Contributed by Kevin Bennett

Debbie and I had driven up from Fresno the day before and, as we were staying with the Highley’s and become involved with Emilie and her immediate preparations for the 50 + 1 LPR Anniversary Gala, we arrived early to set out table decorations and assist in any way we could. We had picked up the chief patron of the party, Kris Vanacore, looking lovely and somewhat Scandinavian with her blonde hair in a French braid, and upon arrival, she and Emilie bustled about dealing with all of the final little details as zero hour approached. We had staked out a table that would provide a clear view of the festivities and one of the first couples to arrive, Doug & Dana Ambrisko, serendipitously joined us (to be explained later). Esper Kershaw and her regular companion, Adrian, joined us to fill out our table.

Managing through the cocktail hour was a challenge. I have always been bad at remembering names but my years publishing the POST and doing the captions, plus seeing folks at the many events we attended kept names and faces fresh in my mind. A year and a half of sheltering coupled with the gradual degradation of my hearing made maneuvering through what was otherwise a joyous reunion almost a daunting task. Debbie, at these events, is like a honey bee in a garden, pollinating every single table. I am usually the opposite… like the beautiful rose in the corner waiting to be visited. It didn’t take long for me to realize that the social isolation of the past year had altered the landscape such that everyone was so excited to be out and, literally, rubbing elbows, that no one was bored enough to seek me out. So… I went about spreading my own pollen. Chatted with the Hallocks: Hal told a golf story and Diana wants to come to Fresno to donate items to the Fresno Historical Society. Jim & Lyn Metz arrived and Lyn was the only one to notice I’d lost a little weight. Always pleased to see Christina Vincent, whose shoes were sophisticated but rather conservative and not what I’ve come to expect, and met her significant other. Vince Vincent was there, and I’m happy to say, with a date… first time I’ve seen him with a woman since Beverly passed.

Dinner was called and I sat between Debbie and Dana Ambrisko. Debbie was next to Emilie, and that was the direction to which most of Debbie’s conversation flowed. That left me to hold up the social obligation with Dana and Doug. I did okay, I guess, talking, among other things, about their daughter, Ashley, who was a force to deal with in the youth racing scene. Kris Vanacore announced a ‘70s name that tune contest that consisted of just the intros to ten songs. Here is where the serendipity came in. I am somewhat well known for trivia acumen and was immediately appointed table captain through unanimous acclaim. The contest started and as each of the song snippets were played, we almost all stared at each other in complete ignorance, that is except Dana Ambrisko. It wasn’t until the ninth song (Jeremiah Was a Bullfrog) that I, or anyone other than Dana was able to suggest the song title. We ended up with a non-winning, but respectable 7 out of 10, which would have been an embarrassing 1 out of 10 without Dana. Thanks, Dana.

The program highlights included recognition of three founding members present; Terry & Judy Zacone and Esper Kershaw: Terry Zacone read a speech written by LPR’s godfather, Ken Iles, who, unfortunately, could not be present: the Region received recognition from PCA National: all the past presidents in attendance were called forward for a picture: John Reed received recognition for his unwavering support of the Region having joined just 6 months after LPR’s inception. Finally, Kris Vanacore was nearly overcome with emotion as she was honored for her efforts in putting this event together in the face of all the challenges associated with the preceding 18 months. Then, the program was fini… on to the danse(sic)…

I dragged Sue Sickal to the back of the room and sat her down for a conversation and just got into it when Dick and Mary Wallace came over and hovered (maybe the rose still has some draw!) So I cut it short with Sue and found that Dick wanted to ask about the friend of mine from the Indian Mafia who bought his Boxster. I chatted with them for a while then drifted over for a short exchange with Bob Morgan who is apparently happy in “retirement”, contracting with his old company making more money with half the hours of when he was “working” there. Then I saw Mike Zampiceni hovering and spent some time with him. He is one of only two people I’ve known who bailed on the Bay Area and then actually came back. Sunnyvale to Sacramento to Hayward. He said it is a bit of a comedown but I’d say it is at least close enough to participate in all things LPR. My last chat was with Ed Tefankjian who had both knees replaced in the past few years and he is ebullient with the result. Ed has ten years on me and is surely spryer than me. I am having some joint issues and am glad to hear that there is praise from some for these procedures.

The evening wound down without me ever touching the dance floor, a real anomaly for me, but there were just too many peeps with whom to talk. A big hug, wet kiss and booming THANK YOU to Kris Vanacore and her minions for pulling off this event under difficult circumstances.