Member Appreciation Picnic
by Nancy Calvin (photos by John Reed)
In contrast to the relentless high temperatures in other parts of the state, weather on the Central Coast couldn’t have been nicer for the annual Member Appreciation Family Picnic at Roaring Camp Railroads in Felton. With temperatures in the 80s and the marine layer receding unusually fast we were in for a lovely day.
Under the capable leadership of first-time LPR Vice President Honore D’Angelo and the generous assistance of her husband John, everything was in place and ready to go by 11am when the first few cars came rumbling in. Doug Ambrisko, Dave Dunwoodie, John D’Angelo, John Gould and Hugh Calvin skillfully guided each beautiful car onto the designated lawn by waving orange flags in very official-looking patterns. I don’t know if the flag movements had any significant meaning, or if the drivers even knew how to follow them, but I concluded they did since in the end the job was pulled off without a hitch. Wow, what a crew!
Maybe we could offer valet parking next year?

Getting participants moving toward the registration table was another story since the cars demanded an immediate audience. But Dana Ambrisko and Sheila Dunwoodie made up for lost time by efficiently checking people in and handing out their meal choice color-coded wristbands. At that same registration table, Judi Jones and I helped Peter distribute the new, hot-off-the-press LPR Membership Directories.

In all, there were 64 guests consisting of 59 adults and 5 kids and a good number of dogs brought by their families. The dogs were fun to watch and, judging by all the wagging tails, they really enjoyed their day in the park with other canine friends both old and new. The kids played horse shoes and when they weren’t playing with the dogs, they were seen hurrying through lunch in order to edge their way toward the S’mores-making party which has become a tradition over the years. This year the marshmallows were roasted under the tutelage of Sue Sickal and Kate Damian. The adults – now full from their own delicious food choice – settled into chatting and catching up with other members. And there were several new members participating in the picnic: Fabio Cerdeiral and the Damian Family (Mihai and Kate, their twin girls and their beautiful German Shepard, Heidi). Our new Zone 7 Rep Brian Adkins also mingled and introduced himself to many members during the course of the day. Welcome Brian!

Unbelievably, some members had saved enough energy for a few rounds of Bingo which were led by Bill Bauer this year. Although the Bingo rounds looked friendly enough to the untrained eye, seasoned players knew there was no question “all eyes were on the prize.” The first kitty was $76 and the second a whopping $87 – more than sufficient cash for any one player to retire on. While John D’angelo called out numbers, Bill was kept busy breaking up all the fights!

At the end of the day, I’m not sure who was more worn out – the kids, the dogs or the adults! Whatever happened, rest assured there will be great photographs by our fabulous resident photographer John Reed (more picnic pics can be viewed here). Thus, another delightful Member Appreciation Family Picnic goes down in the LPR history books!