HILARIOUS HATS Christmas Party December 3, 2022 By Nancy Calvin (photos by John Reed)
“Ma Mama always told me…Forrest, ya gotta be present to win…”, or something like that.
Anyway, all of us at the Hilarious Hats PCA Christmas Party won big time. And I’m not just talking about material gifts raffled and awarded, but in friendships both old and new. Members from across every aspect of LPR joined in on the fun. And given the well-deserved moniker Loma Prieta has earned –“The Good Time Region” – we weren’t surprised to see a few members from the Golden Gate and Diablo Regions there too. The more, the merrier!
As we headed through the lobby of the Inn at Pasatiempo we spotted the registration table manned by Dana Ambrisko, Kris Vanacore, Emily Highly and Honore D’Angelo. Hmmm… indulge me here, can I say …table staffed by the ladies? Great familiar old time rock ‘n roll tunes from The Jerry Sauceda Band emanated in the background adding to the ambiance while everyone mingled. Moving on to the next ‘station’, we picked up jingly bells and blinking Christmas light necklaces with which to adorn ourselves. At this table we could also purchase additional raffle tickets for the benefit of Toys for Tots .
We wasted no time getting wasted — Peter clearly had a head start ;) A No Host Bar and appetizers got the party rolling nicely. Claiming our chairs at one of the beautifully appointed round tables, we dropped our green and red raffle tickets into the appropriate bags on our table and crossed our fingers for whatever they promised. A new Porsche perhaps? Or the chance to pick a model from Tony Vanacore’s vast fleet? I guess we’d have to wait and see.
As people were encouraged to take their seats, Peter extended a warm welcome while Kris got an early start raffling off a few of the incredible items at the front of the room. As Kris collected a ticket from a bag on one random table at a time, she called out the winning number and people at that table feverishly checked their ticket stubs. The winners got to go up front and pick out something that appealed to them, and as an early raffle winner, I can testify there was something for everyone. A difficult decision indeed. Peter could be heard in the background cracking jokes and spreading his usual good cheer as he meandered around the tables.
Next, draws were made to select the order each table was invited to the buffet spread. Good thing because our noses were already sensitive to the incredible smells wafting from far yonder and they were torturing us. The food didn’t disappoint; it seemed to be unanimous that this year’s gourmet offerings were exceptionally good! We chewed and chatted and chewed and chatted until we couldn’t chew or chat ‘no more.’
A few more raffles were done before the 2023 Board Members were introduced. The new members left us feeling confident we were in great hands moving forward. A big round of applause for all those who stepped up to fill these roles!
President – Dana Drysdale
Vice President – Honore D’Angelo
Secretary – Sheila Dunwoodie
Treasurer – Andy Ward
Activities – Bob Morgan
Member at Large – John Gould
Membership – Kathy Musser
Following the new Board members, a variety of LPR awards were given.
The Event Awards Winners are selected by the membership from all the Good Time Gatherings, parties, competitive and educational events. They honor events that were enjoyable, memorable and worthy of “The Good Time Region.” Eligible events take place from October through the following September and in two categories:
Debbie & Kevin Bennett Good Time Gathering Award Specialty Event which was tied by:
– Caroline and John Eiskamp, hosts, Jacobs Heart Tour Lunch
– The Charity Committee – (accepted by Kathy Musser)
The Jim Kershaw Memorial Tour Awards These awards are selected by the membership to honor the memory of Jim Kershaw, a founding member of LPR, who especially loved tours where he helped LPR earn “The Good Time Region” reputation. Eligible events take place from October through the following September and in two categories, One-Day Tour and Overnight Tour. There were no overnight tours this year; the One-Day Tour was awarded to:
–THE BLACKHAWK TOUR – Bill and Kate Weir
Specialty Event Award
Tied by:
-THE FAMILY PICNIC – Kris Vanacore
Loma Prieta Region Service Awards
The Harry Reed Memorial Award is voted on by the membership and is presented to the Worker of the Year, a member who consistently works to make events successful, often working “behind the scenes” to make events enjoyable and run smoothly. It is awarded in memory of Harry Reed, LPR’s only honorary member, who worked tirelessly for LPR while never owning a Porsche.
– Jim Turk
The Enthusiast Man of the Year Award chosen by the membership, this award goes to the man who best exemplifies the spirit of LPR. He enjoys and participates in all aspects of LPR including tours, events, autocross and/or rallies. He may be a member of the Board or be a chairperson, or he may contribute in other areas. He is not self-promoting but works for the betterment of LPR.
– Peter Ridgway
The Kathy Reed Memorial Award This Enthusiast Woman of the Year Award is determined by a membership vote and given to the woman who, like Kathy Reed, has demonstrated enthusiasm and warmth, a willingness to organize, compete, host events and do whatever she can to make LPR “The Good Time Region.”
– Kris Vanacore
The Janell Lund Memorial Newcomer of the Year Award Voted on by the membership, this award honors a member that enthusiastically jumps right in, getting involved by putting on tours and/or Good Time Gatherings. It may or may not be the member’s first year of LPR membership.
– Julio Ortiz & Edna Vilozny
Auto Cross Awards
The Ken Iles Competition Driving Award as determined by the Activities Director, Autocross Chair and Rallye Chair, is awarded to a member who reflects the true spirit of Competition, good sportsmanship, and is an enthusiastic steward of competitive driving, sportsmanship and LPR.
– Himanshu Patel
All recipients were thanked for their specific contribution to the club and invited to come up for their award and a photo op.
Dana Ambrisko was acknowledged for the INCREDIBLE centerpieces on each of our tables. They were hand constructed by Dana and I was in total awe, knowing the hours she must have put into this work. A clear dome covered a miniature winter home scene that centered on a white house adorned with a wreath and snow-covered evergreen trees and yard. There were walkways of pebbles, bushes of moss and scattered ‘logs’. On close inspection one could spot a snowman and miniature Porsche with Christmas tree tied to the roof. Amazing! And in a spirit of generosity Dana made extras that were raffled off, bringing in $165.00 for Toys for Tots.
And last, but not least, we can’t forget the Hilarious Hats which ran the gamut from upside down Santa legs, faux pizzas, blinking light creations to reindeer ears. And the winning hat, a construction of an autocross start signal, which according to Wikipedia is also known as a “Christmas Tree”, went to…
– JimTurk
As we scraped our desert plates clean of the Tiramisu and Cannoli, the band started up and those who could still move danced the night away.
The way I see it, the annual Christmas Party serves not just as a celebration of the year gone by, but an opportunity to acquaint ourselves with new friends, and perhaps get inspired to join or try out one of the other activity groups in the coming year.