – Carpos in Santa Cruz
8/01/2024 – Thirsty Thursday – Beer Thirty – Santa Cruz
8/11/2024 – Cars and Coffee – Carpos in Santa Cruz
9/05/2024 – Thirsty Thursday – Kelly Brewing Company – Morgan Hill
9/15/2024 – Cars and Coffee – Carpos in Santa Cruz
10/03/2024 – Thirsty Thursday – Beer Thirty – Santa Cruz
10/13/2024 – Cars and Coffee – Carpos in Santa Cruz
12/01/2024 – Toys for Tots Tour
12/07/2024 – Awards Banquet – BackNine Restaurant in Pasatiempo

Secretary – Sheila Dunwoodie

Thank you for your reports in advance of the meeting!

Treasurer – Andy Ward

Please see attached Treasurer’s Reports for March, 2024, and year-to-date.

One item requires a bit of explanation: our March expenses are shown as a negative number because I cancelled two uncashed checks from 2021, totaling $7,820, which more than offset our other expenses for the month.

Also, I created some new Income and expense categories to help us keep track of specific activities. On this report you will see the new Sponsorship category.  Previously, we categorized sponsorship income and expenses under Prieta Post income/expenses.  I also created a new category for non-member income, so we can better track that type of income in light of the requirement that non-member income not exceed 15% of total income. You will see that category used in next month’s report in conjunction with our autocross receipts.

During April I will begin preparation for our annual not-for-profit tax statements, as well as our California incorporation documents with the Secretary of State.

As always, please let me know if you have any specific questions or concerns about our financial statements.

  • Recap: March Financials
    • Expenses: $ -4,595
    • Income: $ 5,492
    • Net Income: $ 10,087
  • Income was: Sponsorships, Member Income (Region Rebate), Interest
  • Expenses were: Autocross (includes reversed checks), Misc., GTGs
  • Recap YTD Financials, Jan 1 to March 31, 2024:
    • Expenses: 11,008
    • Income: $ 6,872
    • Net Income: $ -4,136

We have insurance on the trailer and should receive cards soon.

Membership – Kathy Musser

New Members from PCA (2)

Carol Liang from Los Gatos, 2024 911 Carrera Cabriolet
David Muniz from Mountain View, 2005 911 Carrera Cabriolet

Transfers in (1)

Lawrence Lane from Maverick, 2021 911 Carrera Cabriolet

Transfers out (1)

Non-Renewals for the month of March (9) 

Member Renewals for the month of March (21) 

Total Membership for the month of March:

Primary Members 374
Affiliate Members 232
Total Members 606

5 Years
Jason Anderlite

15 Years
Paul Griep

20 Years
Jon Mulberg
Roger Craig

25 Years
Emilie Highley

Proposal:  Kathy proposes we accept the new members.  Second: Dana D. Ayes:  6  Noes:  None  Motion passes

Activities – Greg Sickal

Absent – Report Submitted

LPR Calendar
* Updated the calendar with various changes
* Email any calendar additions/changes for tours, GTG’s and other events to me at activities@lprpca.org

* Submitted insurance for Cars and Coffee at Brookdale Lodge on April 28

Discussion:   Insurance is not necessary for Cars and Coffee.   However, insurance was requested per Brookdale Lodge request.

Member-at-Large – Homer Pitner

Nominations committee
Held first meeting, will continue on a monthly cadence

New National bylaws review
Received Nomination committee inputs on changes need to National Template, first draft of changes will be ready for review next Nomination Committee meeting

Discussion:  Dana D. will be reaching out to everyone to see whether or not they want to serve next year.

Chairperson Reports:

Autocross – Dave Dunwoodie

AX #2 April 6th went well with 56 drivers and our new trailer. There were many compliments on the trailer and the GGR president & AX Chair were very interested and taking notes.

All the receipts are in on the trailer and unfortunately came over my approved budget ($15,000). Taxes and fees for the trailer came out to more than I anticipated, I estimated $2K for graphics that came out to $2800, and didn’t account for the lumber and hardware needed to outfit the interior of the trailer. I would like board approval for an additional $1,682.52.

Final Proposed Budget

Trailer $13082.78
Graphics $2800
Lumber & Hardware $799.74
Total $16,682.52

I also need board approval for our June AX at Salinas for about $4,000 for site fees, tow driver, sandwiches and waters.

Proposal:  Honore proposes we approve final proposed budget for trailer of $16,682.52.  Second: Kathy   Ayes: 6   Noes:  None   Motion passes

Proposal:  Andy proposes we approve June AX fees of up to $4,000.00.  Second: Homer   Ayes: 6   Noes:  None   Motion passes

Charity  – Kathy Musser, Kris Vanacore, Emilie Highley

We are getting our heads around this years’ Jacob’s Heart Charity fund raising tour event.  The PCA Charity Subsidy will be requested for Morgan Autism Center this year and will be submitted this week. Canepa has confirmed that we can begin the Sept. 14 Jacob’s Heart tour/charity event at their location.  I’ve asked for a shop walk-thru and they will let me know.  We plan to meet at Canepa’s and tour the facility and museum and then tour to Jacob’s Heart.  Charity will begin advertising with a save the date as soon as possible.   More to come on this.

Hospitality – Emilie Highley

Update on June Iles. . . I had lunch with June on Thursday.  She looks good, is eating well.   We spent time talking about LPR, I gave her updates on upcoming events.   Sue & Greg Sickal and Esper have visited (Sue always brings her chocolates and Esper brings her gummy bears – I bring cat food and cat litter !).    June is always interested in Bill’s health, so we discussed that as well.   On a funny note – June asks “Do I have enough money?”    I reassure her that her finances are in great shape!

Update on John Reed. . .Spoke with John on Saturday – since his discharge from the hospital, he spends the majority of his day sitting with his leg elevated on the ‘wound vac’.   As for walking around, the most he does at the moment is walk with his walker to the bedroom or bathroom – the wound vac is portable, so it goes wherever John goes!  I can tell that John is bored, so just chatting with him cheers him up – calls and cards are much appreciated.   He is bummed that he is not able to attend the festivities at the Bennett’s – “Ken Iles Memorial You Turn Tour” – I spoke with Debbie Bennett and she promises to send lots of pictures!!!

Dana D. will plan to stop by to visit June to give her Ken’s Zone 7 Award.   He believes Peter has given John his award.  He will also plan to talk with John about procedures to update the Sponsors boards.

Prieta Post Editor – Don Chaisson

The Mar/Apr issue went out on March 11th.   As usual, we had a large number of people open and read the issue on the first three days out, this issue had 295 views, and then another 50 views with the Dana Ambrisko “bounce” when she sent out her mid-month enews blast.  There were quite a few people that viewed the issue a couple times, but there were 221 non-repeated audience readers for the issue.  That is over half the region!!!

The next POST for May/June will have some good featured articles:
*       An interview with John D’Angelo about his appointment to Chair of the Nomination Committee (or NomCom for short as I found out!!)
*       A nice contribution about the Patrick’s Day GTG by Bob Frostholm.   We are going back and forth about layout but it will be a good article when done.
*       A report about the Fanatec GT race at Sonoma — a lot of interesting details and a great Porsche GT3-R victory over some serious AMG competition — spoiler alert, I don’t like Mercedes Benz race cars!
        This will be this issue’s Porsche Motorspots feature, which will be a recurring feature. — PCA loves to see such in the newsletters/e-zines!                   
*       A short update on the new LPR Autocross trailer — I need some photos of the final livery.  It was a fun couple days work party, but hats off to Dave and Peter for getting the new trailer bought (sorry if I missed someone else)
*       Dana’s report on the Zone 7 awards gala…. Several LPR luminaries were honored there, so we should reprise the awards in this issue!!

I should also be able to get something in for the LPR Cars and Coffee at Fremont Porsche.   Also, something from the Easter Parade if that happened in the poor weather??  (Cancelled due to weather.)

Looking even more on the horizon, I’d love to get a nice story about LPR auto crossing… if people are interested — they should be as it is a big deal for our region.   For sure, we can do updates on the yearlong completion and particular LPR performances in the LPR events.   

I won’t be able to make the IMSA race at Laguna, so any reports from that will be Porsche news feeds.   But WERKS is down the road. 

Also, will need a write-up on Ken Iles’s tour.

Public Relations – Open

Absent – Report Submitted by John Reed:

If anyone has an event photo (or two) that could possibly be used in From the Regions section of Pano, please let me know and we can go from there.

(We are looking for someone to take this position – basics are sending photos, possibly an article into Panorama.  John is happy to continue taking pictures, but anyone should feel free to take photos.)

Safety – John Reed

Absent – Report Submitted

The PCA Observer’s Report for the April LPR autocross was submitted in a timely manner. The release forms are in transit to the LPR Activities Director. There were no incidents to report. Thanks again to Ed Tefankjian for the help.

Tour – Hugh Calvin

BoD authorized Tour fee waivers for tours in 2024.

Next scheduled Tour is the Ken Iles Memorial You Turn Tour on 13- April.  

Further out:  Forest Bathing Tour on 16-June.  Year-end tours: Jacob’s Heart (14-Sep), Oktoberfest Joint Tour with MBR (21-Sep), Ole Amigos Tour (2-Nov), and Toys for Tots Tour (1-Dec). 

Social Media – Dana Ambrisko

  • March Mid-month Blast was sent on the 15th
    • Emailer Statistics from the March Mid-month Blast:
      • Total Num Address = 498 Total Num Opted out = 14 Total Num sent = 484
  • April Blast Update was sent on the 1st
    • Emailer Statistics from the April Blast Update:
      • Total Num Addresses = 499   Total Num Opted out = 14   Total Num sent = 485
  • My apologies for omitting the April 9th Board Meeting date from the April Blast Update. I overlooked it
  • April Mid-month Blast will be sent on or around the 15th

Nothing else to report.

Tech – Peter Ridgway

Absent – Report Submitted

Not much to report.   Sponsorship income is starting to come in.  Still chasing down 4 or 5.  Always the fun part of the job!

No new tech sessions scheduled.   Please try to show up for the Fremont Porsche Cars and Coffee on the 21st!   Got to keep our sponsors happy.

Webmaster – Jim Turk 

  • Performed WordPress maintenance
  • Updated a few links for the POST
  • Added some information to the home page for various upcoming events
  • Posted the St. Patrick’s Day photos

Old Business:  None

New Business: Hybrid board meeting planned for May 14 in San Jose.   Dana A. needs details for the April 15 mid-month blast.

Adjourn Meeting:  Meeting adjourned by President Dana at 7:35 PM

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